

单词 八荣八耻
释义 八荣八耻BāRóngBāChǐEight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines八荣八耻新时代的社会主义荣辱观(2006年3月4日,胡锦涛同志在看望政协委员时正式发表了关于社会主义荣辱观的讲话。内容为:以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻;以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻;以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻;以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻;以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻;以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻;以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻;以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻)the Eight Honours and Eight Shames(Britain); the Eight Honors and Eight Shames(US); set of moral principles drawn up by President Hu Jintao. In full, they are: Love the country; do it no harm. Serve the people; never betray them. Follow science; discard ignorance. Be diligent; not indolent. Be united, help each other; make no gains at others' expense. Be honest and trustworthy; do not sacrifice ethics for profit. Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless. Live plainly, work hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.一场别开生面的关于“八荣八耻”的“荣辱道德观大讨论”在山东博兴县乐安实验学校五年级三班展开。 A new "Discussion on Pride, Shame, and Morals" on the Eight Honours and Eight Shames is being held in Class Three, Year 5 of the Le'an Experimental School, Boxing County, Shandong.他们正准备在新战士中广泛开展“八荣八耻”和当代革命军人核心价值观教育。 They are preparing to roll out education on the Eight Honours and Eight Shames and the core value system of contemporary revolutionary soldiers among the new warriors.




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