

释义 做1. to do2. to make3. to work4. to perform做 zuò1) play tricks to punish sb.他给孩子做了一个玩具。 He made a toy for his child.2) cook; prepare3) do; act; engage in4) be; become5) write; compose6) celebrate7) be used as8) form/contract a relationship9) pretend; feign10) slang make love做zuòto doto maketo produceto writeto composeto act asto engage into hold (a party)to beto becometo function (in some capacity)to serve asto be used forto form (a bond or relationship)to pretendto feignto act a partto put on appearance做 v. 制造to make做机器的零件 parts for making equipment做衣服 make clothes用木头做桌子 use wood to make a table这是铁做的。 This is made of iron.写to write做诗 write poetry从事to do做功课 do homework做算术 do arithmetic做体操 do exercises and gymnastics做买卖 do business做调查研究工作 carry out surveys and research做好事 do good things做艰苦细致的工作 do a difficult and precise job好话说尽,坏事做绝 said all the good words there are to say, and done all the evil deeds there are to do他这个人什么事都做得出来。 He is capable of doing anything.工作已经做好了。 The work has been done.你在做什么? What are you doing?把各项工作做好 complete every task我们要去做前人所没有做过的事。 We will do what our predecessors never did.举办to hold做喜事 hold a wedding充当to be做教员 be a teacher做主席 be the chairman选他做主席 choose him to be the chairman拿他来做榜样 use him as a good example举这个做例子 use this as an example用作to use as这可以做教材用。 This can be used as teaching materials.树皮可以做造纸原料。 Bark can be used as the raw material for making paper.成为to become做朋友 become friends做对头 become enemies装出某种模样to pretend做样子 make a pretence做 zuò 动 (制造) make; manufacture; produce:  做鞋 make shoes;  做衣服 make clothes;  用甜菜做糖 manufacture sugar with beets;  那里什么都是竹子做的。 Everything there is made of bamboo. (写作) write; compose:  做诗 compose a poem;  做文章 write literary works (从事某种工作或活动) do; work at; engage in:  做生意 do business; carry on trade;  做苦力 labour; do hard manual work;  大事做不来, 小事又不做 be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones;  你们做了一件好事。 You have done a good thing (action).  她在做一道数学难题。 She is working at a difficult problem in mathematics.  我们正在做我们的前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。 We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by our forefathers.  我看他做得不太对。 I don't think he acted quite right. (举行家庭的庆祝或纪念活动) hold a family (home) celebration; celebrate:  做生日 hold a birthday party; celebrate sb.'s birthday (充当; 担任) be; become; act as:  做演员 become an actor or actress; go on the stage;  做翻译 act as interpreter;  先做学生, 后做先生。 Be a pupil before you become a teacher. (用做) be used as:  树皮可以做造纸的原料。 Bark may be used as raw material for paper-making.  这块布可以做一对枕套。 This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases. (结成关系) form or contract a relationship:  做亲 (of two families) become relatives by marriage;  做朋友 make friends with;  做冤家对头 become opponent and foe (烹调) cook; prepare:  做饭 do the cooking; prepare a meal;  她很会做菜。 She was skilled in preparing tasty dishes. 做做 1274B35  91A.82-1  部居  畫數 11ㄗㄨㄛˋ [zuo4] V.t.(1)  Do, make, work at: 做工 [zuo4gong1], 做事 [zuo4shi4]↓;做不(上)來 don't know how this is done;做不了 unable to do (finish);做惡(好)人 be bad (good) toward s.o., act the part of a villain (sympathizer);做得很好 do a good job of;做生意 do business, make a deal;做買賣 keep a shop, be in trade;做公務員 be in government service;做菜 to cook;做衣裳 make a dress;做飯 [zuo4fan4]↓;做賊心虛 have a guilty conscience.(2)  Celebrate: 做生日 hold a birthday party;做滿月,做週歲 party marking a child's birth when he is one month (year) old;做週年 commemorative service on the first anniversary of s.o.’s death;做壽 give a party in honor of s.o. on his birthday.(3)  Pretend, feign: 做派 [zuo4pai0];做好做歹(惡)pretend to be kindhearted or unfeeling, as the situation of the moment may require.Words1. 做愛 [zuo4ai4], v.t., to make love.2. 做親 [zuo4qin1], v.i., make marriage arrangements for one's child.3. 做情 [zuo4qing0], v.i. & t., (1) intercede, mediate: 兩方都不肯說價錢,只好由我做情了 as neither party would make a (price) offer, I had to step in and set a figure for them; (2) make a pretense.4. 做大 [zuo4da4], v.i., arrogate to oneself a position of superiority.5. 做得 [zuo4de0], adj., permissible, feasible, can be done.6. 做法 [zuo4fa3], n., way of doing a thing.7. 做飯 [zuo4fan4], v.i., prepare a meal (“cook rice”).8. 做根兒 [zuo1ge1er0], adv., from the very beginning, at first.9. 做官(兒) [zuo4guan1] ([zuo4gua1er0]), v.i., be an official, join government service.10. 做鬼兒 [zuo4gueeer0], v.i., practise tricks, irregularities.11. 做工(兒) [zuo4gong1]([er0]), v.i., do manual work.12. 做好事 [zuo4hao3shi4], v.i., (1) do a good turn, help the needy, give to charity; (2) perform religious rites for the repose of a dead person's soul.13. 做活(兒) [zuo4huo2]([er0]), v.i., do manual labor for a living; 做活局子 gang up to cheat (deceive).14. 做腳 [zuo4jiao3], v.i., serve to pass secret messages.15. 做計 [zuo4ji4], v.t., to plan, scheme, plot.16. 做主 [zuo4zhu3], v.t., be master of, make the final decision on (question): 現在兒女的婚姻,父母不能做主了 nowadays parents have no control over the marriage of their children; 此事由你做主 this matter is up to you to decide.17. 做闊 [zuo4kuo4], v.i., to show off, make a vain display of one's riches.18. 做臉(兒) [zuo4lian3] ([zuo4lia3er0]), phr., do s.t. for the sake of appearances.19. 做弄 [zuo4long4], v.t., manipulate (matter) for selfish ends, stir up dissension.20. 做面子 [zuo4mian4zi0], phr., do s.t. for the sake of face.21. 做派 [zuo4pai0], n., (1) gestures and movements of actors on stage; (2) affected manners.22. 做人 [zuo4ren2], v.i., conduct oneself in society: 他很懂做人的道理 he knows how to get along with people; v.i., 做人情 v.i., do s.o. a special favor.23. 做聲 [zuo4sheng1], v.i., begin to speak, break silence.24. 做甚 [zuo4shen2], phr., what for: 要他知做甚 why let him know (it)?25. 做小 [zuo4xiao3], v.i., be s.o.’s concubine.26. 做線 [zuo4xian4], v.i., see [zuo4jiao3]↑.27. 做壽 [zuo4shou4], v.i., hold birthday celebrations.28. 做手腳 [zuo4shou2jiao3], phr., resort to irregular practices, make secret arrangements.29. 做事 [zuo4shi4], v.i., to work: 他正在做事 he is busy at work.30. 做頭 [zuo4tou0], n., expected results, advantage to be gained from a certain course of action: 有甚麼做頭 what's to be gained?31. 做作 [zuo4zuo0], v.i., pretend, feign, affect; n., affectation.32. 做眼 [zuo4yan3], v.i., gather intelligence: 再造兩處做眼酒店 let's build two more undercover taverns.做[zuò](ㄗㄨㄛˋ)(作)1.制造 do; make; produce; manufacture:做衣服 make clothes用这木头做张桌子 make a table using this piece of wood 2.写作 write; compose:做诗 write a poem做文章 write an article 3.从事某种工作或活动 do; act; engage in:做工 do manual work; work做事 do work做买卖 do business; buy and sell 4.举行家庭的庆祝或纪念活动 hold a family or home celebration:做寿 hold a birthday party for an elder做生日 celebrate sb.'s birthday 5.充当;担任 be; become:做母亲的 being a mother做官 hold an official post; be an official做教员 be a teacher; become a teacher做保育员 be a nurse今天开会由他做主席。He'll be the chairman at today's meeting. 6.用做 be used as:树皮可以做造纸的原料。Bark may be used as a raw material for making paper.这篇文章可以做教材。This article may be used as teaching material. 7.结成(关系)form or contract a relationship:做亲 (of two families) become related by marriage做对头 set oneself against sb.做朋友 make friends with 8.假装出(某种模样) pretend; feign; make believe; do sth. for appearance's sake:做样子 make a show做鬼脸 make faces做痛苦状 grimace with pain相关词组承做 | 当做 | 叫做 | 看做 | 不做声 | 白日做梦 | 小题大做 | 一不做,二不休做爱 | 做伴 | 做东 | 做法 | 做工 | 做功 | 做鬼 | 做客 | 做媒 | 做梦 | 做派 | 做亲 | 做人 | 做声 | 做事 | 做寿 | 做戏 | 做主 | 做作 | 做活儿 | 做礼拜 | 做买卖 | 做满月 | 做圈套 | 做人家 | 做生活 | 做生日 | 做生意 | 做手脚 | 做文章 | 做学问 | 做针线 | 做贼心虚做abbr.F.〈拉〉fiat (处方用语)制,做(= let it be made)〈拉〉fac(处方用语)制,做(= make)〈拉〉fac (处方用语)制,做(= make)n.doing做,干vi.DO做;行动;表现vt.have做(动作);进行,从事DO做,干,办;进行make做,制作,制造;建造;创造give发出(光、热、声音等);做(一个动作);作play玩,做(游戏);假扮(或模仿)…玩cut进行(嬉闹、恶作剧等);做,作出perform做,进行;施行pull〈口〉实行,做,干;做成;犯(罪),作(案)pack〈古〉(为作弊而)洗(牌),做(牌)dream做(梦);梦见,梦到dress梳理;做(头发)commit犯(罪),做(错事、坏事、傻事等)pray做(祷告);念(祷文)practise执行;做char做(杂工)ply辛勤地从事,(不停地)做haberdash〈美〉做(衣服);设计(衣服)phr.knock into a cocked hat〈口〉(匆促、草率地)做,完成;匆促写出,即席作成做1. to make; to produce2. to do; to work; to engage in3. to become4. to give (a party, reception, etc.)国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞制造--做--闭合做[zuò]动1. do; make; produce; manufacture♦ ~结论 pass a verdict; reach a conclusion♦ ~长期打算 plan on a long-term basis♦ ~衣服 make clothes2. cook; prepare♦ ~菜 cook a dish3. do; act; engage in♦ ~好本职工作 do one's best at one's own job♦ 从点滴的事情~起 start with little things♦ 大事~不来, 小事又不~ be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones4. be; become♦ ~演员 become an actor or actress; go on the stage♦ 后来她~保育员了。 Later she became a child-care worker.♦ 今天开会由你~主席。 You'll be the chairman at today's meeting.5. write; compose♦ ~一首诗 write a poem6. hold a family ( or home) celebration♦ 做寿 7. be used as♦ 这篇文章可以~教材。 This article may be used as teaching material.♦ 树皮可以~造纸的原料。 Bark may be used as one of the raw materials for paper.8. form or contract a relationship♦ ~朋友 make friends with♦ ~对头 set oneself against sb.




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