

单词 公债
释义 文馨英漢☞公債公债 gōngzhàigovernment bond公债government bonds(plural)战时公债 war bonds认购公债 subscribe to government bonds偿还公债 bond redemption推销公债 sell government bonds公债 gōng zhài government bonds; state loan; government loan; public loan:  经济建设公债 economic construction bonds;  偿还全部公债 redeem all the national bonds;  他们热心购买公债。 They are eager to buy their government bonds. 公债偿还 refunding of bond; 公债额 public debts; 公债发行 public subscription; 公债持有人 fund-holder; 公债券 public bond; 公债抽资收益 basis; 公债制度 funding system公债[gōng zhài] 国家向公民或外国借的债 public or government debt; debt a state owes to its citizens or foreign countries公债n.fund[the funds]〈英〉(被看作投资方式的)公债(亦作 the public funds)stock公债;公债债权;债务;证券;[the stocks]〈英〉国债总额Bond公债,债券rente[常作 rentes] (尤指法国政府发行的)公债,国库券phr.Exchequer bond(英国财政部发行的)公债,国库债券public funds[复]〈英〉(被看作投资方式的)公债public debt〈主美〉公债,国债government bond公债,政府债券公债1. a government bond; a government loan; a public loan; the National Debt; (Br.) the stocks; the funds公债government bond公债Government debt公债treasury bond公债public debt双向☞公债--公共债务双向☞公债--政府公债公债(government) bonds♦ 经济建设~ economic construction bonds~发行 public subscription~券 government securities debentures; government bond




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