

释义 全1. all2. complete3. entire4. perfect5. whole全 quán1) s.v. complete; whole; full; total; perfect2) adv. completely; entirely; totally这全怪你。 It's entirely your fault.3) b.f. make perfect/complete; keep whole/intact (成全)4) n. Surname全Quánsurname Quanquánallwholeentireeverycomplete全 v. 保全to keep intact得全性命。 Someone survived. adj. 完备,齐全complete东西预备全了。 Everything is ready.车间设备不全。 The workshop is missing some equipment.这本书不全。 This book is not complete.这部书还没出全。 This book has not come out in its entirety yet.苗还没出全。 The sprout has not quite come through yet.整个whole全世界 the whole world全人类 the whole of humankind全书15卷 the whole book is in 15 parts adv. 完全completely全对 absolutely right全记下来了 completely recorded全不在意 not mind at all全是小孩,没有一个大人。 It is all children; there aren't any adults.债全还清了。 The debt has been completely paid off.这全靠你一个人了。 This is all down to you.我全同意你的意见。 I absolutely agree with you.这全是实话。 This is all true.脸全晒黑了 the face is tanned all over田地全种上了。 All the farmland has been sown.全 quán 形 (完备; 齐全) complete:  获得全胜 win complete victory;  人都来全了吗? Is everybody here?  手稿已残缺不全。 The manuscript is no longer complete.  这商店虽然小, 货物却很全。 The shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods. (整个) whole; entire; full; total:  全国 the whole (entire) nation;  全过程 the entire proceeding;  全世界 the whole world; all over the world;  全中国 the whole of China; all over China;  全书共20卷。 The work is complete in twenty volumes. 副 (完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally:  全错了 completely (all) wrong;  课文全复习完了。 We have reviewed the whole text.  全怪我。 It's entirely my fault.  她全不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。 She paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance.  我们一家全去了。 My whole family went. 动 (保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact:  全性保真 (Taoist) keep one's original nature;  苟全性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles;  两全其美 satisfy both sides 名 (姓氏)a surname:  全琮 Quan Cong 全全 1085A35  81.11  部居  畫數 6ㄑㄩㄢˊ [qUan2] N.A surname.V.t.To maintain, keep whole or intact: 保全 to keep well, maintain;全節 (LL) to keep one's integrity (even sacrificing life);全交 (LL) to keep friendship unchanged;全性保真 (Taoist) to keep one's original nature;兩全其美 satisfy both parties, have it both ways;keep the good points of both;苟全性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles;安全 security.Adj.(1)  Complete, perfect: 完全 complete, -ly;全勝 a complete victory;大全 “a compendium, alpha and omega”;忠孝兩全 both loyalty and filial piety are attained;才貌雙全 having both looks and real talent;求全之心 the desire for perfection;全始全終 perfect (in friendships, etc.) from beginning to end;十全十美 perfect;全受全歸 lived a perfect life (“return intact what one was born with”).(2)  Whole: 全家,全校 whole family, school;全軍 the whole army (perished, etc.);全世界 the whole world;全部,全盤 [qUan2bu4], [qUan2pan2]↓;全局 the whole situation, whole stakes in gambling;全數 entire;全套 the complete set or full repertoire;全年,全月,全日 the whole year, month, day;全本(兒) the entire play, not a selection only;全靠人兒 (coll.) a family intact with parents and children together;全力,全心 [qUan2li4], [qUan2xin1]↓.Adv.Completely, all: 全然 [qUan2ran2]↓;全都 all, completely: 全都完了 all finished;全來了 all have come;全癒 completely recovered;全無心肝 completely without scruples;全無是處 absolutely without merit, totally wrong;全無意思 totally uninterested, -ing;全不管 totally ignore, will not bother.Words1. 全般 [qUan2ban1], adv., all, the entire amount.2. 全豹 [qUan2bao4], phr., 得窺全豹 see the entire thing (“the whole leopard”as contrasted with 得窺一斑 see only one spot of leopard skin).3. 全部 [qUan2bu4], n., the complete works, the whole, all: 全部燒毀 all destroyed by fire.4. 全器 [qUan2qi4], n., see [qUan2cai2]↓.5. 全權 [qUan2qUan2], adj., with full powers; 全權大使 envoy plenipotentiary; 全權代表 delegate with full powers.6. 全等 [qUan2deng3], adj., (math.) identically equal or congruent.7. 全德 [qUan2de2], phr., perfect character.8. 全反射 [qUan2fan3she4], n, (phys.) total reflection.9. 全分(兒) [qUan2fen4]([qUan2feher0]), n, the whole, the entire part.10. 全副 [qUan2fu4], n., the whole set.11. 全活 [qUan2huo2], phr., the complete works (as in barbershop, haircut, shave, shampoo, massage--all).12. 全集 [qUan2ji2], n., complete works of author.13. 全力 [qUan2li4], adj., with whole strength: 全力以赴 overcome (difficulty) with one's entire energy.14. 全能 [qUan2neng2], adj., (1) omnipotent, almighty; (2) (sports) all-round (contests): 全能運動 decathlon, pentathlon.15. 全牛 [qUan2niu2], phr., 目無全牛 (allu.) a complete master (as a master butcher sees all the parts of a cow without cutting).16. 全盤 [qUan2pan2], n., the whole amount, the entire show; n., used as adv., completely: 全盤失敗 fail completely.17. 全然 [qUan2ran2], adv., completely (unaware, etc.).18. 全人 [qUan2ren2], n., a sage, a perfect person.19. 全盛 [qUan2sheng4], adj., at the peak of development: 全盛時代 the golden age, period as when (Tarng poetry, etc.) was at its peak.20. 全身 [qUan2shen1], n., the whole body (covered with mud, etc.).21. 全心 [qUan2xin1], adv., wholeheartedly.22. 全席 [qUan2xi2], n., a complete full-scale banquet.23. 全蝕 [qUan2shi2], n., (astron.) total eclipse.24. 全體 [qUan2ti3], n., the whole body or group (of students, representatives); n., as adv., all: 全體贊成 all approved.25. 全才 [qUan2cai2], n., a person versatile in all arts: 文武全才 one versed in literary and military arts.26. 全音 [qUan2yin1], n., (music) diatonic scale, diatonic tone: 全音音符 diatonic scale.全[quán](ㄑㄩㄢˊ)1.完备;齐全 all ready; complete:这部书不全。This book is not complete.东西预备全了。Everything is ready at hand.棉花苗已出全。All the cottonseeds have sprouted. 2.保全;使完整不缺 save sth. from damage; keep sth. intact or complete:两全其美 satisfy both sides; have it both ways 3.整个 whole; entire; all:全神贯注 concentrate on; be preoccupied with; be deeply absorbed in全家光荣 glory of the whole family全书十五卷。The whole book comes in 15 volumes. 4.完全;都 completely; entirely; wholly:他讲的话我全记下来了。I took down all he said.一声巨响,大家全被吓住了。All of us were shocked by the blasting sound. 5.(Quán) 姓 a surname相关词组安全 | 保全 | 成全 | 大全 | 苟全 | 顾全 | 健全 | 俱全 | 两全 | 齐全 | 求全 | 十全 | 双全 | 瓦全 | 完全 | 万全 | 圆全 | 周全 | 安全岛 | 安全灯 | 安全门 | 安全套 | 安全电压 | 安全剃刀 | 安全系数 | 两全其美 | 求全责备 | 十全十美 | 完全小学 | 百科全书 | 面目全非 | 目无全牛 | 委曲求全 | 安全理事会 | 牵一发而动全身全般 | 全豹 | 全本 | 全部 | 全才 | 全称 | 全程 | 全都 | 全份 | 全副 | 全乎 | 全会 | 全集 | 全局 | 全开 | 全力 | 全貌 | 全面 | 全民 | 全能 | 全盘 | 全票 | 全勤 | 全球 | 全权 | 全然 | 全身 | 全盛 | 全食 | 全数 | 全速 | 全体 | 全托 | 全文 | 全息 | 全线 | 全休 | 全音 | 全职 | 全等形 | 全方位 | 全家福 | 全色片 | 全天候 | 全武行 | 全科医师 | 全劳动力 | 全能运动 | 全权代表 | 全神贯注 | 全始全终 | 全息照相 | 全心全意 | 全知全能 | 全民所有制 | 全球定位系统全a.complete【昆】(变态)(完)全的per【化】高的,过的,全的general〈古〉全的grand【音】大的,全的全1. fully; completely2. entire; all3. whole; complete4. to preserve全holo-双向☞泛--全--总〔词头〕双向☞总--全部--遍双向☞总--全--泛双向☞满--全全[quán]形1. complete♦ 这家铺子货物的品种很~。 This store has a wide assortment of goods.♦ 这套邮票~不~?—不~, 差一张。 Is this set of stamps complete? —No, it's one piece short.♦ 资料收集得比较~。 The data collected is quite comprehensive.2. whole; entire; full; total♦ ~世界 the whole world♦ ~人类 all mankind♦ ~中国 the whole of China; all over China♦ ~(交响)曲共分四个乐章。 The symphony is in 4 movements.动make complete; keep intact♦ 两全其美 副entirely; completely♦ ~错了 completely wrong; all wrong♦ 这事~怪我。 It's entirely (or all) my fault.♦ 我们一家~去了。 My whole family went.♦ 他讲的话我~记下来了。 I took down all he said.




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