

单词 冲天
释义 文馨英漢☞衝天冲天 chōngtiāntowering; soaring冲天chōngtiānto soarto rocket冲天to soar以冲天干劲 with incredible enthusiasm怒气冲天 in a fit of rage冲天 chōng tiān towering; soaring; shoot up to the sky:  怒气冲天 in a towering rage 冲天[chōng tiān] 冲向天空 soar into the sky;〈比喻 fig.〉情绪高涨而猛烈 (of mood) highflying; violent; soaring:怒气冲天 flare up; explode; lose control; fly into a rage冲天的干劲 boundless enthusiasm冲天1. towering; soaring冲天towering; soaring♦ ~干劲 boundless enthusiasm♦ 怒气~ be in a towering rage英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞FLY




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