释义 |
俯察 fǔchácourt. deign to examine俯察向低处看to look down仰观俯察 look up and down称对方或上级对自己理解<敬>to deign to examine所陈一切,尚祈俯察。 I pray you will deign to consider all I have said.俯察 fǔ chá deign to examine or investigate俯察,俯順輿情 (ofsuperior) consider carefully, yield to public sentiment.俯察[fǔ chá]〈书 fml.〉1.向低处看 look down:仰观俯察 look up and down 2.〈敬辞 pol.〉称对方或上级对自己理解 (of sb. or one's superior) deign to examine; kindly understand:所陈一切,尚祈俯察。I hope you will be so kind as to look into what I have described. |