

单词 光临
释义 文馨英漢☞光臨光临 guānglíncourt.1) v. be present欢迎光临! Welcome!2) n. presence (of a guest, etc.)光临guānglín(formal) to honor with one's presenceto attend光临<敬>to be present各国朋友光临我国首都。 Friends from all countries are invited to visit our capital city.恭候大驾光临。 We respectfully await your presence.光临 guāng lín (敬) presence (of a guest, etc.):  欢迎你们光临指导。 We welcome you and would appreciate your advice.  敬请光临。 Your presence is cordially requested.  可否请您光临? Will you honour me with a visit? 光临[guāng lín]〈敬辞 pol.〉称宾客来到 presence of a guest; honour sb. with one's presence:敬请光临。Your presence is cordially requested. or It's a pleasure to have your presence. or It's an honour to have your presence.欢迎光临指导。We welcome you and would appreciate your advice. or Your visit and advice would be deeply appreciated.光临1. [Polite] gracing the occasion with your presence光临套 (of a guest or visitor) honour sb. with one's presence♦ 欢迎你们~指导。 We welcome you and would appreciate your advice.♦ 敬请~。 Your presence is cordially requested.




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