

释义 再1. again2. repeated再 zàiI adv.1) again; once more; further(more)再吃一点儿。 Eat some more.2) in a higher degree3) and then; not (do sth.) before吃完饭再看电视。 Finish your food before you watch TV.II v. wr.wr. come back; return青春不再。 One's youth does not return.再zàiagainonce morere-secondanotherthen (after sth, and not until then)no matter how ... (followed by an adjective or verb, and then (usually) 也[yě] or 都[dōu] for emphasis)再 v. 参见:再现[zàixiàn]良机难再。 Opportunity knocks but once. adv. 又一次again一而再,再而三 over and over again再等几天 wait for another few days再唱一遍 sing once again再坐一会儿 sit for a little longer再不要为了一点小事吵嘴 don't quarrel again over such a small matter我们几时再见面? When will we meet again?现在再也没这种情况了。 This type of situation won't happen again.表示更加more必须再快一些。 It has to be faster.再明白也没有了。 It couldn't be any clearer.办得再好没有了。 It couldn't have been done better.这样再好没有了。 It couldn't be better.资料能再多一点就好了。 It would be good if there was a little more information.表示如果继续下去if再不走,就要赶不上火车了。 If we don't leave now we'll miss the train.现在再不设法,那就来不及了。 If we don't think of a way then it will be too late.表示两个动作的先后关系then工作一会儿再休息 work for a while then rest自己先学会了再教别人 learn something oneself first, then teach others搜集和准备好了材料再动笔 gather and prepare the data, then start writing表示另有补充as well as花园里种着芍药、茉莉,再就是玫瑰。 The garden is planted with peony and jasmine, as well as roses.再 zài 副 (又一次) another time; again; once more:  再说一遍 say it again;  再学习 learn again; study repeatedly;  一而再,再而三 again and again; repeatedly;  再创新记录 set another record;  我不能再喝了。 I can't drink any more.  我打算再见她一次。 I want to see her once more.  我再给你举另一个例子吧。 I'll give you another example.  再来一个! Encore! (表示更加) still; further:  再举高点儿 raise still higher;  以求再进 strive for further progress;  声音再大一点。 Still louder, Please.  再好不过了。 It couldn't be better.  再冷的天我也不怕。 I can stand colder weather than this. (表示如果继续怎样):  再过几天, 整个工程即可竣工。 The project will be accomplished in a few more days.  再马马虎虎地开车, 就会酿成车祸。 There would be an accident if you drive carelessly like this.  再不走我们开会就要迟到了。 We'll be late for the meeting if we stay any longer. (表示一个动作发生在另一个动作结束之后):  吃完饭再看电视。 Have your dinner before you watch TV.  她先去巴黎,再去伦敦。 First she goes to Paris and then to London.  你做完功课再出去。 Finish your homework before you go out. (表示另外有所补充):  再说 what's more; besides; furthermore; moreover;  再不然 if not; or; or else; otherwise;  再就是 and also; and ... as well;  他对这件事不清楚,再说, 他也不想插手。 He doesn't know anything about the matter; besides, he doesn't want to get involved. (再继续; 再出现) come back; continue; return; reappear:  东山再起 stage a comeback;  青春不再。 One's youth never returns.  良机难再。 Opportunity knocks but once. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶再再 467A05  31.42  部居  畫數 6ㄗㄞˋ [zai4] Adv.Again, once more: 再接再厲 make unremitting efforts;再三,再四,再三再四,一再 repeatedly;再議,再審 be discussed over again;再說 [zai4shuo1]↓;再次 once more;再演一次 encore;再行改期 postpone, reschedule;再過幾天 in a few more days;再運心思 reconsider;東山再起 (usu. of a politician) stage a comeback;再生 [zai4sheng1]↓;再造 [zai4zao4]↓;再談 let's discuss it later;再見 see you again, good-bye! 不再說了,相見 never mention it, never see each other again.Words1. 再版 [zai4ban3], v.i. & n., (of a book) (have) a second edition.2. 再拜 [zai4bai4], phr., (in letter) a polite complimentary close (“yours cordially” or “respectfully”).3. 再不 [zai4bu0], adv., never again.4. 再乘 [zai4cheng2], n., (math.) the cube, the third power.5. 再發 [zai4fa1], v.i. & adj., recur, -rent.6. 再犯 [zai4fan4], v.i. & n., (commit) a second offense, a person committing it.7. 再會 [zai4hui4], phr., good-bye! see you again!8. 再婚 [zai4hun1], v.i., re-marry.9. 再者 [zai4zhe3], adv., furthermore, in addition, by way of a postscript, (“p.s.”).10. 再醮 [zai4jiao4], v.i., (of a woman) re-marry.11. 再來 [zai4lai2], phr., (1) come back: 時乎時乎不再來 time (lost) will never come again; (2) do (s.t.) over again: 再來一盤棋 let's have another game of chess; (3) have another help of (s.t.): 再來點兒水 give me some more water, please.12. 再生 [zai4sheng1], n. & v.i. & adj., rebirth, (be) born anew, reborn.13. 再現 [zai4xian4], v.i., (1) reappear; (2) (a former experience) reappears in one's mind.14. 再說 [zai4shuo1], v.t., (1) talk about it later; (2) speak again, repeat; v.t., (3) adv., moreover, furthermore.15. 再再 [zai4zai4], adv., again and again, repeatedly.16. 再造 [zai4zao4], v.i., be born anew, given a new lease of life.再再 [zai4zai4], adv., again and again, repeatedly.再[zài](ㄗㄞˋ)1.〈副词 adv.〉(a)表示又一次(有时专指第二次 sometimes meaning esp. the ‘2nd time’)once more; again; one more time:再版 2nd impression of printing; 2nd edition再接再厉 work ceaselessly一而再,再而三 over and over again; time and again; again and again学习,学习,再学习。Study, study, and study again.注意 NOTE:表示已经重复的动作用‘又’,表示将要重复的动作用‘再’又 yòu is used to indicate a repeated action, while 再zài is used to indicate an action that is to be repeated in future, 如 e.g. 这部书前几天我又读了一遍,以后有时间我还要再读一遍。I read the book once more several days ago, and I'll read it again when I have time.(b)表示更加 to a greater extent or degree:高点儿,再高点儿 higher, still higher再多一点儿就好了。It would be great if there was more. (c)表示如果继续下去就会怎样 [indicating what will happen if a condition is allowed to continue]:学习再不努力,就得留级了。You'll fail to go up to the next grade if you still don't study hard.离开车只剩半个钟头了,再不走可赶不上了。There is only half an hour left. We'll miss the train if we don't start at once. (d)表示一个动作发生在另一个动作结束之后 [indicating one action taking place after the completion of another]:咱们看完了这个节目再走。We'll leave after watching this performance.你把材料整理好再动笔。Sort out the materials before setting pen to paper. (e)表示另外有所补充 [indicating additional information]:再则 moreover; in addition; furthermore; besides再不然 or; or else院子里种着迎春、牡丹、海棠、石榴,再就是玫瑰和月季。The garden has been planted with winter jasmine, peonies, Chinese flowering crab-apple trees, pomegranates, as well as roses and Chinese roses. 2.〈书 fml.〉再继续;再出现 continue; return; reappear:青春不再。One's youth never returns.良机难再。Opportunity knocks but once.相关词组一再 | 东山再起 | 恩同再造 | 一…再… | 非再生资源 | 可再生资源 | 简单再生产 | 扩大再生产 | 一而再,再而三再版 | 再不 | 再次 | 再度 | 再会 | 再婚 | 再嫁 | 再见 | 再醮 | 再三 | 再审 | 再生 | 再世 | 再说 | 再现 | 再造 | 再则 | 再者 | 再保险 | 再生产 | 再生水 | 再接再厉 | 再生父母 | 再衰三竭再ad.eftsoon〈古〉再,又more再;另外;进一步地yet再,还anew再,再一次;重新EFT再,又comb.formdeuto-表示“第二”,“次”,“再”pref.re-表示“又”,“再”,“重新”,“反复”: remarry, reappear, retell, redouble, re-election, researchphr.de integro〈拉〉重新,再de nouveau〈法〉〈古〉又一次,再一次,再any more再,还any longer[用于否定句](不)再再1. again2. more; further3. and then4. furthermore双向☞反对--相互--再双向☞辅助--副--子再[zài]副1. (for an action yet to take place or contemplated) again; once more; further♦ 我叫他别~来, 可他又来了。 I told him not to come again, but here he is again.♦ 有工夫, 请~来玩。 Please come again whenever you are free.♦ 青春不~。 One's youth never returns.♦ 良机难~。 Opportunity knocks but once.2. (used before adjectives) more; -er♦ 还有~大点儿的吗? Have you got a bigger one?♦ 声音~大一点。 Still louder, please.♦ ~冷的天我也不怕。 I can stand colder weather than this.♦ ~好不过了。 It couldn't be any better.3. (used to indicate the continuing of a situation in conditional or suppositional clauses)♦ ~不走我们就赶不上火车了。 We'll miss the train if we delay any longer.4. (for a delayed action, preceded by an expression of time or condition) then; only then♦ 你做完了功课~出去。 Finish your homework before you go out.♦ 雨住了~走吧。 Let's leave when the rain stops.♦ 这件事等明年~说。 This business can keep till next year.5. in addition; on top of that♦ 到会的有教职员工, ~就是学生代表。 Present at the meeting were teachers, administrative personnel, and workers, and also representatives of the students.6. ~…也 (followed by a negative expression) no matter how...still (not) ♦ 你~劝他也没有用。 No matter how hard you try, you can never persuade him.♦ 他~卖力也升不了职。 No matter how hard he works, he'll never get promoted.




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