

单词 几乎
释义 文馨英漢☞幾乎几乎 jīhūalmost; nearly几乎jīhūalmostnearlypractically几乎接近almost几乎没有 almost none几乎花了五天功夫 it took almost five days of effort在这次战斗中敌人几乎一个活的也没有留下来。 Almost none of the enemy survived the battle.差点儿practically感动得几乎流下眼泪 so moved as to be on the verge of tears我几乎忘记了。 I practically forgot.几乎 jī hū nearly; almost; practically:  几乎一点点关心也未曾表示过。 Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced.  他几乎杀了她。 He came near to killing her.  她几乎要哭了。 She was near to tears.  几乎没有一个人歇过一下。 Almost no one took any rest.  几乎整夜下着雨。 It rained practically all night.  故乡变化太大了, 我几乎认不出来了。 My hometown had changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.  水电站几乎全部完工。 The hydroelectric station is as good as completed. 几乎[jī hū]1.将近于;接近于 close to; virtually:今天到会的几乎有五千人。Close to 5,000 were present at the meeting today. 2. 同 same as 差点儿 chà∥diǎnr :不是你提醒我,我几乎忘了。I all but forgot had you not reminded me.两条腿一软,几乎摔倒。My legs buckled, and I almost fell to the ground.亦 also 几几乎 jījīhū几乎ad.feckly〈苏格兰〉差不多,几乎;多半about〈口〉约摸,几乎like〈方〉几乎,差不多;接近most〈美口〉几乎,差不多much实际上;差不多;几乎almost几乎,差不多half几乎,差不多near近似地,相近地;〈口〉差不多,几乎nearly几乎;差不多;差点儿practically〈口〉几乎,差不多halfway几乎,大致上,快要nigh几乎well-nigh〈书〉几乎,近乎;可谓anear几乎;差不多;差点儿(= nearly)not-quite几乎,差不多phr.within an ace of〈英〉差一点,几乎next to〈口〉几乎,差不多just about差不多;几乎pretty much〈口〉差不多;几乎(全部)all but几乎,差不多more or less大约;几乎pretty well几乎anywhere near几乎,差不多next door to几乎,差不多near to近似于,差不多,几乎damn near〈口〉差不多,几乎only not简直,几乎,差不多come near几乎,近乎,险些little short of完全不少于(或逊于);几乎;完全几乎1. almost; nearly; most双向☞如同--差不多--近似双向☞殆--几乎几乎almost; nearly; practically♦ 他~一夜没睡。 He lay awake almost the whole night.♦ 我在物理学方面的知识, ~等于零。 My knowledge of physics is practically nil.♦ 你比我~高了一头。 You're nearly a head taller than I.




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