

单词 八一南昌起义
释义 八一南昌起义 Bā-Yī Nánchāng Qǐyìthe August 1 Nanchang Uprising (1927)八一南昌起义 bā yī nán chāng qǐ yì the August 1 Nanchang Uprising (1927) which fired the first shot against the KMT reactionaries and marked the beginning of the Chinese Communist Party's independent leadership of the revolutionary war八一南昌起义[Bā Yī Nán chāng Qǐ yì]中国共产党为了挽救第一次国内革命战争的失败,于1927年8月1日在江西南昌举行的武装起义,领导人有周恩来、朱德、贺龙、叶挺等。起义部队于1928年4月到达井冈山,和毛泽东领导的秋收起义部队胜利会师,组成了中国工农红军第四军。August 1st Nanchang Uprising. To save the First Revolutionary Civil War from defeat, the Chinese Communist Party staged an armed uprising on August 1, 1927 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province; the leaders were Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, He Long and Ye Ting. The troops then marched to Jinggang Mountains in April 1928, and joined the troops of the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong, to form the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.




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