

单词 免费
释义 文馨英漢☞免費免费 miǎnfèibe free of charge; be gratis午饭免费。 Lunch is free.免费miǎnfèifree (of charge)免费to be free of charge免费教育 free education免费医疗 free healthcare免费参观 visit for free免费戏票 free theatre ticket免费送货 free delivery免费 miǎn fèi free of charge; cost free; free; gratis:  免费得到戏票 get a theatre ticket for free;  免费招待 entertain sb. freely 免费搬运 free haul; 免费保养服务 after(-sale) service; 免费乘机旅行 sky-hitching; 免费搭车 hitchhike; 免费地 gratis; 免费电话 toll-free call; 免费公立学校 common school; free public school; 免费检验 a free check-up; 免费教育 free education; 免费酒吧间 open bar; 免费名额 free place; 免费票 pass; 免费清单 free list; 免费入场 admission free; be admitted gratis; 免费生 free placer; 免费使用期 free time; 免费通话 no-charge call; 免费样品 free sample; 免费医疗 free medical service (care); public medical care; 免费饮料 free drinks; 免费邮递 franking; 免费运到家 free house; 免费运距 free haul; 免费运输 free transit; 免费赠品 lagniappe; 免费赠物 lagniappe; giveaway免费[miǎn fèi] 免缴费用;不收费 free; gratis; free of charge:免费医疗 free medical service展览会免费参观。Admission to the exhibition is free.免费a.free免费的,无偿的;公费的freebie免费的gratuitous免费的,不收(或不受)酬劳的gratis免费的eleemosynary施舍的;免费的buckshee免费的ad.free免费地,无偿地freely免费地gratis免费地buckshee免费地phr.on the cuff免费地(的);不指望偿付地(的)gratis and nothing〈谑〉免费地ex gratia〈拉〉作为优惠的(地);免费的(地)for free〈口〉免费地,无偿地on the house由店家(或团体组织)出钱,免费免费1. free of charge; free of expense; for nothing; for free; no charge; without charge; without payment; on the house2. free; gratis; gratuitous; cost-free免费free of charge免费cost free免费for free双向☞无--释放--空闲双向☞免费--无计费免费free of charge; free; gratis♦ ~医疗 free medical care♦ ~入场 admission free; be admitted gratis




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