

单词 信赖
释义 文馨英漢☞信賴信赖 xìnlàitrust; count on; have faith in信赖xìnlàito trustto have confidence into have faith into rely on信赖to trust最可信赖的朋友 most trustworthy friend可以信赖的人 trustworthy person信赖 xìn lài trust; count on; have faith in; depend (on):  信赖自己 self-reliance; reliant;  十分信赖你们的支持 trust amply in your support;  他过于信赖自己的记忆力。 He trusts to his memory too much.  他不是一个可信赖的人。 He's not the sort of man to be trusted. 信赖[xìn lài] 信任并依靠 trust; count on; have faith in:他是个值得信赖的朋友。He is a trustworthy friend.信赖a.reliant信赖的;依赖的;依靠的 (on)n.HOPE〈古〉信任,信赖trust信任,信赖Faith信任,信赖;信心;信念reliance信赖,信任;信心;依靠 (on, upon, in)dependence信任,信赖affiance〈古〉信赖;信用vi.HOPE〈古〉信任,信赖(in)rest依靠,仰赖(on, upon); 信赖(in)trust信任,信赖,相信(in)depend信赖;相信,确信(on,upon)rely信赖,相信;指望 (on,upon)found信赖,把观点基于其上 (on,upon)repose依赖,基于(on);〈古〉信赖(in)confide信任,信赖 (in)lippen信赖;依靠 (to)vt.trust信任,信赖,相信phr.presume on指望,把希望寄托于;信赖;依赖,依靠figure on信赖;指望信赖1. to count on; to trust; to have faith in; to depend on (or upon); to believe in; to place (or put) dependence on信赖confidence信赖trust双向☞可靠程度--相信--信任双向☞依靠--信任--信赖双向☞信赖--置信信赖trust; count on; have faith in♦ 她是群众~的好干部。 She's a good cadre trusted by the masses.




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