

释义 充1. enough2. sufficient3. to fill4. to serve as充 chōngI b.f.1) fill (充满)2) charge (充电)3) serve/act as (充当)4) sufficient; full (充足)II v.pretend to be; pose as; pass sth. off asIII n.Surname充chōngto fillto satisfyto fulfillto act in place ofsubstitutesufficientfull充 v. 参见:充满[chōngmǎn]装满to fill up参见:充当[chōngdāng]冒充to pose as充行家 pose as an expert充好人 pretend to be a good person以假充真 pretend to be sincere仿制fake充皮纸 leatherette paper美术充皮纸 vellum paper充 chōng 形 (满; 充足) sufficient; full; ample:  供应充分 have ample supplies 动 (装满; 塞住) fill; charge; stuff:  他给汽车的电池充了电。 He charged the battery of his car. (担任; 充当) serve as; act as:  那个箱子充作我们的桌子。 That box served us as a table.  他充任委员会的秘书。 He acted as secretary to the board. (冒充) pretend to be; pose as; pass sth. off as:  充好汉 pose as a hero;  充内行 pretend to be an expert 名 (姓氏) a surname:  充向 Chong Xiang 充充 826C45  60.70  部居  畫數 5ㄔㄨㄥ [chong1] V.i. & t.(1)  To fill (box, post, etc.): 充滿,充溢 [chong1man3], [chong1yi4]↓;充塞 [chong1se4], 充實 [chong1shi2]↓;充任 [chong1ren4]↓;充缺 fill a vacancy;充其量 phr., at the worst, at most: 充其量給他罰款算了 at the worst, pay a penalty for it.(2)  To pass for, pose as: 冒充 to assume name and pose as (another person);充行家,假充內行 pose as expert;(假) 充正經 pretend to be gentleman or serious person;充能幹 pretend to ability.Adj.Full, solid: 充滿,充實,充裕 [chong1man3], [chong1shi2], [chong1yU4]↓;充足 [chong1zu2]↓.Words1. 充暢 [chong1chang4], adj., richly expressive.2. 充斥 [chong1chi4], v.i. & t., (bad things, thieves) abound.3. 充詘 [chong1qU1], v.i., (AC) as in 不充詘富貴 not elated with riches or success.4. 充當 [chong1dang1], v.t., (1) to fill (a post, need), sometimes temporarily: 充當主席 act as chairman; (2) to pose as (relative, etc.).5. 充耳 [chong1er3], (1) v.i., usu. in 充耳不聞 ignore what is said (“stuff one's ears”); (2) n., hat tassels (AC) that reach down to the ears.6. 充分 [chong1fen4], adj. & adv., completely, to full capacity: 充分練習 complete training.7. 充公 [chong1gong1], v.t., to confiscate (property).8. 充饑 [chong1ji1], v.i., eat s.t. to stop hunger.9. 充軍 [chong1jUn1], v.i. & t., to exile, be exiled.10. 充量 [chong1liang4], adj. & adv., to full capacity, see [chong1fen4]↑; adj. & adv., 充其量 adv., at most, the most that may be expected.11. 充滿 [chong1man3], v.t. & adj., to fill up, be filled up with, full: 庫藏充滿 the treasury or vault is full; 會場人滿 or 充滿 the hall is filled up.12. 充任 [chong1ren4], v.t., to take, accept, a post, be appointed.13. 充塞 [chong1se4], v.i. & t., to fill up (the universe), be stocked up with: 盜賊充塞 thieves abound.14. 充羨 [chong1xian4], adj., (LL) as in 不充羨於富貴 not self-satisfied with riches and honor.15. 充數 [chong1shu4], v.i., (court.) merely take a part, nominally “make up the number.”16. 充實 [chong1shi2], (1) adj., solid, substantial, having real substance; (2) v.t., to give real substance to (speech), to strengthen from inside (financial, physical power): 充實府庫 strengthen national coffers.17. 充血 [chong1xUe4], v.t., increase blood pressure; 腦充血 cerebral hemorrhage; v.t., 充血性 adj., congestive.18. 充足 [chong1zu2], adj., full, adequate (supplies, etc.).19. 充溢 [chong1yi4], v.i., to fill to overflow.20. 充盈 [chong1ying2], adj., full, well provided with (harvest, etc.).21. 充裕 [chong1yU4], adj., ample (means).充[chōng](ㄔㄨㄥ)1.满;足 full; sufficient:充满 be full of充分 full; ample; sufficient充其量 at the most 2.装满;塞住 fill; fill up; pack up:充电 charge a battery充塞 stuff; fill up充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to 3.担任;当 assume (office); act as; serve as:充当 play the role of; act as; pose as充任 assume the office of 4.冒充 disguise as; pretend to be; pass off as:充行家 pretend to be an expert; pose as an expert以次充好 pass shoddy goods off as certified ones打肿脸充胖子 slap one's face until swollen in an effort to look imposing; puff oneself up at one's own cost; an impudent attempt to pass off one's failure as triumph 5.(Chōng) 姓 a surname相关词组补充 | 混充 | 假充 | 扩充 | 冒充 | 填充 | 脑充血 | 汗牛充栋 | 画饼充饥 | 滥竽充数充畅 | 充斥 | 充磁 | 充当 | 充电 | 充分 | 充公 | 充饥 | 充军 | 充满 | 充沛 | 充任 | 充塞 | 充实 | 充数 | 充血 | 充溢 | 充盈 | 充裕 | 充足 | 充其量 | 充耳不闻充vt.assuage解(渴);充(饥);满足(某种欲望)充1. sufficient; full2. to fill; to charge3. to serve as; to act as4. to pose as; to pass sth. off as充[chōng]形sufficient; full♦ 充分 动1. fill; stuff♦ 充电 ♦ 充塞 2. serve as; act as♦ ~向导 serve as a guide3. pretend to be; pose as; pass sth. off as♦ ~内行 pretend to be an expert♦ ~好汉 pose as a hero




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