

单词 倒挂
释义 倒挂 dàoguàI v.1) hang upside down2) be inverted3) purchase dearly and sell cheaply4) contribute more but receive lessII n.1) reversal of the natural order of things2) parakeet-like love-bird of Taiwan倒挂dàoguàlit. to hang upside downfig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods)to borrow more than one can ever repay倒挂颠倒挂着to hang upside down崖壁上古松倒挂。 The old pine tree is hanging down from the cliff.颠倒to be reversed购销价格倒挂。 Purchasing rates are higher than sales rates.倒挂 dào guà (上下颠倒地挂着) hang upside down (指商品收购价高于销售价) drop away from:  购销价格倒挂。 The selling prices drop away from the state purchasing prices. 倒挂金钟 {植} Fuchsia hybrida (观赏植物, 亦称“吊钟海棠”); 倒挂龙骨 projecting keel; 倒挂鹦鹉 hanging parakeet林语堂当代汉英繁简☞倒掛倒挂[dào guà]1.上下颠倒地挂着 hang upside down:崖壁上古松倒挂。Old pine trees hang downwards from the precipice. 2.〈比喻 fig.〉应该高的反而低,应该低的反而高 be contrary to the natural order of things; be in an inverted order:购销价格倒挂(指商品收购价格高于销售价格)inverted purchasing and selling prices (with purchasing price higher than selling price)




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