

单词 兴办
释义 文馨英漢☞興辦兴办 xīngbàninitiate; set up兴办xīngbànto beginto set in motion兴办to set up兴办人民福利事业 set up the people's welfare services兴办新工厂 set up a new factory各市、各县兴办的中小型企业 small and medium-sized enterprises set up by each municipality and county兴办 xīng bàn initiate; set up:  兴办工厂 set up factories;  兴办集体福利事业 initiate collective welfare work 兴办[xīng bàn]创办(事业)initiate; set up:兴办学校 set up a school兴办企业 start up an enterprise兴办1. to initiate a project; to set up a project; to establish; to found兴办initiate; set up♦ ~新型企业 initiate enterprises of a new type




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