

单词 出点子
释义 出点子 chū diǎnzicoll.1) give pointers2) think of a way请你给我们出个点子。 Please find a solution for us.3) express an idea出点子chūdiǎnzito express an opinionto offer advice出点子to make a suggestion出点子 chū diǎn zi offer advice; make suggestions:  在背后出坏点子 be directing the show from behind the scenes 出点子1. to make suggestions2. to suggest gimmicks出点子offer advice; make suggestions♦ 怎么办? 大家来出出点子。 What's to be done? Let's put our heads together.♦ 有人在背后出坏点子。 Someone is directing the show from behind the scenes.




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