

单词 关联
释义 文馨英漢☞關聯关联 guānliánsyn. 关连关联guānliánrelatedlinkedaffiliated关联to be linked相互关联的几个概念 several linked concepts有密切的关联 be closely linked没有任何关联 have no link whatsoever这些问题是互相关联着的。 These problems are linked together.关联 guān lián relevance; be related; correlation; relevancy; interaction; interconnection; be connected:  互相关联的 be interrelated;  数学和天文学是互相关联的科学。 Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences. 关联表 {统} contingency table; 关联参数 relevant parameter; 关联长度 correlation length; 关联词 conjunctive word; 关联度量张量 associated metric tensor; 关联公理 axiom of alignment; axiom of connection; incidence axioms; 关联估计原则 interaction predication principle; 关联函数 correlation function; 关联矩阵 {数} incidence matrix; associated matrix; 关联类 association class; 关联能 correlation energy; 关联平衡法 interaction balance method; 关联时间 correlation time; 关联树 relevance tree; 关联算子 associate operator; 关联(互联)系统 interconnected (interacted) system; 关联现象 correlation; 关联性 relevance; 关联预估法 interaction predication approach; 关联指数 {化} correlation index; 关联张量 associated tensor; 关联罪 guilt by association; 关联作用 correlation关联[guān lián] 事物相互之间发生牵连和影响 interrelation among different things; be related; be connected:国民经济各部门是互相关联互相依存的。The various sectors of the national economy are interrelated and interdependent.这可是关联着生命安全的大事。This is a matte of vital importance, with life at stake.关联a.correlate〈罕〉关联的,相关的;相辅相成的n.relationship关系,关联concern关系,关联association联合;结合;关联;交往reference关系;关联respect关系,关联relation(事物间的)关系,关联bearing关系,关联incidence【数】关联,接合solidarity团结一致;共同一致;关联,休戚相关linkage连接,连合;关联,联系;联动;耦合tie-in关联;关系tie-up〈口〉关系;关联;联合;协作vi.correlate相关,关联 (to, with)关联1. to be related; to be connected2. relation; connection关联relationship关联Association关联correlation关联implication关联relevance双向☞关联--对射[变换]--交互作用双向☞相关数--使相关--相关物双向☞关联--入射--投引双向☞关联--相联--结合双向☞落下--倾角--发生双向☞关联--相关[性]双向☞相关性--关联双向☞入射--关联双向☞关联--相关双向☞相关--关联关联be related; be connected♦ 国民经济各部门是互相~互相依存的。 The various branches of the national economy are interrelated and interdependent.♦ 数学和天文学是互相~的科学。 Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences.




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