

释义 共1. all2. common3. together4. to share共 gòngI b.f.1) share; commonly possess (共同)2) common; general; identical (共性)II adv.1) together2) altogether; in all共一百块 altogether 100 kuài共gòngcommongeneralto sharetogethertotalaltogetherabbr. for 共产党[Gòng chǎn dǎng], Communist party共 n. 共产党Communist Party中共 the Communist Party of China v. 共同承受to share共患难 go through hardships together共甘苦 share ups and downs共命运 share a common fate adj. 参见:共同 adv. 一齐together共叙旧情 talk about the past together参见:共总[gòngzǒng]这本集子里共收十二篇小说。 This collection is made up of twelve stories in total.共 gōng 动 (书) (恭敬) respect (供奉; 供给) supply 名 (古国名) Gong, a state in the Zhou Dynasty (姓氏) a surname:  共林 Gong Lin 另见 gǒng; gòng。 2) 共 gòng 形 (相同的; 共同具有的) common; joint; mutual; general:  共性 general character;  共有 joint possession;  共存 coexistence 动 (共同具有或承受) share with:  共命运 share a common fate;  休戚与共 share weal and woe;  同甘苦,共患难 share joys and sorrows 副 (在一起; 一齐) together:  共商国事 discuss affairs of state together;  同舟共济 cross a river in the same boat -- people in the same boat help each other;  同生共死 live and die together;  两国人民共饮一江水。 The people of our two countries drink from the same river. (总共) altogether; in all:  该校共有师生5千人。 The college has five thousand teachers and students in all. 名 (共产党的简称) short for the Communist Party:  中共 the Communist Party of China (CPC) 另见 gōng; gǒng。 3) 共 gǒng 动 (书) (围绕) surround (两手合围) span with the hand另见 gōng; gòng共共 243A45  20.80  部居  畫數 6ㄍㄨㄥˋ [gong4] N.Short for Communist (party): 共黨 a Communist, the Communist Party;中共,俄共 the Chinese, Russian Communist Party;共諜 Communist agents;反共 anti-Communist.V.t.To share (s.t.) with (s.o.): 休戚與共 share joy and sorrow;同甘共苦 share prosperity and adversity;與朋友共 share (s.t.) with one's friends.Adj.(1)  Common, joint, mutual, collective: 共同 [gong4tong2]↓;共有 joint possession;共管 joint management or control: 國際共管 international control;共濟(會) (society for) mutual assistance;共存 coexistence;共榮 coprosperity: 東亞共榮圈 East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere;共享 enjoy in common.(2)  Total: 共計 the sum total;總共,合共,一共 the total amount.Adv.Together: 共事 work together as colleagues;同舟共濟 people in the same boat (should) help each other;同生共死 live and die together.Words1. 共產 [gong4chan3], adj., Communist: 共產黨 a Communist (Party); 共產主義 Communism; 共產國際 Communist International (Comintern); 共產集團 Communist bloc.2. 共棲 [gong4qi1], n., (biol.) symbiosis (also 共生).3. 共軛角 [gong4e4jiao3], n., (math.) conjugate angles.4. 共犯 [gong4fan4], n., an accomplice.5. 共和 [gong4he2], adj., republican; adj., 共和國 [gong4he2guo2], n., a republic; adj., 共和黨 the Republican Party.6. 共鳴 [gong4ming2], n., (1) (phys.) sympathetic vibration or resonance; (2) sympathy, sympathetic understanding: 他這種表現,引起了共鳴 his action has aroused much sympathy.7. 共生 [gong4sheng1], n., (biol.) symbiosis (also 共棲↑).8. 共性 [gong4xing4], n., common traits or characteristics.9. 共同 [gong4tong2], (1) adj., common, collective, joint: 共同興趣,共同目標common interests, goal; 共同努力,共同奮鬥 collective or joint efforts, endeavors; 採取共同行動 take united or concerted action; 共同負責 joint responsibility; 共同市場 Common Market; (2) adv., together: 共同生活 live together as husband and wife.共[gòng](ㄍㄨㄥˋ)1.相同的;共同具有的 common; general; identical:共性 common character; generality共通 generally applicable, applicable to all 2.共同具有或承受 share:同甘苦,共患难 share weal and woe; go through thick and thin together 3.在一起;一齐 together; at the same time:共鸣 resonance; sympathetic response和平共处 peaceful coexistence 4.一共;总计 altogether; in all; amount to:这两个集子共收小说十二篇。There are altogether 12 novels in these two collections.全书共十卷。The whole book contains 10 volumes. 5.共产党的简称 abbr. for 共产党 gòngchǎndǎng:中共 Communist Party of China〈古 arch.〉 同 same as 恭 gōng; 又同 also same as 供 gōng相关词组公共 | 合共 | 拢共 | 满共 | 通共 | 统共 | 一共 | 与共 | 总共 | 不共戴天 | 公共关系 | 公共积累 | 公共汽车 | 国际共管 | 和平共处 | 和衷共济 | 核磁共振 | 奇文共赏 | 同甘共苦 | 同舟共济 | 雅俗共赏 | 有目共睹 | 有目共赏 | 患难与共 | 生死与共 | 民族共同语 | 科学共产主义 | 和平共处五项原则共处 | 共存 | 共度 | 共犯 | 共管 | 共和 | 共计 | 共居 | 共聚 | 共勉 | 共鸣 | 共栖 | 共生 | 共识 | 共事 | 共通 | 共同 | 共性 | 共议 | 共振 | 共总 | 共产党 | 共和国 | 共和制 | 共青团 | 共同体 | 共产主义 | 共同市场 | 共同语言 | 共产主义青年团共pref.syn-表示“与”,“共”,“同”,“合”: synecology, synthesis, syncarp, syndrome共1. to share2. common; general3. altogether双向☞与--同--顺式〔词头〕双向☞共--顺式〔词头〕--同共[gòng]形common; general♦ 共性 动share♦ ~命运 share a common fate; throw in one's lot with sb.副1. together; in company♦ ~进午餐 have lunch together2. altogether; in all; all told♦ 这个集子~收小说十二篇。 There are altogether twelve short stories in this collection.♦ 我们小组~有十人。 There are ten of us in the group.




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