

单词 债权
释义 文馨英漢☞債權债权 zhàiquánlaw creditor's rights债权zhàiquáncreditor's rights (law)债权【法】creditor's rights(plural)债权转让 creditor's rights transfer债权 zhài quán {律} creditor's rights; obligatory right; right in personam; claim in personam; financial claim 债权法 law of obligation; 债权股本 debenture capital; 债权股利 bond dividends; 债权国 creditor nation; creditor country; 债权受益人 creditor beneficiary; 债权诉讼 action in personam; 债权投资人 creditor investor; 债权己到履行日 enforceability of the claim; 债权银行 creditor bank; 债权证书 document of obligation; 债权转移 subrogation债权[zhài quán] 依法要求债务人偿还钱财和履行一定行为的权利 creditor's rights; legal rights to demand payment of a debt and fulfilment of certain obligations on the part of a debtor债权1. creditor's right双向☞债权--请求--主张双向☞存款--债权--信用双向☞求偿--债权--索赔双向☞理赔--债权--索赔债权[法]creditor's rights~国 creditor nation~人 creditor




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