单词 | 修 |
释义 | 文馨文馨★◀▶修1. construct2. slender3. to build4. to repair文馨☞脩修 xiūI v.1) embellish; decorate2) repair; mend; overhaul3) write; compile4) study; cultivate5) build; construct6) trim; pruneII s.v. wr.wr. long; tall and slenderIII ab.xiūzhèngzhǔyì修Xiūsurname Xiuxiūto decorateto embellishto repairto buildto writeto cultivateto studyto take (a class)xiūdried meatprivate teacher's remunerationwitheredvariant of 修[xiū]修 n. 修正主义revisionism v. 参见:修理修机器 fix a machine参见:修饰装修住房 decorate a house编写to compile学习和锻炼to study or practice进修班 take a refresher course参见:修行[xiūxíng]参见:修建[xiūjiàn]修水库 construct a reservoir修工事 build a fortification铁路尚未修通 the railway has not yet been built新修了一条运河 reconstruct a canal剪或削to trim or prune修指甲 manicure adj. 长;高long; tall and slender修竹 thin and long bamboo修 xiū 动 (修饰) embellish; decorate: 装修铺面 paint and decorate the front of a shop (修理; 整治) repair; mend; overhaul: 修桥补路 repair bridges and mend roads; 修收音机 repair a radio; 修鞋 mend shoes; 一定要把淮河修好。 The Huai River must be harnessed. (写; 编写) write; compile: 修史 write history; 修县志 compile the historical and other records of a county (学问、品行方面的学习和锻炼) study; cultivate: 进修 engage in advanced studies; 自修 study by oneself (兴建; 建筑) build; construct: 修电站 build a power station; 修渠 dig irrigation ditches; 修水库 construct a reservoir; 修铁路 build a railway (剪或削; 使整齐) trim; prune: 修树枝 prune away (off, down) branches; 修指甲 trim (manicure) one's fingernails 形 (书) (长) long; tall and slender: 茂林修竹 dense forests and tall bamboos; 修龄 long life; old age; 修眉 long eyebrows 名 (修正主义) revisionism (姓氏) a surname: 修炳 Xiu Bing 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶修修 1280C05 91A.91-5 部居 畫數 10ㄒㄧㄡ [xiu1] V.i. & t.(1) To repair, keep in good condition, construct, build: 修改,修補,修訂 [xiu1gai3], [xiu1bu3], [xiu1ding4]↓;修理 [xiu1li0]↓;修路,修橋 build road, bridge;修房子 build a house;修鉛筆 sharpen pencil;修廟 build or rebuild temple;重修 rebuild, also revise (book).(2) To trim nails, hair, etc.: 修容,修指甲,修面,修腳 [xiu1rong2], [xiu1zhi2jia3], [xiu1mian4], [xiu1jiao3]↓.(3) To cultivate (peace, good relationships, character etc.): 修和,修好,修身,修福,修行, etc. [xiu1he2], [xiu1hao3], [xiu1shen1], [xiu1fu2]2, [xiu1xing4]↓;修陰功 do secret good deeds;不修邊幅 morally loose;老不修 dissipated old man;前 修 80.00.(4) To study: 自修 study by oneself, free period in school for study;進修 carry on further studies;修業 study in school or for some profession.(5) To edit (history): 修府志 edit prefectural history;修法令 edit code of laws;編修 an editor.Adj.(LL) long: 命之修短 the length (“long-short”) of life;修短不齊 uneven in length;修竹 tall bamboo;修眉 long eyebrows;修齡 (LL) long life, old age.Words1. 修補 [xiu1bu3], v.t. & n., to repair (house, roof, etc.).2. 修葺 [xiu1qi4], v.t. & n., repair, renovate (house).3. 修齊 [xiu1qi2], phr., (1) cut even (hedge, etc.); (2) abbr. from 修身齊家 to cultive oneself and put family in order.4. 修道 [xiu1dao4], v.i., (1) to enter monastery; to go through religious regimen; (2) to cultivate the Way;5. 修道院 [xiu1dao4yUan4], n., monastery.6. 修訂 [xiu1ding4], v.t., to edit and revise; make or revise (treaties).7. 修短 [xiu1duan3], phr., “long-short”-the length.8. 修髮 [xiu1fa3], v.i., to trim the hair.9. 修復 [xiu1fu2]1, v.t., to renovate: 修復舊觀 restore (building, etc.) to original shape and appearance.10. 修福 [xiu1fu2]2, v.i., to “cultivate luck” by doing good deeds, philanthropy, etc.11. 修改 [xiu1gai3], v.t., revise (script), renovate (house), revise (policy), see [xiu1zheng4]↓.12. 修蓋 [xiu1gai4], v.t., build or rebuild (house, temple).13. 修好 [xiu1hao3], v.t., establish friendly relations, make allies.14. 修函 [xiu1han2], v.i., compose a letter, see also [xiu1shu1]↓.15. 修和 [xiu1he2], v.i., establish peace or friendly relations with neighbor countries.16. 修正 [xiu1zheng4], v.t., to revise (text, policy): 修正主義 revisionism.17. 修積 [xiu1ji0], v.i., see [xiu1fu2]2↑.18. 修剪 [xiu1jian3], v.t., trim, cut, clip.19. 修腳 [xiu1jiao3], v.i., pedicure.20. 修己 [xiu1ji3], v.i., to cultivate and constantly improve oneself.21. 修築 [xiu1zhu2], v.t., to construct (road, bridge).22. 修治 [xiu1zhi4], v.i., to repair, adjust and regulate.23. 修指甲 [xiu1zhi2jia3], v.i., manicure.24. 修濬 [xiu1jUn4], v.t., dredge (river) and build dykes.25. 修鍊 [xiu1lian4], v.i., go into religious self-discipline, esp. Buddist or Taoist control of mind and body.26. 修理 [xiu1li0], v.t., repair (house, watch, etc.).27. 修羅場 [xiu1luo2chang2], n., (Budd.) battlefield between giant demons, Asuras, and Indra-scene of bloody slaughter.28. 修面 [xiu1mian4], v.i., to shave (the face).29. 修名 [xiu1ming2]1, v.i., cultivate a good name for posterity.30. 修明 [xiu1ming2]2, adj., clean, enlighten, well-ordered (government).31. 修睦 [xiu1mu4]1, v.i., cultivate friendship with neighbors.32. 修墓 [xiu1mu4]2, v.i., renovate or keep (ancestral grave) in good condition.33. 修女 [xiu1nU3], n., a nun; cf. [xiu1shi4]1↓.34. 修然 [xiu1ran2], adj., (AC) trim, in good shape.35. 修容 [xiu1rong2], v.i., make up hair and face: 修容室 beauty parlor.36. 修繕 [xiu1shan4], v.t., see [xiu1li0]↑.37. 修身 [xiu1shen1], v.i. & n., cultivate oneself or improvement of the individual-Confucian basis of all social order.38. 修仙 [xiu1xian1], v.i., train by self-discipline to become an immortal.39. 修褉 [xiu1xi4], v.i., to hold the purification ceremony-see 褉 63C.81.40. 修省 [xiu1xing3], v.i., to look after one's conduct by self-examination (from 修身自省).41. 修心 [xiu1xin1], v.i., to attend to spiritual things.42. 修行 [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (1) to practise moral teachings; [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (2) ([xiu1xing4]) (Budd.) to practise Buddhist conduct.43. 修修 [xiu1xiu1], v.i., (AC) well-trimmed.44. 修書 [xiu1shu1], v.i., to compose a letter.45. 修士 [xiu1shi4]1, n., a monk, see [xiu1nU3]↑.46. 修飾 [xiu1shi4]2, v.t., to beautify, redecorate (room, house), refurbish.47. 修學 [xiu1xUe2], v.i., to study, esp. in school.48. 修辭 [xiu1ci2], n., rhetoric, the use of proper words; 修辭學 rhetoric.49. 修造 [xiu1zao4], v.t., to build (house, road, bridge).50. 修阻 [xiu1zu3], adj., (roads, way) long and arduous.51. 修文 [xiu1wen2], v.i., to develop the cultural things (arts, literature, rites and ceremonies).52. 修養 [xiu1yang3], n., man's moral culture as the result of training: 他很有修養 he is very cultivated; 文學修養 wide reading in literature.53. 修業 [xiu1ye4], v.i., to go to school.修修 [xiu1xiu1], v.i., (AC) well-trimmed.林语堂☞脩修1[xiū](ㄒㄧㄡ)1.修饰 embellish; decorate:装修 paint and decorate; fit up a house or apartment; fit up the interior of a house; fix up; interior decoration修辞 rhetoric 2.修理;整治 repair; mend; overhaul:修车 repair a vehicle修桥补路 build bridges and repair roads一定要把淮河修好。We must harness the Huai River. 3.写;编写 write; compile:修函 write a letter修史 compile history修县志 compile the history and other records of a county 4.(学问、品行方面)学习和锻炼 (of learning, character, conduct, etc.) study; cultivate:修养 cultivate修业 study at school进修 receive further (usu. on-the-job) education 5.修行(迷信 superstition)practise Buddhism or Taoism:修炼 (of Taoists) practise austerities; practise asceticism修仙 train and cultivate oneself to attain immortality 6.兴建;建筑 build; construct:修建 build修水库 build a reservoir新修了一条铁路。A new railway has been built. 7.剪或削,使整齐 trim; prune:修树枝 prune a tree修指甲 trim (or manicure) fingernails 8.指修正主义 revisionism:反修防修 fight and prevent revisionism 9.(Xiū) 姓 a surname修2[xiū](ㄒㄧㄡ)〈书 fml.〉长;高 long; tall and slender:修长 tall and slender修竹 tall bamboo相关词组保修 | 报修 | 必修 | 大修 | 翻修 | 返修 | 辅修 | 副修 | 回修 | 机修 | 检修 | 进修 | 免修 | 抢修 | 失修 | 岁修 | 维修 | 小修 | 兴修 | 选修 | 整修 | 重修 | 专修 | 装修 | 自修 | 不修边幅 | 重修旧好 | 偃武修文 | 明修栈道,暗度陈仓修补 | 修辞 | 修订 | 修短 | 修复 | 修改 | 修盖 | 修函 | 修行 | 修好 | 修剪 | 修建 | 修脚 | 修浚 | 修理 | 修炼 | 修面 | 修明 | 修女 | 修配 | 修葺 | 修缮 | 修身 | 修史 | 修士 | 修饰 | 修书 | 修仙 | 修养 | 修业 | 修造 | 修长 | 修整 | 修正 | 修筑 | 修辞格 | 修辞学 | 修道院 | 修旧利废 | 修正主义修vt.recooper修(桶、盆等)beet修;改良manicure修(指甲)pedicure医(脚),修(脚)cooper箍(桶、盆等);修(桶、盆等)修1. to do, act, restore, regulate, cultivate, etc.2. dried meat3. salary for a teacher in ancient times\\\\1·to mend; to repair2. to build3. to embellish4. to study5. to study to earn (college credits)6. to trim; to prune国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞修--赖英修[xiū]动1. embellish; decorate♦ 装修 2. repair; mend; overhaul♦ ~收音机 repair a radio♦ ~鞋 mend shoes3. write; compile♦ ~史 write history♦ ~县志 compile the historical and other records of a county4. study; cultivate♦ 自修 5. build; construct♦ ~铁路 build a railway♦ ~水库 construct a reservoir♦ ~渠 dig irrigation ditches6. trim; prune♦ ~指甲 trim (or manicure) fingernails♦ ~铅笔 sharpen a pencil形书 long; tall and slender♦ 茂林~竹 dense forests and tall bamboos |
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