

单词 写生
释义 文馨英漢☞寫生写生 xiěshēngdraw/paint/sketch from nature/life写生xiěshēngto sketch from natureto do a still life drawing写生【艺】to paint from life静物写生 still life室外写生 outdoor drawing写生画家 sketch artist写生 xiě shēng {美术} paint from life; copy from (the) life; draw, paint or sketch from nature:  静物写生 still life painting;  人物写生 portrait from life;  动物写生 animals drawn from life;  外出写生 go out sketching;  在现场写生 take a sketch on the spot;  直接从大自然写生而不是从画上临摹的 sketched directly from nature instead of from books 写生簿 sketchbook; sketchblock; 写生画 painting from life写生[xiě shēng] 对着实物或风景绘画 paint or sketch from nature; do a painting of an object or a landscape:静物写生 still-life painting室外写生 outdoor sketch写生1. to paint or draw from life or nature; to copy from life; to sketch写生life drawing写生[工美]sketch from life; do a still life painting; paint or sketch from nature♦ 人物~ portrait from life~画 sketch




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