

单词 birds
释义 文馨英漢☞birdbirds十Words15. 十姊妹 [shi2zi3mei4], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of small singing birds, Uroloncha domestica; (2) (bot.) a plant of rose family, Rosa multiflora; (3) certain sisterhoods of Kwangtung, in which girls prefer independent work and pledge never to marry.青Words28. 青兒 [qing1er0], n., (1) green pasture, green fields: 逛青兒 take a walk in the countryside; 放青兒 to pasture cows, sheep; (2) seedlings in field: 看青兒 watch seedlings against birds; (3) (coll.) egg white.賁Words1. 賁賁 [ben1ben1], adj., (AC) making chattering noise (of birds).擇Words6. 擇木 [ze2mu4], v.i., (lit.) (of birds) choose a tree to nestle in, (fig.) choose a master to serve.拍Words9. 拍網子 [pai1wang3zi0], n., snare for birds; (fig.) swindle in confidence game by showing off wealth.捕V.t.Catch: 捕盜,魚,鳥,蛇 catch thieves, fish, birds, snakes;捕食 (of birds and animals) prey for food;撅V.t.(1)  Raise: 撅尾巴 (of birds or animals) stick up the tail.牝N.applicable to birds, but less frequently;熱Words24. 熱血 [re4xUe4], adj., (1) red-blooded, high-spirited; (2) warm-blooded, as mammals and birds (opp. 冷血 cold-blooded, as fishes and reptiles).走Words5. 走禽 [zou3qin2], n., birds that can only walk and not fly, as the ostrich, turkey.31. 走獸 [zou3shou4], n., animals, beasts (opp. 飛禽 birds).起Words7. 起翅 [qi3chi4], v.i., (of birds) start (flapping wings) to fly away.鼓V.t.鼓翼 (of birds) beat wings;谷Words7. 谷谷 [gu2gu3], n., the cooing of birds.雄Adj.(1)  Male of species, orig. of birds: 雄雞,雄鳥 a cock, a male bird;萬Words22. 萬類 [wan4lei4], n., all categories; esp. birds and beasts of the creation.花N.鳥語花香 birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers-an idyllic scene;Words73. 花鳥 [hua1niao3], n., flowers and birds, a special branch in Chin. painting.胔N.(AC) (1)  Dried bones of birds or animals.雀Words6. 雀鼠 [qUe4shu3], n., bickering, from (AC) allu., “pecking and gnawing like birds and rats.”恰Words2. 恰恰 [qia4qia4], (1) adv., exactly: 恰恰相反 exactly the opposite; adv., 恰恰好 [qia4qia4hao3]↓; (2) n., cha-cha dance; (3) (MC) (birds) twitter.類N.物以類聚 birds of the same feather flock together;珍Adj.珍禽異獸 rare birds and animals;雪N.雪泥鴻爪 (fig.) human life likened to the life of birds of passage, uncertain or passing travels;聒Words3. 聒噪 [gua1zao4], v.i. & adj., make disturbing noises (as birds); boisterous and clamorous.飛V.i. & t.(1)  To fly, send flying, as birds, insects, snowflakes: 飛上,下,來,去 ditto;Adj.飛禽,飛鳥 birds;飛禽走獸 birds and beasts;及V.t.今恩足以及禽獸 (AC) now that even birds and animals can bask in your favor;噪V.i.(2)  (Of birds) to chirp noisily: 鵲噪,蟬噪 chirping of birds, cicadas.啄V.i. & t.(Of birds, fowl) to peck: 啄食 peck at food;叫V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., (of persons, animals, birds) to cry: 叫喚,叫喊,呼叫 to shout, yell, cry;哢V.i.(Birds) sing.嘔Words6. 嘔啞 (鴉) *[ou1ya1], n., (sound of) creaking, swishing of oars, twitter of birds, and similar sounds.啼V.i.(2)  Crow, twitter: 鳥啼 birds twitter;嗆V.i. & t.(2)  (Birds) peck at.噆V.t.(1)  Carry (food) in mouth, like birds.哺V.t.(2)  Feed (infant) after chewing, like birds, or from breast: 反哺 (of crows reputed) to feed parents.喃Adj.呢喃 muttering, chattering, (birds) twittering.嘲V.i. & t.(3)  (Birds) twitter: 嘲啾 [zhao1jiu1]↓.Words3. 嘲哳 [zhao1zha2], v.i., to make vexing or confusing noise, as birds’ twitter, make a hubbub.4. 嘲啾 [zhao1jiu1], n. & v.i., birds’ twitter or similar light, confusing noise, murmur.哨V.i. & t.(of birds) to twitter or sing.啁V.i.(Of birds) to twitter: 啁啁,啁哳,啁啾 make cries like the peet-weet.鳴V.i. & t.(1)  To cry, utter a cry (of horse, cow, birds, insects): 雞鳴 the cock crows;Words4. 鳴禽類 [ming2qin2lei4], n., (zoo.) Passeriformes, small birds (including swallows, sparrows).Adj.(2)  (*[jiu1]) (Of birds) chirping twittering.嘖V.i.(2)  嘖嘖 (Of birds) to chirp;唳V.i.(Of birds) to cry: 風聲鶴唳 be scared at “the whistling of winds and the crying of cranes” --nervous atmosphere of war and turmoil.吱Adj.吱吱喳喳 (of birds) chirping together, (of women, children) talking in confusion;嗷Words1. 嗷嗷 [ao2ao2], adj., as in 嗷嗷待哺 (young of birds, children) clamoring for food.嚶V.i.(Of birds) to chirp: 嚶鳴 (LL) to seek friendships.蹌Words1. 蹌蹌 [qiang1qiang1], adj. & adv., (AC) as in (1) 濟濟蹌蹌 parade in dignity; (2) (birds) dancing; (3) 啾啾蹌蹌 (walk) suavely.蹼N.Web on birds’ feet.獸N.Beast: oft. coupled with 禽 birds: 禽 獸 81.42, the animals;畢Adj. & adv.畢至,畢集 all (guests, birds) arrive, flock to a place;回Adj. & adv.回翔 (=回轉) (of birds) circling in the air.明Adj. & adv.明察秋毫 “able to see the fine down of birds in autumn”: very perspicacious;羅N.(1)  A net for catching birds: 門可羅雀 can set up bird trap at house door--complete absence of callers;罟N.A net for catching birds or fish: 網罟 a fishing net.膀N.翅膀 wing of birds;肢N.The legs of animals, wings and feet of birds, arms and legs of man: 四肢 arms and legs;胗N.(1)  Gizzard of birds, fowl: 胗肝兒 gizzard and liver.展V.i.展翅 (birds) open wings;關Words9. 關關 [guan1guan1], n., (AC) imitation of the sound made by birds.毫Words4. 毫毛 [hao2mao2], n., hair of birds or animals.放Words35. 放生 [fang4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) buy (caught birds, fish) to stop slaughter; 放生池 [fang4sheng1chi2], n., fish pool in temple.旋Words8. 旋兒 [xUan2er0], n., a circle: 打旋兒 make a circle (as birds in sky); a coil in woman's hair.害Adj.害鳥 destructive, crop-eating birds.滑Words11. 滑翔 [hua2xiang2], v.i., to glide and wheel round (as birds); 滑翔機 a glider.N.(1)  Stagnant pool: 同流合 (contempt.) “birds of a feather flock together.”鴻N.鴻爪 footprints of birds--traces of past events;海Words86. 海燕 [hai3yan4], n., (zoo.) the petrel, Procellaria furcata, making nest on sea cliffs--the origin of “birds’ nest,” a delicacy.流N.同流合污 birds of a feather flock together, associate oneself with undesirable elements or group;弋V.i.To shoot (birds), hunt with bow and arrow.忒Words2. 忒楞楞 [te4leng0leng0], adv., (MC) descriptive of sound of wind or flight of birds.益Words8. 益鳥 [yi4niao3], n., insectivorous birds (beneficial to man).翔V.i.(1)  To circle around, to wheel about (as birds): 飛翔,翔空,高翔 (of birds) wheel about, high in the air;翔泳 (birds and fish) fly and swim;翔舞 (birds) fly and hop about.鶼N.A mythical bird supposed to have only one eye and one wing: 鶼鶼 a pair of such birds dependent on each other, inseparable, hence, husband and wife;鶼鰈 birds and fish of this kind.禽N.(1)  Gen. term for birds, contrasted with 獸 beasts: 禽獸 [qin2shou4]↓;飛禽走獸 birds (that fly) and beasts (that run);靈禽 auspicious birds.飼Words2. 飼養 [shi1yang3], v.t., to raise (cattle, silkworms, birds).翎Words1. 翎毛 [ling2mao2], n., category of Chin. painting depicting birds and animals (lit., “feathers and furs”).舉N.一舉兩得 kill two birds with one stone;香N.(2)  Scent, aroma, fragrance: 鳥語花香 birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers;秋Words8. 秋毫 [qiu1hao2], n., (lit.) autumn down on birds--very minute particle: 秋毫無犯 (of army) do not cause the slightest damage to the people (by looting, etc.).孵V.i. & t.(Of hens, birds.) to sit on eggs, to hatch: 孵卵 to hatch;鳥N.鳥語花香 singing birds and fragrant flowers;鳥獸星散 (of human beings) scatter like birds and animals;鳥盡弓藏 kick out (s.o.) after his services are no longer needed, (lit.) “the bow and arrows are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot”;Words5. 鳥篆 [niao3zhuan4], n., form of anc. script so called because it looked like birds’ footprints.9. 鳥媒 [niao3mei2], n., a bird used as a decoy to catch other birds.鶯Words2. 鶯花 [ying1hua1], n., birds and flowers of spring.雙N.箭貫雙鵰 kill two birds with one stone;Adv.In pairs: 雙宿雙飛 (lovers) always keep each other's company, compared to birds flying and nestling together;保Words10. 保護 [bao3hu4], v.t., protect: 保護國 [bao3hu4guo2], n., protectorate; v.t., 保護鳥 [bao3hu4niao3], n., birds protected under law against shooting; v.t., 保護人 [bao3hu4ren2], n., guardian; v.t., 保護色 [bao3hu4se4], n., protective coloration.隹N.Used as a radical, denoting generally birds and fowl (as in 雞 besides 雞 hen, and 雉 pheasant).徊Adv.Back and forth: 徊翔 (of birds) wheel about in the sky;猛Words1. 猛禽 [meng3qin2], n., birds of prey.炸Words6. 炸窩 [zha4wo1], v.i., (of birds) flush out at noise of gun; (bees) rush out of the beehive.翱Words1. 翱翔 [ao2xiang2], v.i., (birds) to wheel about in the sky; to roam about.鳩Words1. 鳩合 [jiu1he2], v.t., (of birds, riffraff) gather together.箭N.一箭貫雙鵰 kill two birds with one stone, marry two sisters.繡Words1. 繡補 [xiu4bu3], n., (Manchu Dyn.) square piece in chest and back of mandarin over-jacket, embroidered with different birds and animals indicating different ranks.詞目:Birds 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Birds1飛禽2Birds and beasts,鳥獸、禽獸3Birds of paradise,風鳥、霧鳥4roasted Birds燒雀仔5Birds and beasts could all talk,鳥獸皆能言6Birds and beasts cast their feathers and hair,鳥獸希革1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 39 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Birds1鳥類2Phoenix [a bird fabled to exist single and to rise again from its own ashes.]鳳凰3Dove斑鳩4Mango bird黃鶯5Swallow燕子6Thrush畫眉7Singing lark百鴒8Cuckoo杜鵑9Sparrow麻雀10Stork白鶴11Wood-pecker喙木雀12Paddy bird禾鵠13Peacock孔雀14Eagle神鷹15Parrot鸚鵡16Wood lark山麻雀17Magpie喜鵲、八哥18King-fisher釣魚郞19Cormorant鷺鷀20Canary bird時辰鳥21Avedavat梅花雀22Falcon白鷹23Crow or Raven老鴉、烏鴉p 576 1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶畫眉drossel、turdus musicus sinapis、senf、singdrossel、turdus musicus thrush missel、missel-thrush paint birds white eyed thrush paint the eyebrows laughing thrush, chinese: trochalopteron canorum l. laugh thrush (chinese trochalopteron canorum l.) song thrush the white-eyed thrush white-eyed thrush zool. song thrush 禾鵠sparrow bobolink bobolink、boblink birds paddy bird java sparrows java sparrow a paddy bird, a java sparrow the paddy bird, or small white crane paddy bird, 白鶴crane egret stork birds paddy bird paddy-bird a migratory bird of the genus grus; the white crane paddy bird, 神鷹Aquiline Kondor Sarcorhamphus、Kondor EAGLE Condor Aquila Urubu Sarcorhamphus Birds 黃鶯pirol、oriolus mango oriole birds the mango bird mango bird mango bird, 八哥parrot grackle mynah wattled-grackle magpie birds wattled grackle 麻雀passerine ammer、emberiza sperling、passer sparrow birds passer montanus l. or house sparrow 梅花雀hänfling、acanthis linnet avadavat lint-white birds avedavat 白鷹falcon gyrfalcon birds falco sacer hen harrier: c. cyaneus l. 鸚鵡Papagei、Psittacus PARROT Macaw POPINJAY Birds 鷺鷀heron cormorant egret birds bittern 山麻雀birds woodlark wood lark wood lark, 英華☞CROW英華☞Apus英華☞Aves英華☞bird英華☞dove英華☞gawk英華☞lark英華☞crow英華☞king英華☞jay




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