

单词 凑手
释义 凑手 còushǒucoll.1) convenient to hand2) sufficient to the need凑手còushǒuat handwithin easy reachconvenienthandy凑手方便within easy reach钱不凑手 be strapped for cash顺手handy这枝笔我用着凑手。 This is a handy pen to have around.怎么凑手就怎么办。 Do whatever is most convenient.凑手 còu shǒu at hand; within easy reach:  钱不凑手 have no money at hand 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞湊手凑手[còu shǒu]使用起来方便;顺手(常指手边的钱、物、人等)at hand; within easy reach:这把钳子凑手。This pair of pliers is easy to use.钱不凑手,下次再买吧。I don't have that much money on me; let's buy it next time.凑手at hand; within easy reach♦ 一时不~, 我拿不出那么多钱来。 It happens I haven't got so much money on me at the moment.




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