

单词 内情
释义 文馨英漢☞內情内情 nèiqínginside information/story不明内情的人怎么能说长道短? How can someone who doesn't know the inside story offer criticism?内情nèiqínginside storyinside information内情inside story查明内情 investigate the inside story熟悉内情的人 one who knows the inside story内情 nèi qíng inside information (story):  了解内情 be an insider; be in the know 内情[nèi qíng] 内部情况 inside story:熟悉内情 be in the know; be an insider内情n.inside〈俚〉内幕,内情secret秘密;机密;内情phr.inside skinny〈美俚〉内幕,内情内情1. inside information; the inside; an inner secret; private circumstances; the inside story国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞内情--心情内情inside information (or story)♦ 了解~ be an insider; be in the know




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