

单词 击中要害
释义 文馨英漢☞擊中要害击中要害 jīzhòng yàohàihit the nail on the head; hit home击中要害 jī zhòng yào hài have hit at the nub of ...; come (get; go; hit; strike) home; cut ... to the quick; have stung ... to the quick; hit sb.'s vital point; hit sb. where it hurts; strike at the root of; touch sb.'s tender spot:  他的分析的确击中要害, 我自己从未有过那样的见解。 His analysis really hit home. I had never seen myself in that light before.  他的批评击中了要害。 His criticism hit home. 击中要害a.home打中目标的;击中要害的,中肯的;强有力的ad.home打中目标地;击中要害地;彻底;深深地;切实地int.touché一针见血,击中要害;说得对(辩论等中用以表示承认他人的论据充足或指控有力等)phr.hit the needle射中靶子;击中要害strike home击中要害;取得意想的结果;被深刻领会go home(矢、话等)击中要害hit home击中要害,说到点子上on target击中要害的;准确的击中要害1. to hit home; to strike home击中要害hit the nail on the head; hit sb.'s vital point; hit home♦ 你批评得对, 击中了我的要害。 You're right in your criticism. You've pinpointed my main weakness.




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