

单词 出海
释义 出海1. to go to sea2. to go sailing出海 chūhǎigo to or put out to sea出海chūhǎito go out to sea出海to go to sea出海打鱼 go fishing at sea出海 chū hǎi go to sea; put out to sea:  出海捕鱼 go fishing on the sea 出海通道 access to the sea出海go out to sea (as for fishing);出海[chū hǎi](船只)离开停泊地点到海上去;(海员或渔民)驾驶船只到海上去 (of a ship) leave the port for the sea; (of sailors or fishermen) put to sea:出海打鱼 go fishing on the sea出海a.outward-bound(船或乘客)出海的,出港的ad.outward出海,出港vi.launch离岸出发,出海;起飞;〈古〉(船)滑行下水phr.launch forth出航,出海launch out出航,出海put it there离岸,出海;使(船)从岸上(或另一条船上)下水出海1. to go to sea; to launch forth; to put (out) to sea; to take the sea出海put to sea; stand out to sea出海go to sea; put out to sea♦ ~捕鱼 go fishing on the sea♦ 货轮已经~。 The freighter has put out to sea.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞GO




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