

释义 其1. he2. her3. his4. it5. its6. she7. that8. their9. they10. thoseABCABC★◀▶其 qíI pr. whis; her; its; their; he; she; it; that; suchII m.p. rmarking question, emphasis, imperativeIII suf. .1) used for reasons of euphony or as an empty suffix in expansion of one-syllable component to a two-syllable component极其微小 (极小) diminutive2) forming adverbs尤其 particularly其 jī(镃/兹其)其qíhisheritstheirthatsuchit (refers to sth preceding it)其 pron. 他的,他们的his; her; its; their人人应各尽其责。 Everyone should do his or her part.知其一,不知其二 be aware of one aspect but ignorant of the other他,他们he; she; it; they促其实现 urgently bring it about订了计划就必须使其及时完成。 Since there is a plan, it should be completed on time.事情很重要,不能任其自流。 This matter is very important, do not let it slide.那个;那样that; such而实际上并无其事。 In reality there is no such thing.不堪其苦 cannot bear such suffering不乏其人。 There is no lack of such people.虚指used in a rhetorical sense to refer to nothing in particular大请其客 entertain lavishly日见其多 increasing day by day auxiliary word 表示揣测、反问used for conjectures or questions asked in reply to something岂其然乎? How can it be like this?其奈我何? What can they do to me?表示命令used for commands子其勉勉之! Exert yourself to the utmost!其 qí 代 (他(她,它)的; 他(她,它)们的) his (her, its, their):  其父 his father;  物尽其用 make the best possible use of everything;  各得其所。 Each is in his proper place.; Everyone is properly provided for.  各尽其力。 Everyone does his best. (他, 她, 它; 他 (她, 它)们) he, she, it, they:  促其早日实现 help (to) bring it about at an early date;  不能任其胡作非为。 He (She) is not allowed to commit any outrages.  不要任其自流。 Don't let things slide. (自己; 自己的) oneself:  自食其力 support oneself by one's own labour; earn one's own living (那个; 那样) that; such:  不厌其烦 not mind taking all the trouble;  如闻其声, 如见其人 (so vividly described that) you seem to see and hear the person;  正当其时 just at that time; at the opportune moment;  不乏其人。 There is no lack of such people.  查无其事。 It is found that there was no such thing.  (虚指):  大吹其牛 greatly exaggerate; talk big without restraint;  大请其客 invite many guests to dinner; entertain lavishly;  忘其所在 forget the place 助 (书) (表示揣测、反诘):  其奈我何? What can they do to me? (表示命令):  子其勉之! Exert yourself to the utmost!  (后缀):  何其 how; what;  极其 most; extremely;  尤其 especially; particularly 名 (姓氏) a surname:  其石 Qi Shi 另见 jī。其其 243C10  20.80  部居  畫數 8ㄑㄧˊ [qi2]  (-*ㄐㄧ [ji1] ).Fin. part.([ji0]) (AC) interrogative particle: 夜如何其,夜未央 How is the night? It is not dawn yet.Pron.(1)  (Possessive pron.) his, her, its, their: 其子 his son;其貌不揚 his face is ugly;其心可誅 his motive is execrable;不得其門而入 could not find its entrance or proper approach.(2)  In Chinese sentence construction: (a) the use of 其 as “its” often follows a n. clause, which describes the antecedent first: 鳥之將死;其鳴也哀 when a bird is dying, its cry is pitiful;周雖舊邦,其命維新 although Chou is an old country, its destiny (mandate) is new;(b) “its” is used often to denote place or time: 其先 in the beginning;其前 in front of it;其後 later, or behind.(3)  That: 其何以堪 can one stand that? 其奈我何 can I be stopped by that?Adj.(1)  (Demonstrative) that: 其人其事 that man and that business;其父其子 a chip off the old block.(2)  (AC) 其 often stands for “it is”, following directly the antecedent n.: 北風其涼 the north wind-it's cold;雨雪其雱 it snows-and it is heavy snow.Adv. & Conj.(1)  (Interrogative) 其…乎 can it be …? (=豈乎…): 一之為甚,其可再乎 once is bad enough, must it happen a second time?(2)  (Optative) or: 誠愛趙乎,其憎趙乎 does he really love the Jauh country, or rather doesn't he hate it?(3)  (Emphatic) indeed: 然乎,不其然乎 is it so? is it not so? 才難,不其然乎 talent is rare to come by, isn't it so indeed?(4)  (Imperative) in an order, like English “let”: 其以沛為朕沐邑 let Paih be designated as my resort town;其各凜遵 let all obey this order carefully;其毋 let not.Words1. 其間 [qi2jian1], prep. phr. & n., (relationship) in between; that interval; the inside (aspect).2. 其中 [qi2zhong1], prep. phr. & n., among (a group); inside (a situation).3. 其內 [qi2nei4], n. & adv. phr., inside: 車錢也在其內 (or 在內) transportation expenses included.4. 其實 [qi2shi2], adv. phr., in reality, as a matter of fact.5. 其他 [qi2ta1] (coll. [qi2tuo1]), phr., and others, often 及其他 and others; the other (persons, things): 其他作品 and other works.6. 其次 [qi2ci4], n. & adv., next in importance: 費用還在其次 money expenses are a minor consideration.7. 其外 [qi2wai4], n. & adv. phr., outside, extra (persons, things) =此外: 其外概不收費 but for this there are no charges.8. 其餘 [qi2yU2], n. & adj., the remaining, the rest: 舉一以概其餘 just mention one example which serves for the rest.其[jī](ㄐㄧ)用于人名,郦食其(Lì Yìjī),汉朝人 ji, used as part of a person's name, e.g. Li Yiji, a man of the Han Dynasty另见 qí其1[qí](ㄑㄧˊ)1.他(她、它)的;他(她、它)们的 his; her; its; their:各得其所 to the satisfaction of one and all; each is properly provided for; each is in his proper place自圆其说 give a good explanation of what one has said or done; make out a good case 2.他(她、它);他(她、它)们 he; she; it; they:促其早日实现 bring sth. to fruition at an early date不能任其自流。On no account should we let the matter go along its natural course. 3.那个;那样 that; such:查无其事。Investigation indicates that nothing of the sort has happened.不厌其烦 go to great lengths; take great pains; be very patient 4.虚指 [used as a functional word]:忘其所以 forget oneself; get swell-headed其2[qí](ㄑㄧˊ)〈书 fml.〉〈助词 aux.〉1.表示揣测、反诘 [indicating conjecture or retort]:岂其然乎?Is this really the case?其奈我何?What can they do about me? 2.表示命令 [indicating an instruction]:子其勉之!Work to the best of your ability please!其3[qí](ㄑㄧˊ)〈词尾 suffix〉:极其 extremely尤其 in particular如其 if; in case大概其。That's about it.另见 jī相关词组更其 | 何其 | 极其 | 卡其 | 如其 | 惟其 | 尤其 | 与其 | 充其量 | 乔其纱 | 萨其马 | 大概其 | 出其不意 | 得其所哉 | 攻其不备 | 听其自然 | 望其项背 | 不计其数 | 瞠乎其后 | 洞烛其奸 | 独善其身 | 各得其所 | 各行其是 | 果不其然 | 夸大其词 | 夸夸其谈 | 两全其美 | 勉为其难 | 名副其实 | 莫名其妙 | 恰如其分 | 若无其事 | 三缄其口 | 上下其手 | 神乎其神 | 适得其反 | 适逢其会 | 首当其冲 | 死得其所 | 突如其来 | 微乎其微 | 物伤其类 | 虚有其表 | 言过其实 | 自行其是 | 自食其果 | 自食其力 | 自食其言 | 自圆其说 | 坐享其成 | 反其道而行之 | 万变不离其宗 | 无所不用其极 | 盛名之下,其实难副其次 | 其间 | 其实 | 其他 | 其它 | 其余 | 其中 | 其貌不扬其ad.thereof在其中,其pron.whose[关系代词]那一个的,那一些的;它的;它们的;其(= of which)[关系代词]那个人的,那些人的;他(或她)的;他们(或她们)的;其其1. that2. that person's; that one's其[qí]代1. his (her, its, their)♦ ~父 his or her father2. he (she, it, they)♦ 劝~戒烟 advise him (or her) to give up smoking♦ 促~早日实现 help bring it about at an early date3. that; such♦ 正当~时 just at that time; at the opportune moment♦ 查无~事。 Investigation shows that nothing of this sort has happened.4. (referring to no definite person or thing) it♦ 大请~客 invite many guests to dinner; entertain lavishly♦ 忘~所以 forget all else




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