

释义 偏1. leaning2. partial偏 piānI s.v.1) inclined2) partial; prejudiced3) side4) specialII v.1) incline2) insist on3) move to one side4) court. have already eatenIII adv.1) stubbornly2) on the contrary你不让我说,我偏说。 I will speak even though you forbid me to.偏piānto leanto slantobliqueprejudicedto deviate from averageto stray from the intended linestubbornlycontrary to expectationsleft-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical偏 v. 偏离标准to deviate from the norm体温偏高。 The body temperature is a little higher than normal.工资偏低。 Salaries are a little on the low side.表示先用或已用过茶饭<套>to have already eaten我偏过了,您请吃吧。 I've already eaten. Please, go ahead. adj. 不正slanting照片挂偏了。 The photo is hung squint.指针向右边偏了。 The pointer is leaning to the right.太阳偏西。 The sun is in the west.单独注重一方面;不公正partial; biased偏于理论的研究 research based mainly on theory偏于感性知识 stress perceptual knowledge这个意见太偏。 This opinion is too biased.辅助的subordinate adv. 参见:偏偏[piānpiān]不让我去,我偏要去。 I'm not allowed to go, so I'm simply going to go.告诉他往左,他偏往右。 If you tell him to go to the left, he will insist on going to the right.偏 piān 形 (不正; 歪斜) inclined to one side; slanting; leaning:  东南偏东 southeast by east;  方向略偏 in a slight slanting direction;  这个指标偏低。 The target is on the low side.  这一枪打偏了。 That shot missed. (只侧重一面) partial; prejudiced:  不偏不倚 even-handed; impartial; unbiased;  兼听则明,偏信则暗 listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted 动 (移向一边) move to one side:  他偏过头去。 He turned his head.  太阳偏西了。 The sun declined toward the west.; The sun is to the west.  这口井几乎偏了30度角。 The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees. (客套话, 表示先用或已用过茶饭等)have had (a meal):  谢谢,我已经先偏了,您请自己吃吧。 Thank you, I've eaten already. You go ahead. 副 (相当于“偏偏”) deliberately; contrary to what is expected:  不该她去,她偏要去。 She was not supposed to go but she insisted on going.  干吗偏问他? Why ask him, of all people?  他偏不听。 He simply wouldn't listen.  他为什么偏要那样做? Why must he do it that way? 名 (姓氏) a surname:  偏可 Pian Ke 林语堂林语堂★◀▶偏偏 1260C35  91A.42-6  部居  畫數 11ㄆㄧㄢ [pian1] . [Dist.遍 pr. ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4] , 91B.42]V.i. & t.(1)  偏了 to have eaten ahead of group dinner (modest exp.).(2)  Incline to one side: 他偏過頭去 he turned his head.Adj.(1)  Slanting, slanted, favoring one or the other: 不偏不倚 impartial;偏於某方 partial to one side;see 偏心,偏愛,偏頗,偏見 [pian1xin1], [pian1ai4], [pian1po1], [pian1jian4] and many common compp.↓.(2)  Special, on the side: 偏才 special aptitude, esp. apart from gen. studies, such as chess;偏門 side door, side line.Adv.(1)  Against one's thinking or wish, in an unexpected and curious way, stubbornly: 他偏巧(不巧)來了 he turned up against expectations.(2)  Conveying sense of stubborn opposition or emphasizing the opposite: 他偏不答應 he stubbornly refused;你要去,他偏不去 you want to go, but he insists on not going (on purpose);你說他不會,他偏會 you think he cannot do it but (to one's surprise) he can.Words1. 偏愛 [pian1ai4], n., special favorite, have fondness for (person, subject).2. 偏安 [pian1an1], v.i., rule a region (in times of national division).3. 偏差 [pian1cha1], n., deviation.4. 偏棲 [pian1qi1], v.i., live life of widow, “roost alone.”5. 偏情 [pian1qing2], n., (Catholic) the passions.6. 偏殿 [pian1dian4], n., side temple.7. 偏方 [pian1fang1], n., remote region; 偏方兒 [pian1fang1er0], (Chin. med.) special, not regular, prescription.8. 偏房 [pian1fang2], n., concubine (in gen. use).9. 偏廢 [pian1fei4], v.t., to neglect (some aspects).10. 偏鋒 [pian1feng1]1, n., term, in calligraphy and painting, signifying moving brush at a slant, cf. 中鋒.11. 偏風 [pian1feng1]2, n., semi-paralysis.12. 偏孤 [pian1gu1]1, adj., bereft of father, with mother living.13. 偏枯 [pian1gu1]2, n. & adj., semi-paralysis; (part) suffering from neglect.14. 偏好 [pian1hao4], n., hobby: 有所偏好 loves it specially.15. 偏諱 [pian1hui4], n., taboo against either of two characters in parent’s or emperor's name.16. 偏護 [pian1hu4], v.t. & n., be partial to and support (one side, person).17. 偏角 [pian1jiao3], n., (astron.) declination of heavenly body from celestial equator.18. 偏見 [pian1jian4], n., prejudice.19. 偏墜 [pian1zhui4], n., one-sided hernia.20. 偏重 [pian1zhong4], n. & v.t., emphasis on one to the detriment of the other (subjects, aspects, etc.).21. 偏執 [pian1zhi2], adj. & n., stubborn (ness); 偏執狂 monomania.22. 偏狂 [pian1kuang2], n., special craze; monomania.23. 偏勞 [pian1lao2], v.i. & t., (court. of a person who) works harder than the group, also phr., thanking person for special effort: 偏勞了你.24. 偏盲 [pian1mang2], adj., blind in one eye.25. 偏旁 [pian1pang2], n., the right and left parts of a character, but more esp. the right (phonetic) part, against the left (radical).26. 偏偏 [pian1pian1], adv., stubbornly, against expectations, see Adv.2↑.27. 偏僻 [pian1pi4], adj., little known, out-of-the-way (place).28. 偏頗 [pian1po1], adj., biased (opinion).29. 偏衫 [pian1shan1], n., monastic jacket.30. 偏生 [pian1sheng1], n., (MC) see Adv.1↑.31. 偏向 [pian1xiang4], n. & v.t., angle, slanting or favored direction: 偏向某人 inclined toward person.32. 偏斜 [pian1xie2], adj., slanted, not fair.33. 偏心 [pian1xin1], adj. & n., favoritism, lack of impartiality.34. 偏蝕 [pian1shi2], n. & v.i., (astron.) partial eclipse.35. 偏私 [pian1si1], n. & adj., selfish, favoring one's own.36. 偏袒 [pian1tan3], v.t., unfairly partial to (person, side).37. 偏疼 [pian1teng2], v.t., (of parents) love specially (a child).38. 偏頭痛 [pian1tou2tong4], n., (med.) migraine.39. 偏才 [pian1cai2], n., special aptitude.40. 偏災 [pian1zai1], n., disaster caused by drought or flood.41. 偏倚 [pian1yi3], adj., partial, not fair.偏偏 [pian1pian1], adv., stubbornly, against expectations, see Adv.2↑.偏1[piān](ㄆㄧㄢ)1.不正;倾斜(跟‘正’相对 as opposed to ‘upright’)not straight; inclined to one side; leaning:偏锋 by-stroke (technique in calligraphy)太阳偏西了。The sun is to the west now. 2.单独注重一方面或对人对事不公正 partial; prejudiced; emphasize one side or unfairly treat sb. or sth.:偏重 lay particular stress on偏爱 have partiality for sb. or sth.兼听则明,偏信则暗。Listening to both sides brings enlightenment. Or Heeding only one side brings benightedness.偏于基础理论的研究 pay special attention to the study of basic theories 3.辅助的;不占主要地位的 assistant; not occupying a leading position:偏将 assistant general偏师 auxiliary force 4.与某个标准相比有差距 different from a certain standard:体温偏高 temperature on the high side工资偏低 relatively low salary 5.〈客套话 pol.〉表示先用或已用过茶饭等(多接用‘了’字 oft. followed by 了·le)[used to indicate one has already had tea or a meal, etc.]:我偏过了,您请吃吧。I have eaten already. You go ahead, please.偏2[piān](ㄆㄧㄢ)偏偏 wilfully; insistently; persistently; only; just:不让我去我偏去。I'm not allowed to go, but I'll go anyway.庄稼正需要雨水的时候,可天偏不下雨。The crops are in dire need of a rainfall, but unfortunately there is no sign of it.相关词组纠偏 | 一偏 | 吃偏饭 | 补偏救弊 | 不偏不倚 | 拉偏手儿偏爱 | 偏安 | 偏差 | 偏饭 | 偏方 | 偏房 | 偏废 | 偏锋 | 偏好 | 偏护 | 偏激 | 偏见 | 偏枯 | 偏劳 | 偏离 | 偏盲 | 偏旁 | 偏僻 | 偏偏 | 偏颇 | 偏巧 | 偏衫 | 偏生 | 偏师 | 偏食 | 偏私 | 偏瘫 | 偏袒 | 偏疼 | 偏题 | 偏析 | 偏向 | 偏心 | 偏远 | 偏振 | 偏执 | 偏重 | 偏转 | 偏手儿 | 偏心轮 | 偏心眼儿偏a.excentral【植】偏的,偏心的partial【数】偏的skew偏的,斜的,歪斜的glancing斜的,偏的pref.meta-【化】表示“介”,“偏”,“间(位)”: metaldehyde, metaprotein, metaphosphatevt.tilt使具倾向,使偏偏1. slanting or leaning or deviating from2. biased; prejudiced双向☞偏压--偏双向☞部分--偏偏[piān]形1. inclined to one side; slanting; leaning♦ 正东~北 east by north♦ 中间~右 (take a position) right of centre♦ 这一枪打~了。 That shot missed.♦ 这个指标~低。 The target is on the low side.2. partial; prejudiced♦ 偏爱 副wilfully; insistently; persistently♦ 他为什么~要那样做? Why must he do it that way?♦ 他~不听。 He simply wouldn't listen.♦ 不该她去, 她~要去。 She was not supposed to go but she insisted on going.




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