

单词 公费
释义 文馨英漢☞公費公费 gōngfèipublic/state expense你是公费留学生吗? Are you a government-sponsored overseas student?公费gōngfèiat public expense公费public expense公费医疗 public health services公费留学 state scholarship to study abroad公费 gōng fèi at public expense; at state expense 公费留学 state-financed student studying abroad; 公费医疗 public health services; free medical service; public medical care; free medical care; 公费医疗费用 free medical treatment expense; free medical service expense公费[gōng fèi] 由国家或团体供给的费用 funds supplied by the state or the collective:公费医疗 public health services公费留学 study abroad on a state scholarship公费a.free免费的,无偿的;公费的公费1. at public expense; at government expense公费professional charge双向☞费--公费--规费公费(at) public (or state) expense♦ ~留学 study abroad on state scholarship~旅游 travel at public expense~医疗 free medical service (or care); public health services




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