

单词 兢兢业业
释义 文馨英漢☞兢兢業業兢兢业业 jīngjīngyèyècautious and conscientious兢兢业业conscientious兢兢业业地工作 work conscientiously兢兢业业 jīng jīng yè yè be conscientious and do one's best; assiduous; be attentive (to one's business); be careful and conscientious; be conscientious and earnest; cautious and attentive; constantly on one's guard; do things in a careful manner; extremely watchful:  兢兢业业地为国家和人民工作一辈子 work conscientiously for the nation and the people all one's life;  兢兢业业工作的典型 prime example of the work ethic 兢兢业业1. cautious and conscientious2. with caution and fear3. to show conscientious care兢兢业业cautious and conscientious♦ 多少年来, 他工作一直~。 He'd been doing his job conscientiously for many years.




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