

单词 典籍
释义 典籍1. ancient books and records典籍 diǎnjí1) classical books/records2) canonical writings典籍diǎnjíancient books or records典籍ancient books and records(plural)典籍 diǎn jí (记载古代法制的图书; 泛指古代图书和重要文献) ancient codes and records; ancient books and records:  唐代典籍 the Tang books and records;  在我院图书馆里藏有许多典籍。 There are many ancient codes and records in the library of our institute. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶典籍 [dian3ji2], n., books in gen., esp. anc. works.典籍books, records, esp. old.典籍[diǎn jí] 记载古代法制的图书,也泛指古代图书 ancient records of laws and decrees; ancient books:文献典籍 documents and historical records典籍1. ancient codes and records; ancient books and records典籍ancient codes and records; ancient books and records♦ 先秦~ pre-Qin books and records英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞CLERK英華☞Codex英華☞BOOK




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