

单词 傀儡
释义 傀儡1. puppet傀儡 kuị̌lěipuppet傀儡kuǐlěipuppet傀儡木偶;受人操纵的人puppet傀儡政府 puppet government当...的傀儡 be somebody's puppet傀儡 kuǐ lěi puppet:  完全受他人支配的傀儡 mere puppets in the hands of others 傀儡戏 marionette show; puppet show; puppet play; 傀儡政府 puppet government; 傀儡政权 puppet regime傀儡 [kui2lei3], n., (lit. & fig.) a puppet.傀儡[kuǐ lěi]1.木偶戏里的木头人 puppet; marionette; wooden figure in puppet show 2.〈比喻 fig.〉受人操纵的人或组织(多用于政治方面 oft. in politics)puppet; marionette; stooge; figurehead; person or organization under others' control:傀儡政权 puppet regime傀儡a.puppet〈喻〉傀儡的,受人操纵(或支配)的n.tool被人用作工具的人,爪牙,走狗,傀儡;〈俚〉扒手puppet〈喻〉傀儡,受人操纵(或支配)的人(或集团)dummy挂名者,虚设者;傀儡figurehead有名无实的首脑,傀儡shill(貌似公正实则处处按某一集团利益行事的)代言人,傀儡puppetry[总称]木偶;傀儡stooge傀儡,走狗poppet〈废〉玩偶;木偶,傀儡傀儡1. a puppet; a figure-head国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞傀儡--虚设物傀儡puppet♦ 殖民主义者及其~ colonialists and their stooges (or puppets)♦ ~政府 puppet government♦ ~政权 puppet regime英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Android、Androides英華☞AUTOMATON英華☞Dummy




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