

单词 倾慕
释义 文馨英漢☞傾慕倾慕 qīngmù1) v. greatly admire; adore我对您倾慕已久。 I have long admired you.2) n. admiration倾慕qīngmùto adoreto admire greatly倾慕to greatly admire彼此倾慕 have great admiration for each other倾慕的心情 great admiration倾慕 qīng mù have a strong admiration for; adore:  他值得你倾慕。 He is worthy of all your adoration. 倾慕[qīng mù] 倾心爱慕 adore; greatly admire; hold in high esteem:彼此倾慕 adore each other; have a strong admiration for each other倾慕的心情 great admiration; adoration倾慕n.adoration崇拜,敬爱;(热烈的)倾慕倾慕1. to have a strong admiration for; to adore2. adoration倾慕have a strong admiration for; adore♦ 彼此~ have a strong admiration for each other




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