

单词 写照
释义 文馨英漢☞寫照写照 xiězhào1) n. portrayal; portraiture2) v. portray (a person/character)写照xiězhàoportrayal写照画人物的形象to portray传神写照 vividly portray描写刻画depiction旧社会的写照 depiction of the old society写照 xiě zhào portrayal; portraiture:  生活的真实写照 be a true portrayal of life 写照[xiě zhào]1.画人物的形象 portray (a person or character):传神写照 give a vivid and lifelike portrayal 2.描写刻画 portrayal; portraiture:‘无风三尺土,有雨一街泥’,这就是旧北京街道的真实写照。‘A thick layer of dust covers the ground even if there's no wind, and any rainfall will turn the streets muddy.’ This is a true-to-life portrayal of the streets in old Beijing.写照n.comment说明;写照picture(生动的)描绘,描写,描述,写照portrait相似的形象;〈喻〉写照commentary说明;写照写照1. portraiture; portrayal; a description; an image写照1. portray (a person or character)♦ 传神~ give a vivid and lifelike portrayal2. portrayal; portraiture♦ 真实的~ a portrayal true to life




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