

单词 出手
释义 出手1. offer2. opening move3. to reach out one's hand出手 chūshǒuI v.o.1) dispose of; sell off2) spend money他出手大方。 He's generous with money.3) take on a job or work4) offer5) reach out with one's handII n.1) skill displayed in making opening moves2) sleeve length3) offer出手chūshǒuto dispose ofto spend (money)to undertake a task出手卖出to sell这批货急于出手。 This stock needs to be sold off as soon as possible.货物很快就出了手。 The goods were sold quickly.拿出来to give out出手大方 be very generous他一出手就给我两千块钱。 He gave me two thousand yuan just like that.袖子长短sleeve length初现的本领参见:打出手[dǎ chūshǒu]; skill displayed in making opening moves出手不凡 make a skillful opening move泛指花钱办事to spend money to get things done他出手大方,在夜店很吃得开。 He is generous in spending money to get things done. He gets on very well in the nightclub.显示本领、采取行动to take action and demonstrate one's abilities有线网络公司意识到,出手的时机已经成熟。 Cable network companies have realised that the time is ripe to take action.他说:人要有正义感, 以后遇到这种情况,他还会出手。 He said that one has to have a sense of justice. If he encounters this kind of situation in the future, he will do it again.出手 chū shǒu (卖出; 脱手) get (hoarded goods, etc.) off one's hands; dispose of; sell:  货物已经出手了。 The goods have been disposed of.  这幅画要是现在出手, 一定能卖个好价钱。 The painting would fetch quite a lot if you sold it now. (开始做某件事时表现出来的本领) skill displayed in making opening moves:  出手不凡 make skilful (masterly) opening moves (in wushu, chess, etc.) (袖子的长短) length of sleeve出手 [chu1shou3]2, (1) v.i., (of manuscript) be completed; (2) v.t., to sell: 不肯出手 will not sell (at poor price) (=脫手); (3) take matter in hand; 出手兒 (a) adv., at first trial (fail, succeed); (b) n., (Chin. opera) way of throwing or passing weapons.出手[chū shǒu]1.卖出货物(多用于倒把、变卖等)sell goods (for profiteering, etc.); dispose of; 同 same as 脱手 tuō∥shǒu ②:那批货急于出手。The stock needs to be cleared away as soon as possible.货物很快就出了手。The goods were snatched up pretty soon. 2.拿出来 give:一出手就给他两千块钱。(Someone) gave him 2,000 yuan offhand.出手[chū shǒu]1.指袖子的长短 length of a sleeve 2.开始做某件事情时表现出来的本领 skill displayed upon doing sth.:我跟他下了几着,就觉得他出手的确不凡。I found him an excellent player after only a few moves.另见 打出手 dǎ chūshǒu出手1. to get (hoarded goods, etc.) off one's hands; to dispose of; to sell2. to take on a job or work3. attitude towards money-spending出手1. get (hoarded goods, etc.) off one's hands; dispose of; sell♦ 货物已经~了。 The goods have been disposed of.2. give out♦ 他相当大方, 一~就给了一百块。 He was quite generous and gave 100 yuan offhand.3. skill displayed in making opening moves (in wushu, chess, etc.)




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