

单词 冬青
释义 冬青 dōngqīngbot.1) Ch. ilex2) holly冬青dōngqīngholly冬青【植】Chinese holly冬青 dōng qīng {植} Ilex pur-purea; holly; Chinese ilex (冬青科常绿乔木, 叶入中药, 名“四季青”) 冬青茶 yerba maté; 冬青虫 alkermes; 冬青苷 ilexin; 冬青黄嘌呤 ilexanthine; 冬青蕨 holly fern; 冬青栎 holly oak; 冬青潜叶蝇 holly leaf miner; 冬青忍冬 privet honeysuckle; 冬青生菌素 ilicicolin; 冬青素 ilicin; 冬青油 {有化} wintergreen冬青 [dong1qing1], n., (bot.) long stalk holly, Ilex pedunculosa;冬青[dōng qīng] 常绿乔木,叶子长椭圆形,前端尖,花白色,雌雄异株,果实球形,红色,种子和树皮可入药 holly (Ilex aquifolium); Chinese ilex; dioecious evergreen tree with sharp oblong leaves, white flowers and clusters of bright-red berries, the seed and bark are used as herbal medicine冬青n.Holly冬青属植物,冬青冬青Ilex chinensis Sims冬青holly;llex冬青holly双向☞圣诞树(上海)--冬青冬青[植]Chinese ilex




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