单词 | 公 |
释义 | 公 gōngI b.f.1) public affairs; official duties (公事)2) respectful form of address for an elderly man3) public; state-owned; collective (公立)4) common; accepted (公认)5) metric (公尺)6) just; fair; impartial (公正)7) male (of animals) (公鸡)8) make public (公开)II n.a gongchepu note公gōngpubliccollectively ownedcommoninternational (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)make publicfairjustDuke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]honorable (gentlemen)father-in-lawmale (animal)公 n. 参见:公事[gōngshì]办公 handle official business参见:公爵[gōngjué]大公 grand duke对男子的尊称respectful term of address for an elderly man张公 Mr Zhang诸公 gentlemen参见:公公 v. 参见:公布[gōngbù] adj. 国家或集体的public立党为公 build a party that serves the interests of the people参见:公平[gōngpíng]分配不公 be unfairly distributed秉公办理 handle a matter impartially共同的common属于国际间的universal公海 high seas公制 metric system参见:公用[gōngyòng]公筷 chopsticks used to serve food雄性male公鹿 stag公 gōng 形 (属于国家或集体的) state-owned; collective; public: 公物 public possessions; 公关 public relations (共同的; 大家承认的) common; general: 公分母 common denominator; 公约 convention; pact (属于国际间的) international: 公制 the metric system; 公斤 kilogramme (公平; 公正) equitable; fair and just; impartial: 办事不公 unjust in one's manner of doing things; 大公无私 selfless; unselfish (雄性的) male (animal): 公鸭 drake 动 (使公开) make public; publicize: 公之于众 make known to the public 名 (公事; 公务) public affairs; official business: 办公 attend to official duties; 因公出差 take a trip on official business (集体) authority; collective: 交公 turn over to the authorities; 归公 be turned over to the collective (封建五等爵位的第一等) duke (对老年男子的尊称): 李公 the revered Mr. Li (丈夫的父亲; 公公) husband's father; father-in-law (姓氏) a surname: 公俭 Gong Jian 林语堂林语堂★◀▶公公 1077B50 80.93 部居 畫數 4ㄍㄨㄥ [gong1] N.(1) Public affairs: 辦公 attend to official duties;公務 [gong1wu4], 公事[gong1shi4]2, 公家 [gong1jia1]↓.(2) Office for the transaction of official business: 公門[gong1men2]↓.(3) (AC) grand councillor or grand duke: 三公 the three offices of 太師,太傅,太保 or 大司馬,大司徒,大司空:一國三公 divided counsel, a house divided against itself;公卿 [gong1qing1]↓.(4) (AC) a duke (-dom): 公侯 dukes and marquises;公爵 rank of duke.(5) A male person of superior rank: 太公 great-grandfather, grandfather, father;公公 [gong1gong0]↓;叔公 father's uncle;舅公 grandmother's brother;外公 maternal grandfather;公婆 husband's parents;老公公 (court.) granddad, Santa Claus or any old man;(某)公 one Mr. (So and so);明公 (LL) you illustrious Sir;相公 (a) (MC) court. address to prime minister;(b) (MC, coll.) a common young scholar;(c) formerly, a pederast;相公堂子 house of pederasts.(6) A surname.V.t.To share with: 公天下 (of statesmanship) take one's position as a public trust (lit., “share the country with the people”);公諸同好 let others with same taste share (artistic or creative work).Adj.(1) Fair and just: 大公無私 fair-minded, unselfish;公正 gung-jehng, 公平 [gong1ping2]↓;不公 unfair, unjust;公道 [gong1dao4]↓;公公道道 fair and square.(2) Belonging to the male sex: 公雞 a cock;公牛 a bull;公母 (倆) a male and a female, a couple;公的 the male.(3) Belonging to the public, government-owned: 公園 [gong1yUan2]↓;公物 public possessions;公地 public land;公款 public funds;公產 public property;公服 official dress;公德 [gong1de2]↓;公假 official leave of absence;公債 [gong1zhai4], 公賣 [gong1mai4], 公憤[gong1fen4], 公意[gong1yi4]2↓.(4) Of a universal system, esp. metrical system: 公曆 [gong1li4]2, 公里 [gong1li3]1↓.Adv.(1) Done or supported by the government: 公有 publicly owned;公立 financed by the government, publicly established: 公立學校,公立醫院 public schools, hospitals.(2) Done by general consensus: 公推 chosen by acclamation;公舉 elected by popular vote;公攤 (of expenses) shared equally by all.Words1. 公案 [gong1an4], n., (1) office desks; (2) official business; (3) a much discussed issue, a standing problem, esp. in Zen Budd.2. 公安 [gong1an1], n., public security; 公安局 police department.3. 公保 [gong1bao3], n., government insurance for public servants.4. 公報 [gong1bao4], n., government gazette.5. 公倍數 [gong1bei4shu4], n., (math.) a common multiple.6. 公便 [gong1bian4], adv. & n., (used in official documents) “for the benefit of all parties concerned”: 實為方便.7. 公比 [gong1bi3], n., (math.) the common ratio.8. 公秉 [gong1bing3], n., a kiloliter, see Appendix C.9. 公布 [gong1bu4], adj., (also 公佈) (of laws or decrees) officially promulgated, publicly announced.10. 公差 [gong1chai1], n., (1) a government messenger boy; public service; (2) ([gong1cha1]) (math.) the common difference; (econ.) remedy, tolerance of the mint.11. 公娼 [gong1chang1], n., licensed prostitution: 公娼制度 ditto.12. 公錢 [gong1qian2], n., a decagram, see Appendix C.13. 公器 [gong1qi4], n., (1) government property; (2) (LL) official titles and honors.14. 公啟 [gong1qi3], n., (1) an open letter; (2) a joint statement signed by a number of persons.15. 公頃 [gong1qing3]1, n., (surface measure) a hectare, see Appendix C.16. 公請 [gong1qing3]2, v.i. & n., (give) a joint invitation or dinner in honor of s.o.17. 公卿 [gong1qing1], n., (AC) high ministers of rank.18. 公出 [gong1chu1], n., official leave of absence.19. 公權 [gong1qUan2], n., political or civic rights.20. 公尺 [gong1chi3], n., (linear measure) a meter, see Appendix C.21. 公石 [gong1dan4], n., a hectoliter, see Appendix C.22. 公道 [gong1dao4], (1) n., justice, fairness; (2) ([gong1dao0]) adj., fair, just, reasonable.23. 公德 [gong1de2], n., public behavior or morals, regard for public welfare.24. 公敵 [gong1di2], n., public enemy.25. 公斗 [gong1dou3], n., a decaliter, see Appendix C.26. 公斷 [gong1duan4], n., arbitration, impartial judgement.27. 公牘 [gong1du2], n., official correspondence.28. 公法 [gong1fa3], n., (1) (jurisprudence) public laws: 國際公法 international law; (2) (math.) postulates (as the Euclidean postulates of geometry).29. 公份兒 [gong1feher0], n., a joint gift (also 公分兒).30. 公憤 [gong1fen4], n., public indignation.31. 公費 [gong1fei4], n., (1) office expenses; (2) funds provided by the government or any organization for a specific purpose, such as scholarships or charity; (3) a lawyer's fee.32. 公分 [gong1fen1], n., (1) (linear measure) a centimeter; (2) (measure of weight) a gram, see Appendix C.33. 公幹 [gong1gan4], n., official business.34. 公告 [gong1gan4], (1) n., public announcement; (2) v.i. & t., make such an announcement.35. 公館 [gong1guan3], n., (1) formerly, residence provided by the government for officials; (2) private residence of a government official; (3) (court.) a private home.36. 公共 [gong1gong0], adj., public, common, joint: 公共關係 public relations; 公共食堂 common mess hall.37. 公公 [gong1gong0], n., (1) grandfather; (2) the father of one's husband; (3) gen. term of respect for the aged; (4) a eunuch.38. 公海 [gong1hai3], n., the high seas.39. 公函 [gong1han2], n., (1) an official document; (2) a letter signed by a number of persons.40. 公毫 [gong1hao2], n., a centigram, see Appendix C.41. 公合 [gong1he2], n., a deciliter, see Appendix C.42. 公衡 [gong1heng2], n., ten kilograms, see Appendix C.43. 公會 [gong1hui4], n., a trade union, professional club.44. 公丈 [gong1zhang4], n., a decameter, see Appendix C.45. 公債 [gong1zhai4], n., bonds issued by the government or local self-governing bodies.46. 公正 [gong1zheng4], adj., just, impartial, fair (person, judgment).47. 公證人 [gong1zheng4ren2], n., (1) a witness; (2) notary public.48. 公家 [gong1jia1], n., the government; 公家的 adj., public, not private.49. 公價 [gong1jia4], n., official, controlled price.50. 公斤 [gong1jin1], n., a kilogram, see Appendix C.51. 公積 [gong1ji2], n., (business) reserve fund (also 公積金).52. 公轉 [gong1zhuan3], n., (astron.) a revolution.53. 公眾 [gong1zhong4], n., the general public; 公眾假期 public holiday.54. 公主 [gong1zhu3], n., a princess.55. 公決 [gong1jUe2], v.t. & n., (pass) resolutions by the majority.56. 公開 [gong1kai1], adj. & adv., (1) open(ly); (2) open to the public: 公開展覽 a public exhibition; 公開演講 a public lecture; 公開信 open letter.57. 公款 [gong1kuan3], n., public funds.58. 公空 [gong1kong1], n., the outer space over which no country has jurisdiction.59. 公兩 [gong1liang3], n, a centigram, see Appendix C.60. 公例 [gong1li4]1, n., a conventional practice; a law of physics.61. 公曆 [gong1li4]2, n., reckoning by Christian era, A.D. or B.C. (also called 西曆):62. 公里 [gong1li3]1, n., a kilometer, see Appendix C.63. 公理 [gong1li3]2, n., (1) justice, universally accepted truths; (2) (math.) axioms.64. 公釐 [gong1li2], n., (1) a decigram; (2) a millimeter; (3) a square meter, see Appendix C.65. 公路 [gong1lu4], n., highway.66. 公論 [gong1lun4], n., public opinion, general consensus.67. 公賣 [gong1mai4], n., government monopoly (of tobacco, wine, etc.).68. 公門 [gong1men2], n., (1) a government office; (2) (AC) the palace gate.69. 公民 [gong1min2], n., citizen of a country.70. 公民權 [gong1min2qUan2], n., civic rights.71. 公墓 [gong1mu4], n., a public cemetery.72. 公畝 [gong1mu3], n., an acre, equal to 100 sq. meters, see Appendix C.73. 公平 [gong1ping2], adj, just, fair, impartial.74. 公僕 [gong1pu2], n., public servants.75. 公然 [gong1ran2], adv., openly.76. 公認 [gong1ren4], adj., generally recognized or accepted.77. 公審 [gong1shen3], n., public trial.78. 公社 [gong1she4], n., a commune: 巴黎公社 the Paris Commune of 1871.79. 公升 [gong1sheng1], n., a liter, see Appendix C.80. 公項 [gong1xiang4], n., (math.) a general term.81. 公廨 [gong1xie4], n., government office or building.82. 公勺 [gong1shou4], n., a centiliter, see Appendix C.83. 公署 [gong1shu3], n., government office.84. 公式 [gong1shi4]1, n., a formula: 數學公式 mathematical formulas; 公式化 put in formulas, become a formula.85. 公事 [gong1shi4]2, n., (1) public affairs; (2) official business; (3) official documents; 公事包 attach* case, brief case.86. 公使 [gong1shi3], n., a minister accredited to a foreign country.87. 公訴 [gong1su4], n., (law) public indictment.88. 公孫 [gong1su4], n., a surname.89. 公孫樹 [gong1sun1shu4], n., the ginkgo tree (usu. 銀杏).90. 公絲 [gong1si1]1, n., a milligram, see Appendix C.91. 公司 [gong1si1]2, n., a commercial company, a business firm; 公司法 corporation law; 公司債 corporation bonds.92. 公堂 [gong1tang2], n., formerly a law court.93. 公庭 [gong1ting2], n., (1) a courtyard in front of the imperial ancestral shrine; (2) (=公堂) a law court: 對簿公庭 confront s.o. before a law court.94. 公撮 [gong1cuo1], n., a milliliter, see Appendix C.95. 公同 [gong1tong2], adj. & adv., common(ly), joint(ly), in cooperation with one another.96. 公寸 [gong1cun4], n., a decimeter, see Appendix C.97. 公祖 [gong1zu3], n., formerly, a term of respect for the local magistrate.98. 公子 [gong1zi3], n., (1) (AC) the son of a feudal prince; (2) the son of a higher class family: 公子哥兒 rich man's sons, playboys.99. 公文 [gong1wen2], n., official document.100. 公務 [gong1wu4], n., public business, duties; 公務員 civil servant.101. 公益 [gong1yi4]1, n., community benefit; 公益金 community chest.102. 公意 [gong1yi4]2, n., opinion of majority.103. 公營 [gong1ying2], adj., government-, state-, operated enterprise; 公私合營 quasi-government enterprise.104. 公園 [gong1yUan2], n., park.105. 公寓 [gong1yU4], n., apartment house, apartment.106. 公用事業 [gong1yong4shi4ye4], n., public utilities.公公 [gong1gong0], n., (1) grandfather; (2) the father of one's husband; (3) gen. term of respect for the aged; (4) a eunuch.公1[gōng](ㄍㄨㄥ)1.属于国家或集体的(跟‘私’相对 as opposed to ‘private’)public; state-owned; collective:公款 public funds公物 public property公事公办。Business is business. 2.共同的;大家承认的 common; general:公分母 common denominator公议 public discussion公约 convention; treaty 3.属于国际间的 of the world; international:公海 high seas; international waters公制 metric system公历 Gregorian calendar 4.使公开 make public:公布 announce公之于世 make known to the world 5.公平;公正 fair; impartial; just:公买公卖 be fair in buying and selling大公无私 selfless秉公办理 handle a matter impartially 6.公事;公务 public affairs; official business:办公 handle official business公余 after work 7.(Gōng) 姓 a surname公2[gōng](ㄍㄨㄥ)1.封建五等爵位的第一等 duke; first rank of the five ranks of nobility in feudal society:公爵 duke公侯 duke and marquis王公大臣 princes, dukes and ministers 2.对上了年纪的男子的尊称 [respectful term of address for an elderly man]:诸公 all the gentlemen张公 the reverend Mr. Zhang 3.丈夫的父亲;公公 husband's father; father-in-law:公婆 parents-in-law 4.(禽兽)雄性的(跟‘母’相对 as opposed to ‘female’)male (animal):公羊 ram这只小鸡是公的。This chick is a rooster.相关词组阿公 | 办公 | 包公 | 秉公 | 伯公 | 不公 | 充公 | 奉公 | 归公 | 老公 | 雷公 | 梢公 | 艄公 | 师公 | 叔公 | 太公 | 天公 | 外公 | 王公 | 相公 | 寓公 | 办公室 | 车公里 | 瓷公鸡 | 大公国 | 吨公里 | 鸡公车 | 老公公 | 两公婆 | 女公子 | 蒲公英 | 人公里 | 铁公鸡 | 亲家公 | 文抄公 | 主人公 | 办公会议 | 大公无私 | 奉公守法 | 急公好义 | 假公济私 | 损公肥私 | 天公地道 | 叶公好龙 | 愚公移山 | 巴黎公社 | 高速公路 | 股份公司 | 国际公法 | 国际公制 | 行政公署 | 花花公子 | 贿赂公行 | 跨国公司 | 例行公事 | 罗马公教 | 皮包公司 | 上市公司 | 同业公会 | 无限公司 | 新闻公报 | 有限公司 | 原始公社 | 专员公署 | 衮衮诸公 | 开诚布公 | 克己奉公 | 舍己为公 | 枵腹从公 | 一国三公 | 信息高速公路 | 项庄舞剑,意在沛公公安 | 公案 | 公办 | 公报 | 公布 | 公差 | 公产 | 公称 | 公出 | 公畜 | 公道 | 公德 | 公敌 | 公爹 | 公断 | 公法 | 公方 | 公房 | 公费 | 公愤 | 公干 | 公告 | 公公 | 公共 | 公股 | 公关 | 公馆 | 公国 | 公海 | 公害 | 公函 | 公会 | 公祭 | 公家 | 公举 | 公决 | 公开 | 公款 | 公了 | 公理 | 公历 | 公立 | 公例 | 公粮 | 公路 | 公论 | 公民 | 公墓 | 公派 | 公判 | 公平 | 公婆 | 公仆 | 公然 | 公认 | 公设 | 公社 | 公审 | 公使 | 公示 | 公式 | 公事 | 公输 | 公司 | 公私 | 公诉 | 公孙 | 公所 | 公堂 | 公帑 | 公推 | 公文 | 公务 | 公物 | 公心 | 公休 | 公演 | 公议 | 公益 | 公营 | 公映 | 公用 | 公有 | 公余 | 公寓 | 公元 | 公园 | 公约 | 公允 | 公债 | 公章 | 公正 | 公证 | 公职 | 公制 | 公众 | 公主 | 公助 | 公转 | 公子 | 公积金 | 公开信 | 公民权 | 公母俩 | 公平秤 | 公式化 | 公诉人 | 公务员 | 公信力 | 公益金 | 公有制 | 公债券 | 公报私仇 | 公共关系 | 公共积累 | 公共汽车 | 公教人员 | 公私合营 | 公用事业 | 公诸同好 | 公子哥儿 | 公子王孙公a.dog(主要指食肉哺乳动物)公的,雄的male雄的,公的;【植】雄性的,只具雄蕊的buck雄的,公的;〈贬〉男的Jack公的,雄的n.common[有时作 commons]共用牧地;(村、镇等的)公地Mark(中世纪日耳曼村社的)公地homestead〈美〉(政府按宅地法分给定居移民建农庄的)公地commonage公地phr.public land公有地,公地公1. public2. impartial3. male公[gōng]形1. public; state-owned; collective♦ ~私要分清 make a clear distinction between public and private interests2. common; general♦ ~分母 common denominator3. of the world; international; universal♦ 公海 4. equitable; impartial; fair; just♦ 公买公卖 5. male (animal)♦ ~象 male (or bull) elephant♦ 这只小鸡是~的。 It's a cockerel.♦ 你的狗是~的还是母的? Is your dog a he or a she?♦ ~狼 he-wolf名1. public affairs; official business♦ 因~外出 be away on official business2. duke♦ 公爵 3. (a respectful term of address for an elderly man)♦ 张~ the revered Mr. Zhang4. husband's father; father-in-law动make public♦ 公之于世 |
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