

单词 凹面镜
释义 文馨英漢☞凹面鏡凹面镜 āomiànjìngconcave mirror凹面镜【理】concave mirror凹面镜[āo miàn jìng] 球面镜的一种,反射面为凹面,焦点在镜前,当光源在焦点上,所发出的光反射后形成平行光束 concave mirror; reflecting mirror with a concave spherical reflecting surface with its focus in front of it, and when the source of light is on the focus, the light reflected on the mirror's surface is converted into parallel rays亦 also 凹镜 āojìng 或 or 会聚镜 huìjùjìng凹面镜1. a concave mirror凹面镜mirror, concabe凹面镜concave mirror凹面镜concave mirror




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