

单词 假死
释义 假死1. pretend to be dead假死 jiǎsǐ1) n. med. suspended animation2) v. play dead假死jiǎsǐsuspended animationfeigned deathto play dead假死【医】to suspend animation【生物】to be apparently dead假死状态 thanatosis装死to play dead假死 jiǎ sǐ  {医} suspended animation  {动} play dead; feign death; play possum; mimic death 假死状态 torpor; thanatosis假死 [jia2si3], (1) n., (med.) asphyxia; (2) v.i., pretend to be dead.假死[jiǎ sǐ]1.因触电、癫痫、溺水、中毒或呼吸道堵塞等,引起呼吸停止,心脏跳动微弱,面色苍白,四肢冰冷,叫做假死。婴儿初生,由于肺未张开,不会啼哭,也不出气,也叫假死。如果及时抢救,大都可以救活。suspended animation; phenomenon of temporary cessation of breathing, faint heartbeat, pale face and cold limbs resulting from electrical shock, epilepsy, drowning, poisoning and blocking up of the respiratory tract. Some babies are born without crying or breathing because their lungs fail to start working. Such cases are also called suspended animation, but most of them can live if emergency treatment is given in time. 2.某些动物遇到敌人时,为了保护自己,装成死的样子 play dead; feign death; play possum; some animals feign death in order to protect themselves when encountering an enemy假死a.thanatoid像死的,死一般的;假死的phr.die back(植物)枝叶枯萎(而根部仍活),(过冬时)假死,顶(梢枯)死,回枯suspended animation【医】(因窒息等造成的)生命暂停,假死假死1. [Medicine] suspended animation2. [Zoology] to play dead; to feign death; to play possum; to sham death假死death mimicry假死asphyxy双向☞假死--装死{昆虫}双向☞闷死--窒死--假死双向☞假死--假死状态双向☞休眠--假死双向☞装死--假死假死1.医suspended animation2. play dead; feign death; play possum




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