

释义 傳1. biography2. teacher3. to preach4. to summon5. to propagate傳傳 1231B10  91A.00-1  部居  畫數 13ㄔㄨㄢˊ [chuan2]  (*ㄓㄨㄢˋ [zhuan4] ).N.(1)  (*[zhuan4]) Biography: 傳記 ditto;列傳 section in dynastic histories, devoted to biographies of famous men;外傳,別傳 other than official biography;小傳 a short biographical sketch;自傳 autobiography;立傳 to write a biography for s.o.(2)  (*[zhuan4]) Anc. commentary: 傳注,傳疏 [chuan2zhu4], [chuan2shu1]↓;春秋三傳 the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius’ Spring and Autumn Annals.(3)  (*[zhuan4]) Courier system: 傳舍,傳驛 [chuan2she4], [chuan2yi4]↓.(4)  ([chuan2]) Tradition: 真傳 true oral tradition;衣缽真傳 (Budd.) true teachings: 家傳 inherited in the family;遺傳 22.83.V.i. & t.(1)  To deliver, pass on, around or to posterity: 傳送,傳遞 [chuan2song4], [chuan2di4]↓;傳旨,傳詔 deliver imperial decree;傳信 deliver a letter;傳檄 deliver a declaration of war;傳閱,傳視 circulate, pass round for perusal.(2)  To spread: 名傳世界 name spreads over the world;傳道 [chuan2dao4]1↓;宣傳 to publicize, do propaganda, also spread (doctrine, belief);傳播(布),傳染 [chuan2bo4] ([chuan2bu4]), [chuan2ran3]↓;傳病 spread disease.(3)  To bequeath: 傳子傳孫 bequeath to children and grandchildren;傳家,傳世 [chuan2jia1], [chuan2shi4]2↓.(4)  To transmit: 傳聲,傳熱 transmit sound, heat;傳電 conduct electricity;傳導 [chuan2dao4]2↓.(5)  To summon to court: 傳案,傳訊 [chuan2an4], [chuan2xUn4]↓.Words1. 傳案 [chuan2an4], v.t., to summon to court.2. 傳播 [chuan2bo4], v.t., to spread (news, ideas, disease, etc.).3. 傳布 [chuan2bu4], v.t., ditto.4. 傳奇 [chuan2qi2], n., (1) (Tarng, Suhng Dyns.) a short story; (2) (Yuarn Dyn.) a short play; (3) (Mirng Dyn.) a long play; 傳奇般 adj., like a story.5. 傳代 [chuan2dai4], v.i., to bequeath (throne, object) to future generations.6. 傳單 [chuan2dan1], n., a billet, a handbill, a sheet circulated for publicity.7. 傳達 [chuan2da2], v.t., (1) to communicate (thoughts, ideas); (2) to transmit order from above.8. 傳道 [chuan2dao4]1, v.i., & t., to preach religion, teach disciples.9. 傳導 [chuan2dao4]2, v.t., to conduct (heat, electricity).10. 傳燈 [chuan2deng1], v.i., (Budd.) to pass the lamp of doctrine from master to pupil.11. 傳遞 [chuan2di4], v.t., to hand round (letter, message).12. 傳訛 [chuan2e2], phr., 以訛傳訛 inherit and pass on wrong reports or errors.13. 傳發 [chuan2fa1], v.i., (LL) order to start on journey.14. 傳法 [chuan2fa3], phr., (Budd.) to pass on teaching from master to disciple.15. 傳觀 [chuan2guan1], v.t., to circulate (object) for public inspection.16. 傳鼓 [chuan2gu3], phr., to announce visitor by beating drum at funeral.17. 傳喚 [chuan2huan4], v.t., to summon (person) to court.18. 傳真 [chuan2zhen1], n., a portrait; portraiture.19. 傳家 [chuan2jia1], v.i., bequeath to the family: 傳家之寶 art object kept as heirloom.20. 傳教 [chuan2jiao4], v.i., to preach; 傳教士 [chuan2jiao4shi4], n., missionary.21. 傳記 *[zhuan4ji4], n., a biographical sketch, biography.22. 傳經 [chuan2jing1], phr., (1) to hand down the classics or sacred books; (2) (Chin. med.) (of disease) pass to different systems in the body.23. 傳注 *[jUan4zhu4], n., commentary on classic.24. 傳重 [chuan2zhong4], phr., see 重孫 90.11.25. 傳種 [chuan2zhong3], v.i., to reproduce own kind.26. 傳旨 [chuan2zhi3], v.i., to deliver imperial decree.27. 傳票 [chuan2piao4], n., (1) a court summons, subpoena; (2) (accounting) a voucher.28. 傳染 [chuan2ran3], v.t., to infect, communicate disease; 傳染病 communicable or infectious disease.29. 傳審 [chuan2shen3], v.i., to summon for trial.30. 傳舍 *[zhuan4she4], n., formerly, courier station.31. 傳神 [chuan2shen2], v.i., to give expression in art work, esp. portraiture; see [chuan2zhen1]↑.32. 傳寫 [chuan2xie3], v.i., to make copies by hand.33. 傳信 [chuan2xin4], v.i., (1) to communicate (tradition, belief); 傳信錄 story of passing of teaching from master to disciple; (2) to deliver letters; 傳信鴿 homing pigeon.34. 傳薪 [chuan2xin1], phr., (from 薪盡火傳--莊子) to pass on the torch of learning.35. 傳授 [chuan2shou4], v.t., to teach, hand down (anc. teaching, esp. esoteric).36. 傳疏 *[zhuan4shu1], n., commentary and further elucidation of said commentary.37. 傳說 [chuan2shuo1], v.i. & n., story that goes around: 民間傳說 folk tale; 傳說另一消息 I hear another piece of news.38. 傳示 [chuan2shi4]1, v.i., to show around.39. 傳世 [chuan2shi4]2, v.i., to bequeath to posterity.40. 傳宣 [chuan2xUan1], v.i., to summon to imperial audience.41. 傳訊 [chuan2xUn4], v.t., to summon for trial.42. 傳送 [chuan2song4], v.t., to deliver (message, news).43. 傳統 [chuan2tong3], n., (1) tradition of ideas; orthodox tradition; (2) imperial succession.44. 傳贊 *[zhuan4zan4], n., brief moral comment (or eulogy) at end of biographical sketch.45. 傳宗 [chuan2zong1], v.i., see [chuan2dai4]↑.46. 傳聞 [chuan2wen2], phr., it is reported that, I hear that.47. 傳言 [chuan2yan2], n., story circulated, a report.48. 傳揚 [chuan2yang2], v.t., to spread (teaching, etc.).49. 傳夜 [chuan2ye4], v.i., to go round as night watchman.50. 傳驛 *[zhuan4yi4], n., courier station.51. 傳疑 [chuan2yi2], v.i., to pass on (story, theory, etc.) with reservations as to authenticity.




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