

单词 充溢
释义 充溢 chōngyìoverflow with充溢chōngyìto overflow (with riches)replete充溢参见:充满[chōngmǎn]脸上充溢着幸福的微笑 smile brimming with happiness诗里充溢着田园情趣。 The poem abounds with rustic charm.充溢 chōng yì (充满; 流露) full to the brim; exuberant; (be) overflowing (with):  孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。 The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.  祖国大地充溢着春意。 There is spring in the air all over our country. 充溢系统 {工} flooded system充溢 [chong1yi4], v.i., to fill to overflow.充溢[chōng yì] 充满;流露 be filled to overflowing; brim with; be permeated with; be imbued with; overflow with:诗里充溢着江南的田园情趣。The poem is imbued with a pastoral aura evocative of the region south of the Yangtze River.孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。The faces of the children were wreathed in happy smiles.充溢a.exuberant丰富的,多产的;充溢的n.flooding充溢;泛滥;【农】漫灌vi.swim浸,泡;充溢 (in,with)bubble(情感等)激动,充溢;变得生气(或兴致)勃勃,变得活跃;滔滔不绝地讲话drip充溢,充满brim满,充盈,充溢exuberate〈古〉充溢;繁茂;纵情(in)vt.bubble使(情感等)充溢;兴致勃勃地说(或做);滔滔不绝地说heap装满,使充溢penetrate使充溢;打动invade渗入,渗透;遍布,充溢充溢1. full to the brim; exuberant; overflowing2. to swim with; to drip with; to flood3. exuberance国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞充满--充溢充溢be full to the brim; be exuberant; be overowing♦ 孩子们的脸上~着幸福的笑容。 The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Affluently英華☞AFFLUENT英華☞GLUT




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