

释义 優1. excellent2. good林语堂林语堂★◀▶優優 1276C25  91A.82-3  部居  畫數 17ㄧㄡ [you1] N.Actor: 優伶,優人 [you1ling2], [you1ren2]↓;優孟衣冠 dress up as on stage (from allu. 優孟 a court jester);俳優 actor, court jester (slightly contempt.).Adj.(1)  Excellent, superior: 優等,優異 [you1deng3], [you1yi4]↓;優越 [you1yUe4]↓;優勝劣敗 survival of the fittest.(2)  Ample, liberal: 優裕,優渥 [you1yU4], [you1wo4]↓.(3)  Free, leisurely, easy: 優游,優容 [you1you2], [you1rong2];優柔 [you1rou2]↓.Words1. 優長 [you1chang2], n., a person's strong points, specialty.2. 優缺 [you1qUe1], n., an excellent job, position.3. 優待 [you1dai4], v.t. & n., give special treatment, privilege.4. 優等 [you1deng3], n., special or excellent grade.5. 優點 [you1dian3], n., strong points, where one excels.6. 優厚 [you1hou4], adj. & adv., liberal (compensation).7. 優假 [you1jia3], v.t., (AC) give special pardon.8. 優獎 [you1jiang3], n. & v.t., special prize, award.9. 優良 [you1liang2], adj., excellent (character, etc.).10. 優劣 [you1lie4], n., good and bad: 較優劣 determine who is better.11. 優禮 [you1li3], n., special kindness or favor.12. 優伶 [you1ling2], n., actor, actress.13. 優美 [you1mei3], adj., beautiful (style, results).14. 優人 [you1ren2], n., actor.15. 優柔 [you1rou2], adj., (1) amiable; (2) leisurely; (3) weak in character: 優柔寡斷 incapable of taking strong decision.16. 優容 [you1rong2], v.t., to be generous, lenient toward (offending person).17. 優生學 [you1sheng1xUe2], n., eugenics.18. 優先權 [you1xian1qUan2], n., priority.19. 優先股 [you2xian1gu3], n., preferred stock.20. 優閒 [you1xian2], adj., free and content.21. 優秀 [you1xiu4], adj., select (elements, students, etc.): 優秀份子 the elite.22. 優勢 [you1shi4], n., advantage in contest.23. 優曇華 [you1tan2hua1], n., see 曇 花 41.93.24. 優為 [you1wei2], adj., (LL) good at (s.t.).25. 優渥 [you1wo4], adj. & adv., liberal (compensation).26. 優異 [you1yi4], adj. & adv., special, extra (treatment, consideration).27. 優優 [you1you1], adj., (AC) (1) amiable; (2) ample.28. 優游 [you1you2], adj., (1) free, unconstrained, at ease: 優游自在(自得) completely free and at ease; (2) (AC) undecided; (3) resigning oneself to fate: 興一世而優游 (AC) spend one's life in resignation, not particular, to take what comes (also 優遊).29. 優越 [you1yUe4], adj., superior, commendable: 優越感 sense of superiority.30. 優裕 [you1yU4], adj., ample (means), easy, well-to-do life.優優 [you1you1], adj., (AC) (1) amiable; (2) ample.




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