单词 | 凡 |
释义 | 凡1. all2. common3. every4. general5. ordinary凡 fánI b.f.1) commonplace; ordinary (平凡)2) this mortal world (凡人)3) outline (凡例)II adv.1) every; any; all2) altogether全书凡五卷。 The work has five volumes in all.III n.a note of the scale in gōngchěpǔ凡fánordinarycommonplacemundanetemporalof the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels)everyallwhateveraltogethergistoutlinenote of Chinese musical scalefánvariant of 凡[fán]凡 n. 要旨<书>gist发凡 summarize大凡 generally【音】note on the traditional Chinese musical scale, corresponding to "4" in numbered musical notation adj. 参见:凡庸[fányōng]自命不凡 have a high opinion of oneself宗教或神话中指人间the mortal world思凡 long for the mortal world天仙下凡 a goddess come down from heaven adv. 参见:凡是[fánshì]凡此种种,不一而足。 Such cases are nothing out of the ordinary.凡年满十八岁公民都有选举权与被选举权。 Every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and to stand for office.总共<书>in total全书凡二十卷。 The book contains twenty volumes in all.孙中山先生致力国民革命凡四十年。 Sun Yatsen dedicated a total of forty years of his life to the national revolution.凡 fán 名 (指人世间) this mortal world; the secular world; the earth: 神仙下凡 fairy becomes incarnate; 超凡入圣 overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood {音} (民乐音阶上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“4”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 4 in numbered musical notation (书) (大概; 要略) outline: 大凡 in most cases (姓氏) a surname: 凡繇 Fan Yao 形 (平凡) ordinary; commonplace: 凡人 ordinary mortal; 非凡人物 extraordinary person 副 (凡是) any; all; every: 凡要 all who wish; everytime you wish; 凡有 whenever there is; 在中国,凡年满18岁的公民, 都有选举权和被选举权。 In China, every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election. 凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西, 都应当批判地继承。 All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way. 凡是逆历史潮流而动的人, 都没有好下场。 Whoever goes against the tide of history will come to no good end. (书) (总共) in all; altogether: 全书凡四卷。 The set consists of 4 volumes altogether. 凡凡 698C00 42.70 部居 畫數 3ㄈㄢˊ [fan2] N.The secular world, life of the senses: 塵凡,凡世 (Budd. & LL) the material world, life of the senses;神仙下凡 fairy becomes incarnate;尼姑思凡 a nun desires normal human life;超凡入聖 phr., overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood.Adj.(1) Common, ordinary: 平凡 ordinary (writing, person);凡人 ordinary mortal;凡夫,凡民 ordinary people;庸夫凡卒 common laborer and private;不凡 distinguished, uncommon (talent, person);不同凡嚮 phr., not of the common sort;非凡人物 extraordinary person.(2) Any, all: 凡人 all people;凡事 all things;凡事小心 be careful in all things.Pron. & adv.Any, all, anybody, anytime, everytime: 凡有 whenever there is;凡見 everytime you meet or see, also all who see;凡要 all who wish, everytime you wish;凡百 all and sundry.Words1. 凡間 [fan2jian1], n., the material life subject to the senses.2. 凡例 [fan2li4], n., part of foreword setting out principles of editing, selection, etc.; guiding formation of book.3. 凡目 [fan2mu4], n., main idea and contents of book.4. 凡世 [fan2shi4], n., see [fan2jian1]↑.5. 凡士林 [fan2shi4lin2], n., (translit.) vaseline.凡1[fán](ㄈㄢˊ)(凢)1.平凡 ordinary; commonplace:凡庸 mediocre自命不凡 think oneself a prodigy; have a bloated image of oneself 2.宗教迷信和神话故事中称人世间 (in religious or superstitious stories and mythology) mundane world; earth:思凡 (of an immortal) long for the mortal world天仙下凡。A fairy descended on the mundane world.凡2[fán](ㄈㄢˊ)(凢)1.凡是 all; every; any:凡年满十八岁公民都有选举权与被选举权。Every citizen who has reached the age of 18 has the right to vote and stand for election. 2.〈书 fml.〉总共 altogether; in all:不知凡几 innumerable; countless全书凡二十卷。The book comprises 20 volumes. 3.〈书 fml.〉大概;要略 outline; gist:大凡 generally; mostly发凡起例 introduction and guide (to a book or a subject)凡3[fán](ㄈㄢˊ)(凢)我国民族音乐音阶上的一级,乐谱上用做记音符号,相当于简谱的‘4’fan, a note of traditional Chinese music scale, used on a music score as a symbol, equivalent to‘4’in numbered musical notation另见 工尺 gōngchě相关词组不凡 | 超凡 | 大凡 | 但凡 | 发凡 | 非凡 | 举凡 | 平凡 | 是凡 | 思凡 | 下凡 | 超凡入圣 | 不同凡响 | 不知凡几 | 一表非凡凡尘 | 凡夫 | 凡例 | 凡人 | 凡事 | 凡是 | 凡俗 | 凡响 | 凡心 | 凡庸 | 凡尔丁 | 凡士林凡1. ordinary2. all; any凡[fán]形commonplace; ordinary♦ 非凡 名this mortal world; the earth♦ 下凡 副1. 书 all; every; any♦ ~属我国文化遗产中有用的东西, 都应当继承。 All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited.2. altogether; in all♦ 全书~二十卷。 The set consists of 20 volumes altogether. |
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