

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶出1. to appear2. to issue3. to go out4. to turn out5. to vent6. to put forth文馨☞齣ABCABC★◀▶出 chū1) go/come out; exit2) exceed; go beyond3) issue; put out; post4) produce; turn out5) arise; happen6) put forth; vent7) rise well (in cooking)8) pay out; expend出 chūfor dramatic pieces出chūto go outto come outto occurto produceto go beyondto riseto put forthto happen(used after a verb to indicate an outward direction or a positive result)classifier for dramas, plays, operas etcchūvariant of 出[chū] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels)出 collins_动 从里到外to go out出国境 go abroad提货出栈 take a delivery of goods out of a warehouse钢水出炉 molten steel that is fresh out of the furnace他出了房间。 He left the room.钢笔完全不出水。 There is no ink in this pen.来到to appear超出to exceed不出一个月 within one month不出一天就见分晓。 We'll know the outcome within a day.往外拿to take out出钱 pay out出墙报 put up a poster出布告 post an announcement出作文题目 set an essay question出主意 offer a solution参见:出产橘子出在南方。 Oranges come from the south.平炉出了第一炉钢。 The Martin furnace produced its first batch of steel.这家厂每年能出三千台重型机床。 This factory can produce 3,000 units of heavy-duty machine tools per year.参见:出版[chūbǎn]参见:出现[chūxiàn]出了什么事情。 What happened?如果是这样的话,那就会出新问题。 If it is like this then new problems are going to arise.这事儿出在去年。 This happened last year.分泌to come out出脓 discharge pus出水 let out water患病to contract出天花 contract smallpox发泄to vent出出闷气 blow off steam支出to pay out量入为出 spend what one earns显得量多to be in excess大豆出油 soyabeans produce more oil参见:出自语出《老子》 from Laozi表示趋向used after a verb to indicate an outward direction走出 go out跑出 run off飞出 fly off赶出 chase out拿出一张纸 take out a piece of paper表示完成used to indicate completion想出 figure out做出成绩 achieve good results表示显露used after a verb to indicate revelation找出原因 find out the reason表现出自己的才能 demonstrate one's own ability在暗处看出有两个人 make out two people in the darkness我认出他来了。 I recognized him. collins_量 一个独立剧目used for plays and operas三出戏 three plays出 chu 动 (用在动词后表示向外、显露或完成, 作补语) used as a complement:  从大厅里走出 come out of the hall;  看出问题 see where the problem lies; realize that there's sth. wrong;  派出代表团参加会议 send a delegation to attend a conference;  做出成绩 achieve (good) results 另见 chū。 2) 出 (齣) chū 动 (从里面到外面) go (come) out; leave:  出城 go out of town;  出院 leave hospital;  出狱 be released from prison (来到) arrive; come:  出场 come on the stage;  出席 attend; be present (超出) exceed; go beyond:  出格 go beyond the limit;  出月 after this month; next month; when the month is out; after the end of this month;  不出3年 within three years (往外拿) issue; put up:  出布告 post an announcement; put up a notice;  出主意 offer advice; supply ideas; make suggestions;  今晚比赛, 你们出谁? Who's going to play for your side in tonight's match?  有钱出钱, 有力出力。 The rich will be asked to contribute money; the strong to contribute labour. (出产; 产生) produce; turn out:  出成果 produce result;  出煤 produce coal;  出人才 turn out talents;  大连出苹果。 Dalian produces apples.  实践出真知。 Genuine knowledge comes from practice.  这个世纪出了许多大人物。 The century produces many great men. (发生) arise; happen; take place; occur:  出问题 go wrong; go amiss;  防止出事故 prevent accidents;  这事出在30年前。 It happened thirty years ago.  如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我。 If anything happens to him, let me know at once.  这事出在30年前。 It happened thirty years ago.  如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我。 If anything happens to him, let me know at once.  这事出在1989年。 It took place in (the year of) 1989. (出版) publish:  这本书是1990年出的。 The book was published in 1990.  这个杂志一个月出一期。 The magazine comes out once a month. (发出; 发泄) put forth; vent:  出芽 put forth buds; sprout;  出疹子 have measles;  他总是拿狗出气。 He always vents his anger on the dog. (显露) appear:  出头 appear in public (显得量多) rise well (with cooking):  这种米出饭。 This kind of rice rises well when it's cooked. (支出) pay out; expend:  量入为出 keep expenditures within the limits of income; cut one's coat according to one's cloth;  入不敷出 one's income falling short of one's expenditure; unable to make both ends meet 量 (传奇中的一大段; 戏曲的一个独立剧目) a dramatic piece:  一出戏 an opera; a play 另见 chu。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶出出 307C40  21.21  部居  畫數 5ㄔㄨ [chu1] V.i.(1)  To go out, come out, leave (v.t.), opp. 入 [ru4], go in, come in: 出入 [chu1ru4]↓;出去,出來 [chu1qU0], [chu1lai2]↓;出門,出行,出外 [chu1men2], [chu1xing2], [chu1wai4]↓;出奔,出走 [chu1ben1], [chu1zou3]↓;出爾反爾 promise and then deny in succession.(2)  To appear: 出現,出沒 [chu1xian4], [chu1mo4]↓;雪花六出 snow crystals appear hexagonal.(3)  To stand out: 出色 [chu1se4]↓;出類拔萃 stand out among others;出人頭地 ditto;出乎意料,出人意表 go beyond expectations, come as a surprise.V.t.(1)  To produce, issue, beget: 出產,出品 [chu1chan0], [chu1pin3]↓;出於,出自 come from;出自山東 (goods) come from Shantung;出於至情 come from natural affection;出生 [chu1sheng1]2↓;所出 was born by s.o., 愛如己出 love (child) like one's own;出芽 send forth sprout.(2)  To grow (pimples, etc.), to meet with s.t. unpleasant or have it occur: 出痲疹,出天花 to have measles, smallpox;出事 [chu1shi4]5↓;出亂子,出摟子 be found out and run into trouble;出凶案 have a murder case;出新聞 get into the papers;出笑話 become a joke;出醜 [chu1chou3]↓.(3)  To leave: 出國 go abroad;出世 (religious attitude) leave the secular world, opp. 入世 take part in human community;出口 [chu1kou3]↓;出門 [chu1men2]↓.(4)  (Often as vb. prefix, like “out-come,” “outpour” in Eng.) to send out, pay out, rent out, etc.: 出錢 provide the money;出力 [chu1li4]↓;出火,出氣 [chu1huo3], [chu1qi4]↓;出納 [chu1na4]↓;出租 rent out;出讓,出賣 offer for sale;支出 pay out;出妻 to divorce wife;出兵,出師 [chu1bing1], [chu1shi1]↓.Adv.Out: 拿出,取出 take out;送出 send out;倒出 pour out;放出 let out;speak out, etc. (in all cases, 出來 or 出去 is commonly used in place of 出, see 出來,出去 [chu1lai2], [chu1qU0]↓).Words1. 出版 [chu1ban3], v.t., to publish: ××出版 (s.t.) published by certain company; v.t., 出版物 [chu1ban3wu4], n., publications.2. 出榜 [chu1bang3], v.i., publish list of successful candidates at examinations.3. 出奔 [chu1ben1], v.i., to leave country as political refugee.4. 出殯 [chu1bin4], v.i., to hold funeral procession.5. 出兵 [chu1bing1], v.i., to march army for battle.6. 出產 [chu1chan0], (1) v.t., to produce (farm, factory goods); (2) n., production, products.7. 出岔兒 [chu1cha4er0], v.i., run into trouble.8. 出差 [chu1chai1], v.i., leave capital on official mission; be sent out on special errand; go on field trip.9. 出場 [chu1chang2], v.i., to appear on stage or contest field.10. 出超 [chu1chao1], n., (have) favorable balance of trade; excess of export over import.11. 出塵 [chu1chen2], (1) v.i., (Budd.) leave the secular world; (2) adj., (writing, ideas) far above the common run.12. 出妻 [chu1qi1], v.i., to divorce wife.13. 出錢 [chu1qian2], v.i., provide the funds.14. 出氣 [chu1qi4], v.i., to vent one's spleen.15. 出奇 [chu1qi2], adj. & adv., surprising, -ly: 出奇制勝 win by novelty or by surprise attack: 壞得出奇 surprisingly bad.16. 出勤 [chu1qin2], v.i., be sent out on an errand.17. 出醜 [chu1chou3], v.i., expose one's weak points; (oft. court. self-reference) to perform.18. 出出著 [chu1chu1zhe0], adj., (house beam, etc.) projecting out.19. 出處 [chu1chu4], n., (1) (Confu.) some moral principle by which a Confu. scholar joins or resigns from an office; (2) (also [chu1chu0]) source for litr. allusion or reference.20. 出圈兒 [chu1chyuaer0], v.i., do s.t. slightly irregular or beyond bounds.21. 出去 [chu1qU0], (1) v.i., go out; (2) ([chu1chu0qU4]) adv., out (away from speaker, cf. [chu1lai2]): 說出去不好聽 it will sound bad to have this known; 放不出去 cannot let go.22. 出缺 [chu1qUe1], v.i., leave a vacancy; specifically die during office.23. 出倒 [chu1dao3], v.i., (coll.) see [chu1rang4]↓.24. 出頂 [chu1ding3], v.i., see [chu1rang4]↓.25. 出痘 [chu1dou4], v.i., to have smallpox.26. 出隊 [chu1dui4], v.i., (army units) start off.27. 出動 [chu1dong4], v.i., (of groups, mil. units) to start out on expedition.28. 出發 [chu1fa1], v.i., to start (as on outing); 出發點 point of departure.29. 出風頭 [chu1feng1tou0], v.i., to show off, gain notoriety.30. 出婦 [chu1fu4], n., (LL) a divorced woman.31. 出港 [chu1gang3], v.i., (of goods) leave port for abroad; (of ship) sail from port.32. 出格 [chu1ge2]1, (1) adj., exceptional; (2) v.i., formerly, to write outside the ruled marking on official paper.33. 出閣 [chu1ge2]2, v.i., (of girls) to be married: 已出閣 is already married.34. 出軌 [chu1gui3], adj., (1) irregular: 出軌的行動 irregular activities; (2) 火車出軌 derailed.35. 出恭 [chu1gong1], v.i., to ease bowels.36. 出汗 [chu1han4], v.i., to perspire.37. 出號 [chu1hao4], adj., oversized (shoes, etc.).38. 出乎 [chu1hu0], phr., come from: 出乎真心好意 come from the heart, from good intentions.39. 出花兒 [chu1hua1er0], v.i., have smallpox.40. 出豁 [chu1huo1], v.i., (1) (MC) to lighten severity of crime (=開豁); (2) 沒出豁 (MC) have no way out.41. 出貨 [chu1huo4], v.i., (1) to produce goods (per day, etc.); (2) to take delivery of goods (as from godown); (3) (AC) to pay money.42. 出火 [chu1huo3], v.i., be aflame with desire, anger.43. 出活 [chu1huo2], v.i., (coll.) produce a great deal (of goods).44. 出診 [chu1zhen3], v.i., (physicians) visit patients at home.45. 出疹子 [chu1zhen3zi0], v.i., to have measles or similar disease.46. 出陣 [chu1zhen4], v.i., to leave ranks and come out for combat or (Budd.) for meeting people.47. 出征 [chu1zheng1], v.i., start on campaign.48. 出家 [chu1jia1], v.i., to leave family and be a monk or nun: 出家人 [chu1jia1ren2], n., a monk or nun.49. 出嫁 [chu1jia4]1, v.i., (woman) to be married (out).50. 出價 [chu1jia4]2, v.i., to bid, opp. 發價 offer.51. 出尖(兒) [chu1jian1]([chu1jia1er0]), v.i. & adj., (coll.) well-known (bandit, rascal): 出尖任事 (MC) to take up a difficult or dangerous task.52. 出教 [chu1jiao4], v.t., (p.p.) be excommunicated.53. 出借 [chu1jie4], v.t., to lend out.54. 出結 [chu1jie2], v.i., to give written guarantee of end of dispute.55. 出繼 [chu1ji4], v.i. & t., to be legally adopted as son.56. 出進 [chu1jin4], n., incoming and outgoing; receipt and expense; difference: 沒甚麼出進 not much difference in comparing two (also 出入).57. 出境 [chu1jing4], adv., exit from country: 驅逐出境 expel from country; 出境證 exit permit.58. 出贅 [chu1zhui4], v.t., to marry into a family and take bride's family name.59. 出眾 [chu1zhong4], v.i., to stand out, be outstanding.60. 出主意 [chu1zhu3yi0] ([chu1zhu2yi0]), phr., to give decision (to do s.t.): 誰出的主意 who made this decision--whose idea is it?61. 出口 [chu1kou3], n., exit; export.62. 出來 (1) [chu1lai2], v.i., to come out; come out and intervene; to occur: 這事已經出來 it has occurred already; (2) [chu1lai2] (or [chu0lai1]), adv., freely attached to vb. to express “out”: 說出 or 說出來 to speak out; 拿出 or 拿出來 to take out; 說不出來 cannot say it; 找不出來 cannot find it.63. 出力 [chu1li4], (1) adv., do one's best: 他很出力 he worked very hard (to have s.t. done); (2) v.i., to work hard: 出力做事 work hard; v.i., 出力做去 do your best; 出力不討好 do a thankless task.64. 出溜 [chu1liu0], v.i., to slide along (of snake): 從山坡上出溜 roll down the slope; 打個出溜兒 slip down.65. 出路 [chu1lu4], n., (1) an outlet; (2) a way out; (3) a future (of profession): 出路問題 problem of (a boy's) future; 這裡沒有出路 there is no future (better jobs) here.66. 出落得 [chu1luo0de1], v.i., grow up into (a beauty, a handsome young man).67. 出籠 [chu1long2], v.i., to have a sale en masse; to put paper money into circulation: 就出籠 newly put in circulation.68. 出馬 [chu1ma3], v.i., (1) formerly, to come out of ranks for combat; (2) to come out and assume post; (3) see [chu1zhen3]↑.69. 出賣 [chu1mai4], v.t., (1) to offer for sale; (2) to sell out (friend, one's soul).70. 出梅 [chu1mei2], n., the end of the mildew season, when dry season begins (also wr. 出霉).71. 出門 [chu1men2], v.i., to go away from home, for short walk or long journey: 出門兒 ([chu1merer0]) ditto; n., social parties, such as wedding, funeral; 出門子 ([chu1men2zi0]) to be married (of woman).72. 出面 [chu1mian4], v.i., to appear publicly (in negotiations, as sponsor, etc.): 不出面 to work only behind the scenes.73. 出名(兒) [chu1ming2]([er0]), v.i., (1) ditto; (2) become famous.74. 出沒 [chu1mo4], v.i., to appear and disappear: 出沒無常 (roving bands) appear unpredictably.75. 出納 [chu1na4], n., cashier; 出納課 cashiers department; 管出納 be cashier.76. 出品 [chu1pin3], n., artistic or manufactured product.77. 出讓 [chu1rang4], v.i., to offer (house, shop) for sale.78. 出入 [chu1ru4], n., see [chu1jin4]↑.79. 出賽 [chu1sai4], n. & v.i., exhibit; contest.80. 出色 [chu1se4], adj., outstanding, distinguished (performer, -mance, talent, etc.)81. 出山 [chu1shan1], v.i., come out from retirement and join government.82. 出身 [chu1shen1], (1) v.i., enter career of public service; v.i., start such career: 進士出身 started career as scholar of third degree; (2) ([chu1shen0]) n., a man's scholastic and other records; n., origins: 出身寒微 came from humble origins.83. 出聲 [chu1sheng1]1, phr., make a noise.84. 出生 [chu1sheng1]2, v.i., be born; 出生日期 day and year of birth.85. 出神 [chu1shen2], v.i., appear occupied in thought, appear wondering.86. 出險 [chu1xian3], (1) phr., escape from disaster, (patient) come out of danger; (2) v.i., ([chu1xian3]) to have an accident (as a train).87. 出現 [chu1xian4], v.i., to appear (of comet, ghost, etc.).88. 出項 [chu1xiang0], n., item of expense.89. 出席 [chu1xi2]1, v.i., to be present at meeting, conference.90. 出息 [chu1xi2]2, (1) v.i., bear interest: 出息若干 how much interest does it bear? (2) n., (Budd.) exhalation; (3)([chu1xi0]) (a) n., chance to better one's circumstances: 有出息(兒),沒出息(兒) (also 不出息) (a person) has ambition, no ambition; (4) n., interest, profit: 出息很大 great profit; (5) 出息得 v.i., see [chu1luo0de1]↑.91. 出行 [chu1xing2], v.i., go on a long journey.92. 出首 [chu1shou3]1, v.i., (1) come out and plead guilty; (2) to come out and lead.93. 出手 [chu1shou3]2, (1) v.i., (of manuscript) be completed; (2) v.t., to sell: 不肯出手 will not sell (at poor price) (=脫手); (3) take matter in hand; 出手兒 (a) adv., at first trial (fail, succeed); (b) n., (Chin. opera) way of throwing or passing weapons.94. 出售 [chu1shou4], v.i., to offer for sale.95. 出水 [chu1shui3], v.i., formerly, (of official or sold prostitutes) to be freed from profession.96. 出師 [chu1shi1], v.i., see [chu1bing1]↑.97. 出示 [chu1shi4]1, v.t., (1) to post notice; (2) to show or exhibit for inspection (a particular article).98. 出仕 [chu1shi4]2, v.i., (LL) to become official, join government.99. 出世 [chu1shi4]3, v.i., (1) see V.t.3↑. (2) (of Buddha) to be born into this world or appear bodily; to leave the secular world; (3) be born.100. 出使 [chu1shi4]4, v.i., to be sent abroad as ambassador, minister or special emissary.101. 出事 [chu1shi4]5, v.i., to have an accident occur: 出了事 (euphem.) to have s.o. die in the family.102. 出血 [chu1xUe4], n., hemorrhage.103. 出堂 [chu1tang2], v.i., (of coffin) to leave the ceremonial hall.104. 出挑 [chu1tiao0], v.i., (boy, girl) to grow up beautifully; usu. 出挑得 [chu1tiao0de1].105. 出涕 [chu1ti4], v.i., (LL) shed tears.106. 出題 [chu1ti2], v.i., give out or set, subject for examination paper.107. 出庭 [chu1ting2], v.i., (judge, persons involved in lawsuit) to appear at court.108. 出頭 [chu1tou2], v.i., (1) to be successful in career: 出頭的日子 the day of success; (2) see [chu1mian4]↑.109. 出彩 [chu1cai3], v.i., (Chin. opera) to appear bleeding.110. 出材(兒) [chu1cai2]([chu1tsarer0]), adj., outstanding: 不出材的丫頭 a very common slave girl.111. 出脫 [chu1tuo1], v.i., (1) to be absolved; (2) to sell: 一千兩便出脫了 will sell for 1,000 ounces; (3) see [chu1luo0de1]↑.112. 出土 [chu1tu3], v.i., (1) (anc. objects) be excavated; (2) sprout up; (3) 剛出土兒 just born.113. 出走 [chu1zou3], v.i., flee or go away.114. 出租 [chu1zu1], v.i., for hire, to let.115. 出外 [chu1wai4], v.i., to go abroad.116. 出亡 [chu1wang2], v.i., to live as exile or refugee.117. 出言 [chu1yan2], v.i., (LL) to speak (coarsely, elegantly, abruptly, etc.).118. 出洋 [chu1yang2], v.i., to go abroad (“across the oceans”).119. 出遊 [chu1you2], v.i., to go on a tour.120. 出月兒 [chu1yUe4er0], adv., next month; 出月子 (of women after child delivery) recover normal health and vitality.出 356A20  22.21  部居  畫數 5ㄔㄨ [chu1] . [See 21.21]出出著 [chu1chu1zhe0], adj., (house beam, etc.) projecting out.林语堂☞齣出1[chū](ㄔㄨ)1.从里面到外面(跟‘进’、‘入’相对 as opposed to‘enter’)proceed from inside to outside:出来 come out出去 go out出门 go out of the house; leave home出国 go abroad出院 be discharged from hospital 2.来到 be at (an event):出席 be present出场 go on stage 3.超出 exceed:出轨 derail出界 go beyond the boundary不出三年 within three years 4.往外拿 give:出钱 pay money出布告 put up a bulletin出题目 prepare (exam) questions出主意 put forth ideas 5.出产;产生;发生 produce; give rise to; happen:出煤 produce coal出活儿 get work done我们厂里出了不少劳动模范。Many model workers have come forth in our factory.出问题 get into trouble这事儿出在1962年。This happened in 1962. 6.出版 publish:这家出版社出了不少好书。This press has published many good books. 7.发出;发泄 emit; give vent to:出芽儿 sprout出汗 sweat出天花 suffer from smallpox出气 vent one's anger 8.引文、典故等见于某处 (of a quotation or allusion) quoted from:语出《老子》quoted from Laozi 9.显露 become conspicuous:出名 become famous出面 appear personally; take it upon oneself (to do sth.)出头 act as the leader; act on behalf of出丑 make a fool of sb. or oneself 10.显得量多 appear in big quantity:机米做饭出饭。Long-grained non-glutinous rice rises well when cooked.这面蒸馒头出数儿。Buns made of this flour swell big when steamed. 11.支出 spend:出纳 expenditure and income量入为出 spend within the limit of one's income; live within one's means 12.〈方 dial.〉跟‘往’连用,表示向外 [used after 往 wǎng to mean‘outward’]:散会了,大家往出走。When the meeting was over, everyone walked out.出2[chū](ㄔㄨ)(齣)一本传奇中的一个大段落叫一出。戏曲的一个独立剧目也叫一出 classifier for a chapter of a classical novel; classifier for an opera or play:三出戏 three plays出3[chū](ㄔㄨ)用在动词后表示向外、显露或完成 [used after a verb to indicate an outward movement, a conspicuous state or sth. accomplished]:看得出 clear to see看不出 cannot see clearly; cannot tell拿出一张纸 take out a sheet of paper跑出大门 run out of the gate看出问题 discern a problem做出成绩 accomplish相关词组百出 | 辈出 | 超出 | 淡出 | 嫡出 | 迭出 | 发出 | 付出 | 复出 | 革出 | 公出 | 杰出 | 进出 | 娩出 | 旁出 | 歧出 | 胜出 | 输出 | 庶出 | 四出 | 岁出 | 特出 | 突出 | 退出 | 外出 | 析出 | 演出 | 正出 | 支出 | 重出 | 打出手 | 大出血 | 豁出去 | 内出血 | 派出所 | 戏出儿 | 别出心裁 | 层出不穷 | 初出茅庐 | 传出神经 | 导出单位 | 独出心裁 | 浮出水面 | 里出外进 | 令出法随 | 青出于蓝 | 如出一辙 | 神出鬼没 | 师出无名 | 事出有因 | 喜出望外 | 言出法随 | 自出机杼 | 半路出家 | 当场出彩 | 当行出色 | 门里出身 | 入主出奴 | 扫地出门 | 推陈出新 | 引蛇出洞 | 悖入悖出 | 层见叠出 | 和盘托出 | 呼之欲出 | 量入为出 | 入不敷出 | 深居简出 | 深入浅出 | 水落石出 | 脱口而出 | 脱颖而出 | 电子出版物 | 枪打出头鸟 | 一鼻孔出气 | 狗嘴吐不出象牙 | 一言既出,驷马难追出版 | 出榜 | 出奔 | 出殡 | 出兵 | 出彩 | 出操 | 出差 | 出产 | 出厂 | 出场 | 出超 | 出车 | 出乘 | 出丑 | 出处 | 出倒 | 出道 | 出典 | 出店 | 出顶 | 出动 | 出发 | 出饭 | 出访 | 出伏 | 出阁 | 出格 | 出工 | 出恭 | 出轨 | 出国 | 出海 | 出行 | 出航 | 出号 | 出活 | 出击 | 出继 | 出家 | 出价 | 出嫁 | 出尖 | 出界 | 出借 | 出警 | 出境 | 出镜 | 出九 | 出局 | 出具 | 出科 | 出口 | 出来 | 出栏 | 出力 | 出列 | 出猎 | 出溜 | 出笼 | 出炉 | 出路 | 出落 | 出马 | 出卖 | 出没 | 出梅 | 出门 | 出面 | 出苗 | 出名 | 出纳 | 出盘 | 出品 | 出聘 | 出圃 | 出奇 | 出气 | 出勤 | 出去 | 出圈 | 出缺 | 出让 | 出任 | 出入 | 出丧 | 出色 | 出山 | 出身 | 出神 | 出生 | 出师 | 出使 | 出示 | 出世 | 出仕 | 出事 | 出手 | 出首 | 出售 | 出台 | 出摊 | 出逃 | 出挑 | 出粜 | 出庭 | 出头 | 出徒 | 出土 | 出脱 | 出外 | 出亡 | 出息 | 出席 | 出险 | 出现 | 出线 | 出项 | 出血 | 出巡 | 出芽 | 出言 | 出演 | 出洋 | 出游 | 出语 | 出院 | 出月 | 出展 | 出战 | 出账 | 出蛰 | 出诊 | 出阵 | 出征 | 出众 | 出资 | 出走 | 出租 | 出岔子 | 出发点 | 出份子 | 出风头 | 出家人 | 出乱子 | 出毛病 | 出门子 | 出气筒 | 出圈儿 | 出生率 | 出世作 | 出数儿 | 出虚恭 | 出洋相 | 出月子 | 出尔反尔 | 出将入相 | 出口成章 | 出口伤人 | 出类拔萃 | 出谋划策 | 出其不意 | 出奇制胜 | 出人头地 | 出人意料 | 出神入化 | 出生入死 | 出头露面 | 出租汽车出ad.out出;向外;向室外(租)出,(借)出;(挑)出forward出,出来n.output使出,用出;生产egress外出,出egression外出,出vi.proceed发出;出(自) (from)vt.DO使出,用出use发挥,使出;行使;运用GO出(价);出(牌等)SET分派,指派(工作等),提出(任务等);布置(作业);出(题目)OFFER出(价);开(价);备有…出售develop【棋】出(子)cut出(牙)draw吸入;出(声)throw【牌】出(牌);弃(牌)Cash(桥牌中)出(必胜的牌);出必胜的牌赢 (一圈)jump(火车、有轨电车等)出(轨)output使出;生产;输出yield出产,产,出BID[过去式和过去分词用 bid] (在拍卖等中买主)喊(价),出(价);(卖方、工程承包商等)索(价)summon使出;鼓起(勇气);振作(精神等);唤起;使呈现出来;使浮现(up)rake以灰封(火);出(炉灰等)perspire出(汗)phr.rake out以灰封(炉、炉火);出(炉灰)lay on the line出(钱),付(钱)give down(母牛)出(奶)出1. to exit2. [Informal] to produce\\\\1·a chapter (of old-style novels)2. a numerary adjunct for plays双向☞出--求导--支路双向☞出--前〔词头〕双向☞出--外〔词头〕双向☞出--升出[chū]动1. go or come out♦ ~城 go out of town♦ ~站 come out of the station2. exceed; go beyond♦ ~月 after this month; next month♦ 不~三年 within three years♦ 球~了边线。 The ball went beyond the sideline.3. issue; put out♦ ~证明 issue a certificate♦ ~杂志 publish a magazine♦ ~主意 offer advice; supply ideas; make suggestions♦ ~布告 post an announcement; put up a notice4. produce; turn out♦ 多~煤, ~好煤。 Produce more coal, and good coal, too.♦ 要多~人才。 We must turn out a greater number of qualified personnel.5. arise; happen♦ 这事~在三十年前。 It happened thirty years ago.♦ ~问题 go wrong; go amiss♦ 防止~事故 prevent accidents6. put forth; vent♦ 树上~了不少花蕾。 The tree has put forth many buds.♦ ~疹子 have measles7. rise well (with cooking); grow in volume♦ 出数儿 8. pay out; expend♦ 量入为出 量(for operas or plays)♦ 一~戏 an opera; a play




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