

单词 内皮
释义 文馨英漢☞內皮内皮 nèipíthin skin on the inside of some fruits (e.g., oranges)内皮nèipí(med.) endotheliumthin skin on the inside of some fruits (e.g. oranges)内皮【解】endothelium内皮 nèi pí bast; endothelium; esoderma 内皮层 endodermis; 内皮害虫 inner-bark borers; inner-bark boring insects; 内皮瘤 endothelioma; 内皮细胞 {组织} endothelial cell; endotheliocyte; 内皮(细胞)纤维瘤 endotheliofibroma; endothelioinoma; 内皮炎 endotheliitis; 内皮组织 endothelial tissue内皮[nèi pí] 医学上指覆盖在血管、淋巴管、心脏等内部表面的上皮组织 endothelium; thin layer of epidermis tissue that lines blood vessel, lymphatic, heart, etc.内皮a.hypophloeodal【生】(生长在)皮层下的,内(树)皮的(亦作 hypophloeodic, hypophloeous)n.endothelium【解】内皮内皮1. [Botany] endodermis; endothecium内皮endothelium内皮endodermis内皮Inner bark双向☞内皮--内层胚盘双向☞内皮--内皮细胞




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