

释义 傷1. injury2. wound3. to hurt4. to be harmful to傷傷 1264A35  91A.50-9  部居  畫數 13ㄕㄤ [shang1] N.(1)  A wound: 刀傷,槍傷,燙傷 knife wound, bullet wound, burn;傷口,傷痕 [shang1kou3], [shang1hen2]↓.(2)  Harm: 無傷 no harm (doing s.t.);何傷乎 (LL) what is the harm?V.i. & t.(1)  To hurt, wound: 傷感情,傷和氣 hurt feelings among friends;說話傷人 hurt (offend) people by one's words;你把人都給傷了 you have offended so many people;傷腦筋 (of problems, situations) take a great deal of thinking, similar to Eng. “is a headache.”(2)  To harm: 傷害,傷身 [shang1hai4], [shang1shen1]↓;損傷 cause damage (to property, life), to diminish or be harmed;傷風敗俗 offensive to society's morals;傷天害理 do things offensive to God and reason.(3)  To be affected by, fall ill from: 傷風,傷寒 [shang1feng1], [shang1han2]↓;傷酒,傷食 [shang1jiu3], [shang1shi2]↓;傷水,傷乳 [shang1shui3], [shang1ru3]↓;傷弓之鳥 bird which has been hurt by arrow--person who learns to be cautious from having his finger burnt once.(4)  To feel sad, be saddened: 傷心,傷悲,傷痛 [shang1xin1], [shang1bei1], [shang1tong4]↓;哀傷,悲傷 to grieve over;傷春悲秋 to grieve over passing of spring or feel sad with autumn;傷感 [shang1gan3]↓.Adv.Feeling surfeited, nauseated with: 這齣戲我都聽傷了 I have seen this play so often-am surfeited with it;吃傷了 eat to harmful excess.Words1. 傷悲 [shang1bei1], v.i. & adj., to regret, be regretful; to grieve over.2. 傷兵 [shang1bing1], n., wounded soldier.3. 傷氣 [shang1qi4], v.i., feel frustrated, upset (by some event).4. 傷處 [shang1chu4], n., wound, see [shang1kou3]↓.5. 傷悼 [shang1dao4], v.i., to grieve over (loss of dear one).6. 傷風 [shang1feng1], v.i., (1) to catch cold; (2) 傷風敗俗 or 有傷風化 harmful to society's morals.7. 傷感 [shang1gan3], adj., sentimental; sad: 傷感詩 sentimental poetry.8. 傷害 [shang1hai4], v.t., to do harm (to life, reputation, property, health).9. 傷寒 [shang1han2], n., typhoid; (Chin. med.) a variety of diseases with fever, including typhoid, paratyphoid, intestinal fever; 斑疹傷寒 typhus.10. 傷耗 [shang1hao0], v.t., to damage, waste away (esp. money, health), see [shang1hai4]↑.11. 傷痕 [shang1hen2], n., scar.12. 傷酒 [shang1jiu3], v.i., get sick from too much drink.13. 傷科 [shang1ke1], n., (Chin. med.) branch dealing with knife cuts, external injury.14. 傷口(兒) [shang1kou3] ([er0]), n., wound, open wound.15. 傷勞 [shang1lao2], n., (Chin. med.) ailment arising from overwork, oft. referring to tuberculosis, see 癆 61A.50.16. 傷乳 [shang1ru3], v.i., (of baby) have stomach upset, ascribed to improper feeding or overfeeding at breast.17. 傷身 [shang1shen1], v.i. & t., to wound or to be wounded, to be injurious to health.18. 傷生 [shang1sheng1], phr., (1) to kill life; (2) to impair one's vitality.19. 傷神 [sheng1shen2], (1) v.i., to be grieved, disheartened; (2) adj., (of work) very fatiguing.20. 傷心 [shang1xin1], v.i. & adj., feel sad, brokenhearted; 傷心人 a sad person; 傷心事 a sad affair.21. 傷水 [shang1shui3], v.i., get sick from drinking too much water.22. 傷事 [shang1shi4]1, v.i., spoil things (by careless talk, etc.).23. 傷逝 [shang1shi4]2, v.i., grieve over loss of person.24. 傷勢 [shang1shi4]3, n., condition of the injured person.25. 傷食 [shang1shi2], v.i., get sick from overeating; n., stomach catarrh.26. 傷損 [shang1sun3], v.t., to hurt, damage (reputation, property, etc.).27. 傷財 [shang1cai2], v.i., suffer financial loss.28. 傷殘 [shang1can2], adj. & n., wounded and disabled.29. 傷痛 [shang1tong4], v.i., (1) to feel painful, to ache; (2) to grieve over loss, feel greatly upset.30. 傷亡 [shang1wang2], n. & v.i., war casualties, the wounded and the killed in war; be killed in accident, disaster.31. 傷痍 [shang1yi2], n., (LL) the sufferings of the people from war.




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