

释义 光1. exhaust2. glossy3. light光 guāngI n.1) light; ray; brightness2) honor; glory; luster3) sceneII s.v.smooth; glossyIII b.f. court.court. graciousIV v.1) be bare/naked2) be used up吃光了 eaten up3) wr. glorifyV adv.solely; merely; only光说不做。 All words, no action.光guānglightrayCL:道[dào]brightonlymerelyto use up光 n. 亮光light日光 sunlight灯光不亮。 The lighting is not bright.参见:光泽把铜器擦得发光。 Polish the brassware until it shines.参见:光荣[guāngróng]增光 do credit to景物scene春光 spring scene风光 view参见:光彩沾光 benefit by association为国增光 bring glory to one's country v. 一点不剩;完了to be used up; to be finished吃光 eat up烧光 burn up脱光 strip naked子弹打光了。 All the bullets have been used up.麦子割光了。 All the wheat has been cut.参见:光赤[guāngchi]光着头站着 standing bare-headed光着上身 be bare-chested光着身子 be naked参见:光大 adj. 参见:光滑[guānghuá]抛得很光的木器 highly-polished wooden object参见:光亮 adv. 单单only不能光靠别人。 You shouldn't just rely on others.这事光我们两人就行了。 The two of us alone can deal with this.医务工作不能光治不防。 Medical treatment should also be about prevention and not just cure.他不光是一位学者,而且是一位高尚的人。 He's not merely a scholar, he's also a noble-minded person.光 guāng 名 (照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light; ray:  月光 moonlight;  日光 sunlight; sunshine;  爱克斯光 X-ray (景物) scenery:  风光 scene; view; sight;  春光明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring (光彩; 荣誉) honour; glory; lustre:  为国争光 win honour for one's country;  给晚会增光 shed lustre on (add lustre to) the evening party (明亮; 生辉) brightness:  双目有光 bright-eyed (恩惠) favour; grace:  沾光 benefit from association with sb.;  借光 excuse me  (书) (时光) time  (书) (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) celestial body (姓氏) a surname 光逸 Guang Yi 动 (光大) glorify; recover; regain:  光前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity;  光耀门楣(庭) bring honour to the family name (露在外面) bare; be naked:  光着头 be bareheaded;  他光着上身。 He was naked to the waist.  (书) (照耀) shine 形 (光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy:  刮垢磨光 make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing;  这纸不太光。 This paper is not smooth enough. (露着的) naked; nude; bare:  光脚 barefooted;  光脊梁 barebacked (一点不剩) used up; with nothing left:  两星期过去, 他们的钱用光了。 Two weeks passed. They ran out of money.  他把整块蛋糕都吃光了。 He has eaten up the whole cake.  我们贮存的火柴用光了。 Our stock of matches is used up.  (敬) (表示光荣) glorious; gracious:  承蒙光临。 It was gracious of you to come. (明亮的) bright 副 (只; 单) only; alone; merely:  不要光凭热情去工作。 Don't work by enthusiasm alone.  光有好的意愿还不够。 Good intention alone is not enough.  她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。 She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶光光 372A25  22.70  部居  畫數 6ㄍㄨㄤ [guang1] N.(1)  Light: 燈光 lamplight;月光 moonlight;日光 sunlight, sunshine;夜光 the moon, the firefly, a pearl;光線 [guang1xian4], 光芒 [guang1mang2], 光澤 [guang1ze2]↓;發光 to shine, emit light;閃光(燈) flashlight;回光反照 the dying flicker of a man's life;光明 [guang1ming2], 光輝 [guang1hui1]↓.(2)  Favor, grace: 借光兒 (phr. used in asking for favor) pardon me please! 沾光,叨光 share in reflected glory.(3)  A surname.V.t.Recover, regain, glorify: 光復 [guang1fu4]↓;重光 (of sun or moon) reappear after eclipse, (of territory) be restored;光前裕後 win praises for one’s ancestors and enrich one's posterity;光宗耀祖 reflect glory on one's ancestors;光耀門楣 bring honor to the family name;發揚光大 to glorify, broaden and heighten (a nation's cultural heritage).Adj.(1)  Bright, brilliant, shining: 光亮 [guang1liang4]↓;光風霽月 (of a person's character) benign and openhearted (like “a light breeze and clear moon”);光天化日之下 in broad daylight.(2)  Smooth: 光滑 [guang1hua2]↓;刮垢磨光 make s.t. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing;光塌塌 bare, without decoration;光撻撻 shiny and smooth;光溜溜 ditto, naked;光溜 slippery;光潤 sleek.(3)  Glorious, bringing honor, gracious: 光臨 [guang1lin2], 光降 [guang1jiang4]↓;候光 waiting to be honored by your company;光顧 [guang1gu4]↓;光寵 be honored;光榮 [guang1rong2]↓.(4)  With nothing left, everything gone: 當光,賠光,輸光,吃光 with everything pawned, lost in business, gambling, consumed;光蛋 [guang1dan4]↓;光了 nothing left, every cent spent;精光 naked, penniless;光光 [guang1guang1]↓;光炕蓆兒 completely destitute.(5)  Naked, nude: 光裸 [guang1luo3]↓;光屁股 bare buttocks;光膀子 bare-armed;光腳 barefoot(ed);光腿 barelegged;光著身子 naked;光脊梁 barebacked;脫光 stripped naked;光眼子 nude;光眼兒 (usu. of children) without clothes.Adv.Only, alone: 光剩下他一人在家 he alone remains at home;光說不做 only talk and don't act.Words1. 光板兒 [guang1ba3er0], n., worn-out fur coats showing hide below.2. 光圈 [guang1qUan1], n., (photography) diaphragm or lens aperture of a camera.3. 光大 [guang1da4], v.t., to brighten, develop to a higher stage.4. 光蛋 [guang1dan4], n., a person reduced to destitution: 窮光蛋 a penniless loafer.5. 光度 [guang1du4], n., (phys.) intensity of light.6. 光復 [guang1fu4], v.t., recover: 光復失地 regain possession of lost territory; 光復節 Restitution Day, day of restitution of sovereignty.7. 光桿兒 [guang1ga3er0], n., a bachelor or widower: 窮光桿兒 a poor bachelor; 光桿兒生活 the life of a man without wife and children.8. 光怪 [guang1guai4], adj., absurd, fantastic: 光怪陸離 grotesque fantastic.9. 光光 [guang1guang1], adj., (1) bright, shining: 亮光光; (2) smooth: 光光滑滑; (3) not a cent left: 輸得光光的 lost every cent in gambling; (4) naked: 脫得光光 stripped naked.10. 光顧 [guang1gu4], v.t., (1) (court.) to honor with your gracious presence; (2) (court.) (of customers) come to shop.11. 光棍 [guang1gun4], n., (1) a bachelor (also 光棍兒,光桿子); (2) a ruffian, desperado; (3) ([guang1gun0]) a person showing a bold front: 你充甚麼光棍 what are you trying to put on?12. 光華 [guang1hua2]1, n. & adj., glory, -rious, splendor, -did, replendent.13. 光滑 [guang1hua2]2, adj., shiny and smooth.14. 光輝 [guang1hui1], (1) n., glory, splendor; (2) adj., glorious, splendid.15. 光火 [guang1huo3], v.i. & adj., provoke(d) to anger.16. 光腳的 [guang1jiao3de0], n., the poor (lit., “persons without shoes to wear”): 光腳的不怕穿鞋的 the poor are not daunted by the rich.17. 光降 [guang1jiang4], v.i. & t., to honor with your gracious presence.18. 光景 [guang1jing3], n., (1) circumstances at a given time and place: 光景很難 times are very hard; (2) ([guang1jing0]) prospects: 光景是要下雨 it's likely to rain.19. 光兒 [guang1er0], n., (1) dim lights; (2) (=光子) eyeglass lenses.20. 光亮 [guang1liang4], adj., bright and clear, glossy, shining.21. 光臨 [guang1lin2], v.i., (court.) honor (me, us) with your gracious presence.22. 光裸 [guang1luo3], adj., nude, naked.23. 光芒 [guang1mang2], n., flashes, rays of light: 光芒萬丈 blazing ahead, glorious radiant.24. 光面兒 [guang1mian4]([guang1miaher0]), n., a flat, smooth surface.25. 光明 [guang1ming2], (1) n., glory, brilliance; (2) adj., bright, brilliant, shining, openhearted.26. 光年 [guang1nian2], n., (astron.) light year.27. 光波 [guang1po1], n., (phys.) light wave.28. 光譜 [guang1pu3], n., (phys.) a spectrum.29. 光榮 [guang1rong2], n., & adj., glory, -rious.30. 光線 [guang1xian4], n., ray of light.31. 光鮮 [guang1xian1], adj., fresh and bright.32. 光手 [guang1shou3], adj., barehanded.33. 光學 [guang1xUe2], n., (phys.) optics.34. 光頭 [guang1tou2], adj., (1) close-shaven; (2) bareheaded, uncovered.35. 光頭兒 [guang1tou2er0], n., a kind of cake.36. 光彩 [guang1cai3], n., (1) (of lights) brilliance, splendor; (2) glory, honor.37. 光子 [guang1zi0], n., eyeglass lenses.38. 光澤 [guang1ze2], n., luster.39. 光耀 [guang1yao4], adj. & n., magnificent, -nce, illustrious, bright, -ness.40. 光陰 [guang1yin1], n., a duration of time: 光陰如箭 time passes fast.41. 光源 [guang1yUan2], n., (phys.) light source.光光 [guang1guang1], adj., (1) bright, shining: 亮光光; (2) smooth: 光光滑滑; (3) not a cent left: 輸得光光的 lost every cent in gambling; (4) naked: 脫得光光 stripped naked.光[guāng](ㄍㄨㄤ)1.通常指照在物体上,使人能看见物体的那种物质,如太阳光、灯光、月光等。可见光是波长0.77-0.39微米的电磁波。此外还包括看不见的红外光和紫外光。因为光是电磁波的一种,所以也叫光波;在一般情况下光沿直线传播,所以也叫光线。 light; electromagnetic radiation that acts upon the retina of the eye, optic nerve, etc., making sight possible; matter that shines over an object, making it visible to the eye, such as sunlight, lamplight, and moonlight. The wavelength of the visible light is a electromagnetic wave 0.77-0.39 micrometres in length. Besides, there are infrared light and ultraviolet light. As light is one of the electromagnetic waves, it is also called light wave. In normal conditions, light is transmitted along a straight line, and is therefore called ray. 另见 红外线 hóngwàixiàn and 紫外线 zǐwàixiàn 2.景物 sights:风光 scenery春光明媚 sunlit and enchanting spring scenery 3.光彩;荣誉 lustre; splendour; honour; glory:为国增光 bring honour to the country; do credit to one's country honour 4.〈比喻 fig.〉好处 benefit; good; advantage:沾光 benefit from the support or influence of someone叨光 much obliged to you借光 excuse me 5.〈敬辞 pol.〉表示光荣,用于对方来临 honour; pleasure:光临 your presence光顾 patronize; patronage (used in polite formulas) 6.光大 glorify; bring honour to:光前裕后 glorify the forefathers and provide for the descendants 7.明亮 bright; lustre:光明 bright; light; open-hearted光泽 lustre 8.光滑;光溜 smooth; slippery; glossy; sleek; polished:磨光 polish这种纸很光。This paper is very glossy. 9.一点儿不剩;全没有了;完了 nothing left; all gone; used up:精光 with nothing left用光 use up把敌人消灭光 wipe out the enemy 10.(身体)露着 bare:光膀子 be stripped to the waist光着头 bare-headed 11.只;单 only; alone:任务这么重,光靠你们两个人恐怕不行。The task is quite demanding. I'm afraid just the two of you cannot do it. 12.(Guāng) 姓 a surname相关词组暴光 | 背光 | 不光 | 采光 | 蟾光 | 辰光 | 晨光 | 春光 | 叨光 | 道光 | 灯光 | 电光 | 对光 | 耳光 | 反光 | 风光 | 佛光 | 感光 | 观光 | 寒光 | 黑光 | 候光 | 弧光 | 灰光 | 火光 | 激光 | 极光 | 借光 | 精光 | 开光 | 老光 | 冷光 | 亮光 | 磷光 | 灵光 | 溜光 | 流光 | 漏光 | 镁光 | 目光 | 逆光 | 年光 | 抛光 | 跑光 | 平光 | 曝光 | 日光 | 荣光 | 容光 | 散光 | 色光 | 闪光 | 赏光 | 韶光 | 生光 | 时光 | 曙光 | 丝光 | 天光 | 霞光 | 星光 | 眩光 | 眼光 | 验光 | 阳光 | 荧光 | 油光 | 圆光 | 月光 | 增光 | 沾光 | 折光 | 争光 | 重光 | 反光灯 | 感光片 | 感光纸 | 弧光灯 | 回光镜 | 激光刀 | 激光器 | 聚光灯 | 聚光镜 | 亮光光 | 曝光表 | 青光眼 | 穷光蛋 | 屈光度 | 趋光性 | 日光灯 | 日光浴 | 闪光灯 | 剃光头 | 曳光弹 | 夜光表 | 荧光灯 | 荧光屏 | 有光纸 | 表面光 | 可见光 | 两面光 | 自然光 | 打光棍儿 | 刀光剑影 | 浮光掠影 | 和光同尘 | 红光满面 | 湖光山色 | 回光返照 | 激光电视 | 激光武器 | 吉光片羽 | 目光短浅 | 目光如豆 | 目光如炬 | 韬光养晦 | 五光十色 | 血光之灾 | 锃光瓦亮 | 珠光宝气 | 发扬光大 | 视频光盘 | 鼠目寸光 | 外面儿光光斑 | 光波 | 光彩 | 光赤 | 光宠 | 光大 | 光刀 | 光度 | 光复 | 光顾 | 光棍 | 光华 | 光滑 | 光环 | 光辉 | 光火 | 光洁 | 光景 | 光缆 | 光亮 | 光临 | 光溜 | 光芒 | 光明 | 光能 | 光年 | 光谱 | 光圈 | 光荣 | 光润 | 光束 | 光速 | 光趟 | 光头 | 光鲜 | 光线 | 光绪 | 光学 | 光压 | 光艳 | 光焰 | 光洋 | 光耀 | 光阴 | 光源 | 光泽 | 光栅 | 光照 | 光针 | 光柱 | 光子 | 光板儿 | 光灿灿 | 光电池 | 光杆儿 | 光棍儿 | 光洁度 | 光溜溜 | 光谱仪 | 光荣榜 | 光闪闪 | 光通量 | 光秃秃 | 光照度 | 光彩照人 | 光导纤维 | 光风霁月 | 光怪陆离 | 光合作用 | 光化作用 | 光解作用 | 光明磊落 | 光明正大 | 光前裕后 | 光天化日 | 光学玻璃 | 光宗耀祖光a.optical【物】光学的;光的luminous发光的,发亮的;光的;夜光的luminary光的photic光的;光产生的ad.off光,完,尽;全部地n.light光;光线;光亮shine光;光亮lamp光;光明;智慧(或希望、知识等)的源泉irradiation光;光线phr.X ray射线,光,伦琴射线visible radiation【物】可见辐射,光光1. light2. honor; glory3. scenery4. smooth; glossy5. used up; finished6. solely; only7. bright8. brightness9. bare; naked光schiller光light光photo双向☞光--灯--轻双向☞轻--光--灯双向☞轻的--光双向☞光--照光[guāng]名1. light♦ 太阳~ the light of the sun; sunlight♦ 就着蜡烛~看书 read by the light of a candle♦ ~很暗。 The light is dim.2. scenery♦ 风光 3. honour; glory♦ 儿子没出息, 父母脸上也无~。 A worthless son is a disgrace to his parents.4. brightness; lustre♦ 两眼无~ dull-eyed动1. 书 glorify; bring honour to2. bare; be naked♦ 别~着脚走。 Don't walk around barefoot.♦ ~着膀子 be stripped to the waist形1. bare; naked♦ ~脚 barefoote2. smooth; glossy ; polished♦ 这个桌子面儿很~。 The surface of this table is smooth.3. all gone; used up; nothing left♦ 他的钱都~了。 All his money is gone.♦ 墨水用~了。 The ink's used up.♦ 把敌人消灭~ wipe out the enemy副only; alone♦ 她~笑不说话。 She just smiled and said nothing.♦ ~你一个人没法儿抬这架钢琴。 You can't lift the piano alone .




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