

释义 凸1. protruding凸 tūprotrude凸tūto stick outprotrudingconvexmale (connector etc)Taiwan pr. [tu2]凸 v. to stick out凸起的 protruding挺胸凸肚 thrust out one's chest凸 tū 动 (高出) bulge; protrude:  挺胸凸肚 throw out one's chest and bulge one's belly 形 (高于周围) protruding; raised:  凸纹 raised carving or design;  凸花银瓶 {工美} a silver vase with a raised floral design 凸凸 570C00  40.40  部居  畫數 5ㄊㄨˊ [tu2]  (*ㄍㄨˇ [gu3] , *ㄉㄧㄝˊ [die2] ).V.i.(*[gu3]) To bulge, protrude: 凸出來 (of eye, belly, forehead) bulge, protrude;凸嘴凹鼻 protruding lips and snub nose.Adj.([tu2]) Convex, opp. of 凹 concave: 凸凹不平 rough, uneven in surface;凸凹的 ditto;凸紋,凸花 raised carving or design.Words1. 凸版 [tu2ban3], n., positive plate engraving.2. 凸出 [gu3chu1], adj., bulging out.3. 凸鏡 [tu2jing4], n., convex mirror.4. 凸透鏡 [tu2tou4jing4], n., convex lens.凸[tū](ㄊㄨ)高于周围(跟‘凹’相对 as opposed to‘hollow’,‘concave’,‘sunken’,‘dented’)protruding; raised; bulging; convex; higher than the surrounding area:凸出 bulging; protruding; projecting凸起 swelling; bulging; doming挺胸凸肚 throw out one's chest and distend one's belly相关词组凸版 | 凸轮 | 凸显 | 凸现 | 凸版纸 | 凸面镜 | 凸透镜凸a.convex凸的,凸面的,凸圆的n.convexity凸凸1. raised2. protruding凸convex双向☞中央凸--凸双向☞凸--凸面双向☞隆凸--凸双向☞隆--凸凸[tū]形protruding; raised♦ ~花银瓶 a silver vase with a raised floral design♦ ~面 convex




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