

单词 出名
释义 出名1. to become well-known出名 chūmíngI s.v.famous; well-knownII v.o.1) become famous/well-known2) lend one's name (to an occasion); use the name of出名chūmíngwell-known for sthto become well knownto make one's mark出名有名famous很出名 very famous他是我们厂里出名的先进生产者。 He is famous in our factory as a leading producer.人怕出名猪怕壮 fame is as dangerous for men as fattening is for pigs参见:出面[chūmiàn]出名 chū míng (著名; 有名声) famous; well-known:  他已相当出名。 He has gaind considerable repute.  桂林因风景优美而出名。 Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.  他以有学问而出名。 He is famous for his learning. (出面) lend one's name (to an occasion or enterprise); use the name of:  今晚由学生会出名, 召开迎新晚会。 This evening the Students' Union will give a party to welcome the new students. 出名(兒) [chu1ming2]([er0]), v.i., (1) ditto; (2) become famous.出名[chū míng]1.有名声;名字为大家所熟知 be famous; (of one's name) be well known:他是我们厂里出名的先进生产者。He is a renowned advanced worker in our factory. 2.(出名儿 chū∥míngr) 同 same as 出面 chū∥miàn出名a.name有名的,出名的famous著名的,出名的well-known有名的,出名的;众所周知的proverbial出名的,众所周知的reputed驰名的,出名的;有好名声的;享有声望的ad.famously著名地,出名地vt.fame[常用被动语态]使闻名,使出名renown使出名;使享有声誉phr.put on the map赋予…以重要性;使出名;使存在make name成名,出名win spurs(尤指初次)获得荣誉;出名make a name成名,出名出名1. famous; well-known2. to come to the top; to distinguish; to make one's mark; to make a name for oneself; to make one's name3. on the map出名1. be famous; be well known♦ 四川菜在国内外都很~。 Sichuan cuisine is famous both at home and abroad.2. lend one's name (to an occasion or enterprise); use the name of♦ 今天由学生会~, 召开迎新晚会。 This evening the Students' Union will give a party to welcome the new students.英華英華★◀▶英華☞BECOME英華☞FAMOUS




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