单词 | 党性 |
释义 | 党性 dǎngxìngparty spirit/character党性dǎngxìngthe spirit or character of a political party党性阶级性最高的表现Party spirit完全合乎党性的态度 attitude of complete adherence to the party spirit党性 dǎng xìng Party spirit; Party character: 党性不纯的表现 a sign of impurity in Party spirit 党性[dǎng xìng]1.阶级性最高最集中的表现。不同的阶级或政党有不同的党性。 party character; highest epitome of class character or spirit. Different classes or political parties each have a different party character 2.特指共产党员的党性,就是无产阶级的阶级性最高最集中的表现,是衡量党员阶级觉悟的高低和立场是否坚定的准绳 Party spirit; Party character, referring specifically to the Party spirit of a CPC member that epitomizes the character of the proletarian class, and is the criterion that indicates the class awareness and stand of a Party member党性n.party党,政党,党派;党性,派性partyism党性;党派心党性partisanship党性Party spirit; Party character♦ ~不纯的表现 a sign of impurity in Party spirit |
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